
  • 网络mongolian people's republic;the people's republic of mongolia;MPR;the people's republic ofmongolia
  1. 中国同蒙古人民共和国建立了外交关系,达成了协议,划定了边界。关于内蒙与晋冀交界地区早前寒武纪灰片麻岩和孔兹岩的讨论

    It established diplomatic relations with the People 's Republic of Mongolia and reached an agreement on the boundaries between the two countries . Discussion on the Early Precambrian Grey Gneiss and Khondalite in Nei Mongol Shanxi Hebei Junction Region , North China

  2. 属于或关于现代蒙古人民共和国的。

    Of or relating to the modern Mongolian People 's Republic .

  3. 亚洲的一个广阔的地区,由今天中国的内蒙古和蒙古人民共和国组成。

    A vast region in Asia including the Mongolian People 's Republic and China 's Inner Mongolia .

  4. 分析指出:10月在蒙古人民共和国的海平面高压中心不真实,这可能是由于地面气压向海平面订正所造成的。

    It point out that the high pressure center at sea level over Republic of Mongolia in October is not true and may be resulted from the reduction of surface pressure to sea level .

  5. 蒙古(人民共和国)是一个内陆国。

    Mongolia is a landlocked country .

  6. 外蒙古(蒙昔人民共和国)保持近况;

    The status quoin Outer-Mongolia ( The Mongolian People 's Republic ) shall be preserved ;

  7. 在彻底征服汉族政权之后,满族人在17世纪晚期占领了外蒙古(即今天的蒙古人民共和国)。

    After China Proper had been subdued , the Manchus conquered Outer Mongolia ( now the Mongolian People 's Republic ) in the late seventeenth century .