
sī fǎ quán
  • jurisdiction;judicial powers
  1. 行政权与司法权关系定位之我见&以行政诉讼为视角

    The Relationship between Administrative Powers and Judicial Powers ─ Analysis from administrative litigation

  2. 行政权与司法权的冲突及其解决&以金融机构市场退出为视点

    On the Conflict Between Administrative Powers and Judicial Powers

  3. 他有国家司法权作后盾。

    He had the state 's judicial power behind him .

  4. 女裤装卷土重来中西司法权的比较

    Compare between Chinese Judicial Power and Western Countries ' Judicial Power

  5. 最后,这个有争议的岛将会如何影响海事司法权?

    Finally , how will the disputed islands affect maritime jurisdiction ?

  6. 目前,总统已经拥有了行政权和司法权。

    Already , the President has both executive and legislative powers .

  7. 司法权研究的历史与现状分析

    The historical and present analysis on the study of judicial power

  8. 导言部分介绍了选题的背景,以及中国学者关于司法权问题的研究现状。

    Introduction argues the background and research results on the issue .

  9. 法官在造法的时候,必须考虑司法权的限制。

    Judge-made law , it must consider the restrictions on judicial power .

  10. 为司法权的运作提供合理的空间;

    It provides a reasonable space for the operation of judicial power ;

  11. 司法权与司法行政权若干问题思考

    Reflection on Several Issues Relating to Judicial Power and Judicial Administrative Power

  12. 警察权是行政权又是司法权。

    Police 's power is an administrative and judicative right .

  13. 司法权的泛化与刑事上诉制度改革的困境

    On Generalization Of Judicial Power And Difficulties About Criminal Appeal System Reform

  14. 行政权的辩析和界定&兼与司法权作比较

    Discrimination and Demarcation on Administration Power & in Contrast to Justice Authority

  15. 美国军事司法权归属性的再界定

    Another Definition About the Attribution of the Military Judicial Power Of USA

  16. 提出行政权力应当接受司法权的审查与监督。

    Administrative authority should accept the review and supervision of judicial authority .

  17. 刑事被害人知情权有监督司法权、促进司法公正的价值。

    It is helpful to improve impartial judicial supervision .

  18. 同时,具体分析了影响司法权运行的内部和外部因素。

    Meantime , it analyzes the inside and outside constraints on the Judiciary .

  19. 这个法院对于发生在另一个州的犯罪行为没有司法权。

    This court does not have jurisdiction over crimes committed in another state .

  20. 法庭或法官的司法权权威和权限仅次于郡治安官的执法官。

    The jurisdiction of a law court or judge .

  21. 它是一种程序简化的司法权运作过程。

    It is an application of the judicial power that simplifies its procedure .

  22. 民事执行权是司法权的下位权,以强制性为根本属性。

    Enforcement power , a judicial power , has compulsory as its rudimentary property .

  23. 第二部分为司法权的概念分析。

    The second division of the paper is the conceptual analysis of judicial power .

  24. 合宪性审查与司法权的强化

    Constitutional Review and the Strengthening of Judicial Power

  25. 本章以司法权和行政权之间的权力分工之实践为大背景,从行政判决操作性技术的角度揭示行政判决的最小单元,即行政判决对象问题。

    Chapter three deals with separation of power , object of trial and administrative judgments .

  26. 刑事裁判权作为一项国家司法权,是法院裁判案件的根据和依托。

    As a national judicial power , criminal jurisdiction is the basis of court cases .

  27. 司法权异化探析

    On the Alienation of Judicial Power

  28. 司法权的基本特征

    The Fundamental Features of the Jurisdiction

  29. 而司法权自身的诸种特性保证了司法发挥政治功能的可行性。

    Moreover , judicature 's characters guarantee the likelihood of Judicature 's exertion of political function .

  30. 银行破产中的权力结构分析&行政权与司法权在银行破产中的均衡

    The Power Structure Analysis of the Bank Insolvency & the Equilibrium between Administration Power and Jurisdiction