
ménɡ mèi zhǔ yì
  • obscurantism
  1. 从辩证唯物主义观点尤其是现代物理学思想的观点来看,《般若无知论》中既包含合理的辩证逻辑思想,又有相对主义与蒙昧主义的倾向

    From the perspective of dialectical materialism , especially modern physics , reasonable dialectical logic idea and relativism and obscurantism are all embodied in Intelligence Ignorance Theory

  2. 而医学孰优孰劣的争论无济于事,蒙昧主义和科学至上主义同样充满了危机和偏见。

    But the argument of medical science which is better which is worse is helpless , obscurantism and science Suprematism who gives preferential treatment same have been full of crisis and prejudice .

  3. 理性主义是启蒙运动反对宗教蒙昧主义与封建专制制度的旗帜。

    As the banner of the Enlightenment , rationalism fights against feudalism and religious obscurantism of the Middle Ages .

  4. 在当前的意识形态领域里,学术界对“新蒙昧主义思潮”的泛起和蔓延给予了很大的关注。

    In modern ideology , the academe pays much attention to the rise and spread of " Neo-Obscurantism " .

  5. 在农业文明时期,它带着宗教精神的面具和蒙昧主义的枷锁;

    In the agriculture civilization , it took the mask of the religious spirit and the fetter of the ignorant doctrines ;

  6. 谭氏的唯科学主义思想集中反映了他的科学理性精神,具有反封建专制主义和蒙昧主义的思想启蒙意义,但其中又夹杂着主观的宗教神秘主义因素。

    Tan 's Pan-Sciencism showed his spirit of scientific reason with the enlightenment sense of Anti-feudalism and Anti-obscurantism , but it mingled with the religious mysticism .

  7. “新蒙昧主义思潮”中的“宗教政治蒙昧主义”对宪法政教分离的原则与宪政已经和正在造成重大冲击并产生了消极性影响。

    The " religious and political obscurantism " in " Neo-Obscurantism " has impacted and is impacting negatively the constitution and the constitutional separation of politics and religion .

  8. 它不仅排斥知识分子这支先锋力量,阻碍了中国经济和科学文化事业的发展,而且宣扬贬低知识的蒙昧主义价值观。

    It not only excluded the intellectual as an outstanding pioneer in the development of China 's economy , science and culture , but also preached obscurantism that devalues the importance of intelligence .

  9. 拉伯雷在作品中充分批判了天主教会制度的弊端,反对教会的禁欲主义和蒙昧主义,提倡个性解放、自由,同时塑造了理想修士和修道院的形象,希望纯洁天主教会。

    Sufficiently criticizing the cancer of the system , asceticism and obscurantism of the Catholic Church , Rabelais advocated also individual liberation and liberty in his work . Meanwhile he created ideal monk and abbey , hoping to purify Catholic Church .

  10. 这里的“伪”指向那些将艺术僵化的行为和态度,而以蒙昧的犬儒主义掩饰自我,忽视、掩饰、回避现实的真实和严峻。

    Here " pseudo " means those behaviors and attitude stiffening art and camouflaging oneself with unintelligent cynicism , ignoring , hiding and avoiding the true severe reality .

  11. 薛涌称蒋庆的读经理论是“走向蒙昧的文化保守主义”,秋风则起而为蒋庆辩护。

    But when Xue Yong dismissed Jiang Qing 's theory of reciting cannons as " a conservatism leading to obscurantism ", Qiu Feng immediately came to Jiang 's defence .