
zhuān xìnɡ jì shēnɡ
  • obligatory parasitism
  1. 两类专性寄生真菌侵染植物的组织学染色技术初步研究

    Histological Stain Technology Study of Two Plant Obligate Parasitic Fungi with Their Hosts

  2. 人体蠕形螨是一类小型永久性专性寄生螨,可引起人体蠕形螨病。

    Human Demodex is a small permanent parasite which can cause human demodicidosis .

  3. 其中,有些种类是杂草的专性寄生菌,有些种类也寄生农作物。

    Some species only parasitize the weeds , but others are harmful to the crops .

  4. 专性寄生必需以宿主为营养来源,兼性寄生也能营自由活动。

    The host of parasitic essential to the nutrition source of the parasite and can camp free .

  5. 绵羊无浆体病是绵羊和山羊红细胞内专性寄生的由节肢动物传播的立克氏体疾病。

    Anaplasma ovis is an arthropod-borne rickettsial obligate parasite of sheep and goat . The disease caused by A.

  6. 因为叶甲和寄主关系密切,许多为专性寄生,为杂草生物防治提供了广阔的前景。随着实验技术的不断革新,人们对它的研究也日益广泛和深入,目前己迈入了分子水平。

    With the development of the technique of experiment , the research on the insects of Chrysomelidae has proceeded extensively and deeply , and now it goes to the molecular level .

  7. 根据专性寄生菌种的划分,在以形态特征为基础的同时,结合考虑寄生专化性或寄主范围的观点,我们提出菊科植物上Bremia的种的寄主限制在菊科族的范围内。

    Based on the authors ' view-point : the morphological characteristics of obligate parasitic fungi are provided the chief criteria for species delimitation , and the specificity or host range being considered in conjunction with morphology .

  8. 白粉菌是广泛分布于世界各地的一类重要的植物专性寄生性真菌,可侵染多种被子植物对农作物、各种蔬菜、果树、花卉和牧草危害较大。

    Powdery mildew ( Erysiphales ) is widely distributed around the world . It is an important class of plant pathogenic fungi that can damage many plants including a variety of angiosperms on crops , vegetables , fruit trees , flowers and grass .

  9. 大豆孢囊线虫(Heteroderaglycines,SoybeanCystnematode,SCN)是一种土壤传播的植物专性内寄生线虫,其二龄幼虫从根尖侵入大豆根部,造成根组织的代谢失调和组织损伤,从而引起病害。

    Soybean cyst nematode ( SCN ), Heterodera glycines , is an obligate endoparasitic nematode in plant roots . The second stage juveniles invade the roots of soybean , induce the metabolism imbalance and injure the root tissues , which lead to plant diseases and yield losses .

  10. 贝氏柯克斯体是一种专性细胞内寄生菌,为重要人畜共患病Q热的病原体,也是一种重要的生物战剂和生物恐怖剂。

    Coxiella burnetii is an obligate intracellular bacterium that multiplies within the phagolysosomes of eukaryotic cells and causes a worldwide zoonotic disease , Q fever . It is an air-borne infectious agent and recognized as an important agent of biological threats .

  11. 微孢子虫(microsporidia)是一大群营专性细胞内寄生的真核生物的总称,能感染从无脊椎动物到脊椎动物的几乎所有动物,包括人类。

    Microsporidia are a large group of obligate intracellular eukaryotic parasites , which infect almost all animals ranging from invertebrates to vertebrates , including human .

  12. 肺炎衣原体(ChlamydiaPneumonia.C.pn)是衣原体属的第三个新种,专性细胞内寄生菌,常见的呼吸道病原菌,可引起包括肺炎,咽炎,鼻窦炎在内的呼吸系统疾病。

    Chlamydia pneumonia ( C. p ) , as the third species of Chlamydia genus , is an obligate intracellular pathogen . Chlamydia pneumonia is a common human pathogen which can cause respiratory tract infection such as pneumonia , pharyngitis and sinusitis .

  13. 第一部分弓形虫棒状体蛋白16的致病机制研究刚地弓形虫是一种专性细胞内寄生原虫,可感染几乎所有的恒温动物。

    Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasitic protozoa , almost all of the warm-blooded animals can be infected .

  14. 刚地弓形虫是一种专性细胞内寄生原虫,可感染种类繁多的哺乳动物和人类。

    Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasitic protozoa that can infect a wide variety of mammals and humans .

  15. 刚地弓形虫是一种广泛存在于人和动物的机会性和专性细胞内寄生原虫,该虫呈世界性分布,能引起多途径感染及多组织损伤,导致临床的多症状表现。

    Toxoplasma gondii is cytozoic protozoa parasited occasionally and specially . The polypide is worldwide gondii contaminating people and many kinds of animals by many ways and can cause trauma and many clinical symptoms .