
  • 网络Yoshihide Suga
  1. 7月8日,日本首相菅义伟确认东京奥运会将在紧急状态下举行。

    Earlier on Thursday , Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga had confirmed the Games would be held under a state of emergency .

  2. 日本首相菅义伟本月早些时候任命坂本哲志负责孤独和孤立相关的政府政策。坂本哲志原本就是负责日本少子化对策和地方创生的大臣。

    Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga appointed Tetsushi Sakamoto , who is already a minister in charge of dealing government policies to deal with loneliness and isolation , earlier this month .

  3. 菅义伟在2020年9月当选首相时,任命坂本哲志担任经济振兴大臣。

    Prime Minister Suga chose Sakamoto as his Minister for economic revitalization when he was elected in September 2020 .

  4. 日本内阁官房长官菅义伟(YoshihideSuga)表示,政府将尽快修订该法条,以便符合100天的限制。

    Yoshihide Suga , chief cabinet secretary , said the government would move quickly to revise the law so as to comply with the 100-day limit .

  5. 日本政府首席发言人菅义伟(YoshihideSuga)周二安慰邻邦和盟友说,该国政府从未考虑过重估对慰安妇问题的道歉。

    Japan 's top government spokesman Yoshihide Suga assured Japan 's neighbors and allies by saying on Tuesday that the government has never considered reassessing its 1993 apology over the issue .

  6. 内阁官房长官菅义伟(YoshihideSuga)表示,他“没有想过”东京方面要对涉及该国申办过程的贿赂指控展开调查。

    Yoshihide Suga , the government 's chief spokesman , said he had " no thought " of Tokyo launching its own investigation into bribery claims surrounding the country 's bid .

  7. 但日本内阁官房长官菅义伟(YoshihideSuga)敦促国土交通省要作出“严厉回应”,称燃油数据操纵行为的性质“极其严重”。

    But Yoshihide Suga , Japan 's chief cabinet secretary , urged the ministry to take a " strict response , " describing the fuel data manipulation as " extremely serious . "

  8. 安倍晋三的内阁官房长官菅义伟(YoshihideSuga)对福井法院判决的科学依据提出了质疑,称其不会改变政府对核电的支持。

    Yoshihide Suga , the chief Cabinet secretary for Abe , questioned the scientific rationale for the Fukui court 's decision and said it would not alter the government 's support for nuclear power .

  9. 菅义伟启动了紧急状态以减缓疫情传播。

    Suga put in place states of emergency to slow the spread .

  10. 菅义伟周五表示,他希望现阶段更专注于抗击疫情。

    Suga said Friday he hoped to focus on battling the pandemic instead .

  11. 菅义伟去年9月就任日本首相。

    Suga became prime minister last September .

  12. 他说,从很多方面来看,菅义伟最大的问题是他蹩脚的沟通技巧。

    He said in many ways Suga 's biggest problem was his poor communication skills .

  13. 菅义伟表示,新政府的首要任务是振兴国家经济。

    Suga says the priority for the new government is to revive the country 's economy .

  14. 民众批评菅义伟,称其对危机状态给出了过于乐观的信息。

    Suga has been criticized for giving overly hopeful messages about the state of the crisis .

  15. 日本奥组委表示,首相菅义伟对东京奥运会作出了坚定的承诺。

    The Japanese Olympics Organizing Committee says Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga has a strong commitment to the Tokyo Olympic Games .

  16. 菅义伟的这一表态,使得他过山车般的一周得以结束。在这一周中,他在竭尽全力地保住自己的工作。

    Suga 's comments cap off a rollercoaster week in which he pulled out all the stops to save his job .

  17. 据报道,日本反对党同意在今天晚些时候提交一份针对首相菅义伟内阁的不信任动议。

    Opposition parties in Japan have reportedly agreed to submit a non-confidence motion against Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga 's cabinet later on today .

  18. 日本首相菅义伟星期五表示,他不会再次竞选执政的自民党总裁。

    Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said Friday he will not run for re-election as head of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party , or LDP .

  19. 所以我不相信这样的事情能够影响国家之间的外交政策。”内阁官房长官菅义伟说道。

    So I do not believe that these sort of things should affect diplomacy between the countries , " stated Yoshihide Suga , Chief cabinet secretary .

  20. 日本首相菅义伟6月21日表示,如果东京处于紧急状态,将不排除东京奥运会闭门举行的可能。

    On Monday , Japan 's prime minister Yoshihide Suga said he will not rule out an Olympics without spectators if Tokyo is under a state of emergency .

  21. 我们不会出于考虑中国而改变警戒监视活动,菅义伟表示。他没有说明日本军机进入中国防空识别区的具体次数。

    We are not going to change this out of consideration to China , said Mr Suga , without saying how often Japanese military aircraft had entered the zone .

  22. 日本首相菅义伟周五宣布,他将不会竞选连任,为继任者当选做好准备,而菅义伟政府仅仅上台了一年。

    Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga announced Friday he does not intend to run for reelection , setting the stage for his replacement after just one year in office .

  23. 接替菅义伟的人选包括前防卫大臣兼外相河野太郎、前防卫大臣石破茂、现任环境大臣小泉进次郎。

    Party leaders most likely to replace Suga include former Defense and Foreign Affairs Minister Taro Kono , former Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba , and current environment minister Shinjiro Koizumi .

  24. 菅义伟对执政党自民党的高层表示,他计划将上周五生效的东京及其邻近三个县的最初紧急状态扩大到关西地区。

    Yoshihide Suga told executives of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party that he broaden the initial state of emergency that on Friday for Tokyo and its three neighboring prefectures to cover the western areas .

  25. 鉴于后藤健二还活着,我们将全力以赴尽早让他获得释放,菅义伟表示,我们正呼吁通过各种渠道展开合作。

    On the basis that Mr Goto is alive , we are putting all our effort into securing his release as early as possible , said Mr Suga . We are appealing for co-operation through a range of channels .

  26. 菅义伟在四月中旬的经济和财政政策委员会重要会议上讨论推进每周四天工作制时指出,政府将考虑加大对员工接受在职教育的支持。

    At a key economic and fiscal policy panel meeting in mid-April where the promotion of a four-day workweek was discussed , Suga said his government would consider expanding support for people willing to enhance their careers through recurrent education without leaving their jobs .