
zhuān zhì zhǔ yì
  • absolutism;despotism;autocracy
  1. 因此,这种文化专制主义,也还是收起为妙。

    Therefore this cultural despotism , too , had better be " folded up " .

  2. 然而由于专制主义的制约,古人的政治理念并未实现。

    However , because of the restriction of the despotism , the ancient political ideas were not realized .

  3. 父亲是个严厉的专制主义者。

    Father was a strict authoritarian .

  4. 中国专制主义具有十分深厚的合法性基础;

    Fourthly , the Chinese absolutism had some profound lawful basis .

  5. 论专制主义(中)&专制起源

    On Absolutism ( The Middle Part ) & The Origin of Autocracy

  6. 世界各国都曾有过封建专制主义。

    Feudal autocracy used to exist in all countries of the world .

  7. 这种观念是和封建专制主义相联系的。

    But , this concept is connected with feudalism .

  8. 象征英国专制主义的龙!

    A dragon that represented years of British tyranny !

  9. 宦官擅权是中国封建专制主义社会的一种特殊的社会现象。

    Being in power of eunuch is special social phenomenon of feudalism in China .

  10. 专制主义中央集权,在宋代大为加强。

    Absolutism centralization of authority was greatly strengthened .

  11. 中国古代专制主义与国家的产生

    The Absolutism in the Ancient Chinese Society and the Formation of the Early State

  12. 其一,以专制主义中央集权的延展性和排他性原则为视角。

    First , The perspective that is the extensibility and exclusiveness principle of autocracy centralization .

  13. 不能代表先进文化的前进方向,实行文化专制主义;

    It also failed to represent the direction of advanced culture and practiced cultural autocracy .

  14. 它把针对专制主义的数据计划与商业敏锐性结合起来,打开新的市场。

    It combines data initiatives against autocracies with business acumen to open up new markets .

  15. 在专制主义的封建社会中,最容易衍生谄谀的小人。

    In the feudal society of absolutism , derive the Lilliputian of flatter the most easily .

  16. 中国专制主义比较特征论析

    Analyzing Comparative Features of Chinese Absolutism

  17. 与印度传统文化相比较,中国传统文化具有浓烈鲜明的专制主义大一统文化特征;

    Comparing with Indian traditional culture , Chinese traditional culture is unitary in autocratic culture feature .

  18. 此前我的评选方法一直奉行专制主义:所有决定都由我一人作出。

    Until now my methodology has been autocratic : all decisions have been taken by me .

  19. 一方面,你会发现霍布斯,是专制主义的坚定捍卫者。

    On the one hand , you will find Hobbes the most articulate defender of political absolutism .

  20. 政治上,强化了封建专制主义制度,有利于巩固国家的统一。

    Politically , it strengthens the feudal autocracy system , conducive to the consolidation of national unity .

  21. 他父亲是一位专制主义者,是难以接近的人,连他两个儿子都害怕。

    His father was an authoritarian , a rather unapproachable man of whom both soons were afraid .

  22. 现存中古英语法布罗只有少数几首,宗教文化专制主义是导致法布罗鲜有流传的原因。

    There exist only a few Middle English fabliaus in English literature because of Christian cultural despotism .

  23. 从专制主义到理想主义&霍布斯、卢梭、黑格尔三种国家观之比较

    From Totalitarianism to Idealism : A Comparison of Three Concepts of Country by Hobbes , Rousseau and Hegel

  24. 他们的出发点是资产阶级专制主义,在文化上就是资产阶级的文化专制主义。

    Their starting point is bourgeois despotism , which in culture becomes the cultural despotism of the bourgeoisie .

  25. 不是资产阶级的专制主义,就是毫无常识了。

    If it does not mean bourgeois despotism , then there is no sense to it at all .

  26. 并且从很大程度上说,这是已经被推翻了的专制主义的一种复归。

    It was , besides , in large part , a return to the despotism that had been overthrown .

  27. 情感文明化的发生存在着两个关键性的动力:专制主义国家的形成和社会职能的分工。

    Sentimental civilization derives from two key dynamics which can be called appearance of despotic nations and division of social functions .

  28. 这对于完善宋代法制,强化专制主义统治,无疑有着积极意义。

    It was undoubtedly having a positive meaning for improving the legal system and strengthening the autocratic monarchy of Song Dynasty .

  29. 他曾热衷于古巴革命和尼加拉瓜政党桑蒂诺政权,但之后又抨击了他们的专制主义。

    He was initially enthusiastic about both the Cuban revolution and the Sandinistas in Nicaragua , but later criticised their authoritarianism .

  30. 这使人不禁感到她不仅是一个君主制度的拥护者,而且还是一个旧式的沙皇专制主义的信徒。

    One would have thought her not only a monarchist , but a believer in absolutism of the old Czarist type .