
  • 网络Tomiichi Murayama
  1. 1995年即二战结束50周年时,时任日本首相村山富市(TomiichiMurayama)发表了具有里程碑意义的致歉讲话。

    The premier 's remarks were a line-by-line restatement of a landmark 1995 apology issued by then-Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama , marking the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II .

  2. 村山富市表示:目的并不是道歉。

    The goal is not to apologise .

  3. 对于村山富市来说,答案就是要在讲话中坚持使用村山政府的措辞。

    For Mr Murayama , the answer is to stick with the wording used by his government .

  4. 村山富市是继日本前首相鸠山由纪夫、日本公明党党首山口那津男之后,一个月内第三位访问中国的日本高层政要。

    Tomiichi Murayama is the third high-rank Japanese politicians to visit China in less than one month , following former Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama , and Natsuo Yamaguchi , leader of Japan 's New Komeito Party .