
wèi ān fù
  • comfort woman;woman forced into prostitution for the Japanese military during World War II
  1. 当我为撰写这篇文章着手研究时,我曾不禁猜测:一位慰安妇是否会欢迎一个外国记者?

    When I began researching this article , I wondered whether a comfort woman would welcome a foreign reporter .

  2. 那里是她成为日本帝国主义对外侵略战争的慰安妇的证据。

    The places where she was forced to serve as a " comfort woman " bear witness to the Japanese imperialists'escalation of their war of aggression .

  3. 如果中国申遗成功,则记录慰安妇命运的档案将成为教科文组织世界记忆(MemoryoftheWorld)计划的一部分,而日本则竭力反对这种做法。

    If China has its way , documents recording the fate of such women would become part of Unesco 's Memory of the World program & a move which Japan has vehemently protested .

  4. 日本政府首席发言人菅义伟(YoshihideSuga)周二安慰邻邦和盟友说,该国政府从未考虑过重估对慰安妇问题的道歉。

    Japan 's top government spokesman Yoshihide Suga assured Japan 's neighbors and allies by saying on Tuesday that the government has never considered reassessing its 1993 apology over the issue .

  5. 巴西的慰安妇比军人数目还多。

    Brazil has more avonladies than members of its armed services .

  6. 国际法透视下的日军慰安妇问题

    Issue Of Japanese Army " Comfort Women " In International Law Perspective

  7. 记者:那现在日本军队中还有慰安妇吗?

    Reporter : Are there comfort women in the Japanese Army now ?

  8. 日本否认对慰安妇问题的责任。

    Japan denies responsibility over the sex slave issue .

  9. 慰安妇们为了嫁人和保护家族名声,隐瞒了她们的过往。

    Comfort women hid their past to find a husband and protect the family name .

  10. 昔日“慰安妇”向日本政府索赔

    The former " comfort girls "( army prostitutes ) are claiming compensation from the Japanese government

  11. 韩国9名昔日慰安妇上周联名向日本政府提出索赔

    Last week , nine former " comfort women " in ROK claimed compensation from the Japanese government

  12. 日军侵华期间强征中国慰安妇问题

    On the Issue of Japanese Army to Enlist the Consolatory Women by Force during Japanese Invading China Period

  13. 这项草案要求日本为二战期间强迫妇女充当慰安妇作出道歉。

    S.lawmakers that demands Japan apologize for forcing women to work as sex slaves during World War Two .

  14. 他与妻子陈丽菲一同对原慰安妇们展开了漫长而痛苦的采访。

    He recruited his wife Chen Lifei to conduct the long and painful interviews with former comfort women .

  15. 而对慰安妇幸存者生活状况的研究却略显单薄。

    However , the researchers pay a little attention on the " comfort women " survivors ' living condition .

  16. 1993年时任官房长官河野洋平针对慰安妇事件公开道歉。

    In1993 , Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono apologized for Japan 's having coerced women into prostitution during the war .

  17. 他们声称,该决议草案并未认可日本政府先前对于慰安妇作出赔偿的努力。

    They say the draft resolution does not recognise the efforts that have been made to compensate the former comfort women .

  18. 其次,这种清除慰安妇历史的企图是日本人改写历史重写历史企图的一部分。

    Second , the attempt to erase the whole sordid comfort women episode is part of a ferocious attempt to rewrite history .

  19. 2011年,日本法院驳回了原亚洲慰安妇及被掳劳工的最后一批诉讼。

    In 2011 , a Japanese court rejected the last of several lawsuits brought by former Asian comfort women and forced labourers .

  20. 安倍的言论尤其遭到中国和韩国的强烈谴责,因为战时许多慰安妇都来自这两个国家。

    Mr Abe 's comments drew sharp criticism from China and South Korea in particular , where many of the women came from .

  21. 美国议院正在考虑一个非强制性的决议,要求日本政府就慰安妇事件做出正式的承认和道歉。

    The U.S.House is considering a nonbinding resolution that would demand a formal acknowledgment and apology from the Japanese government for the brothels .

  22. 日本首相安倍晋三在近日接受美国《新闻周刊》采访时,再次就二战期间的慰安妇问题进行道歉。

    Japan 's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has reiterated his apology over wartime sex slavery in a recent interview with the US magazine Newsweek .

  23. 但当张双兵开始写关于盂县慰安妇的书时,她的儿子因难堪而禁止她参与。

    But when he began to write a book about the comfort women of Yu County , her mortified son forbade her from participating .

  24. 首先,一而再的说当年的受害妇女是志愿成为慰安妇,称她们为妓女,这是极其丑陋恶心的行为。

    First , it is unspeakably ugly to once again deny these women their humanity by saying they were volunteers prostitutes and not sex slaves .

  25. 在第二起案件中,日本最高法院支持了一家高等法院的判决。这项判决裁定,两名中国妇女为战争期间被迫充当慰安妇提出索赔的权利已经失效。

    In the second case , the Supreme Court upheld a high court decision that the right of two Chinese women to claim compensation for forced wartime prostitution had lapsed .

  26. 在访美期间对美国国会的演讲中,安倍曾表示赞成日本政府过去发表的声明。这些声明中包括了1993年有关慰安妇的声明。

    In a speech to Congress on his US tour , Mr Abe said he upheld past statements by Japanese governments , which include a 1993 declaration on comfort women .

  27. 本月早些时候,日本首相安倍晋三声称日军在二战期间强征妇女充当慰安妇这一说法缺乏证据,这一言论激怒了世界人民。

    Mr Abe provoked an angry reaction earlier this month after questioning whether there was any proof that the Japanese military kidnapped women to work as sex slaves during the war .

  28. 韩国学者提出亚洲有20万名慰安妇,中国学者估计在被占领城市以及广阔的前线,还有20万名中国女性被掳掠。

    Korean scholars put the number of Asian comfort women at 200,000 ; Chinese scholars estimate that another 200,000 Chinese women were kidnapped in occupied cities or along the sprawling front .

  29. 譬如在1965年,韩国与日本恢复正常邦交的时候,韩国竟然都没有提起过慰安妇的事情,还是在1980年日本的左翼分子提出这个话题。

    Seoul did not even raise the comfort-women issue , for example , when it normalized relations with Tokyo in1965 ; it was Japanese leftists who finally broached the topic in the1980s .

  30. 一方面,由于拒绝重新讨论“慰安妇”问题,承诺坚持1993年的道歉,安倍惹恼了他的右翼支持者。

    On the one hand , Mr Abe has annoyed his rightwing base by refusing to reopen the issue of " comfort women " and pledging to stick to the 1993 apology .