
  • 网络village planning
  1. 江西:整合社会力量推动村庄规划整治

    Jiangxi : Integrating Social Forces to Promote Village Planning Renovation

  2. 关于新农村建设村庄规划的思考&以新罗区村庄规划为例

    Consideration of Village Planning in New Socialist Countryside Construction

  3. 加强小城镇和村庄规划管理。

    We will strengthen planning management of villages and small towns .

  4. 论鲁迅心目中的新型社会新型农村村庄规划初探

    The Ideal Society of Lu Xun Discussion on the planning of new village

  5. 城市边缘区村庄规划初探

    Discussion about the Planning of Urban Fringe 's Village

  6. 全国首部指导新农村规划、建设的地方性法规《陕西省农村村庄规划建设条例》颁布实施

    Promulgation and Implementation of Regulations on Rural Planning and Construction of Shaanxi Province

  7. 村庄规划可实施性的反思与对策

    Countermeasures and Reflection of the Operability of Village Planning

  8. 村庄规划若干问题探讨

    Preliminary Exploration on Several Issues of Village Planning

  9. 新型农村村庄规划初探

    Discussion on the planning of new village

  10. 浙江江山村庄规划为龙头建设农村新社区

    Jiangshan of Zhejiang Province : Village Planning Playing the Leading Role Building Modern Rural Communities

  11. 沙湾古镇·风韵传承&广州市番禺区沙湾镇村庄规划层面的古镇保护探析沙湾镇涌口水闸纠偏加固工程的设计与施工

    Exploration of Protection of Sha Wan Town of Panyu Design and Construction of Rectification and Consolidation of Water Gate

  12. 程控隔膜压滤机在沙湾洗煤厂的应用沙湾古镇·风韵传承&广州市番禺区沙湾镇村庄规划层面的古镇保护探析

    The application of program controlled diaphragm filter press in Shawan Coal Preparation Plant Exploration of Protection of Sha Wan Town of Panyu

  13. 其次,系统介绍了新桥村规划建设现状及其农村能源建设现状,总结分析了新桥村村庄规划建设与农村能源建设存在的问题。

    Summary of rural energy resources present situation , analyzed Xinqiao Village planning and construction of villages and rural energy construction problems .

  14. 当前村庄规划普遍存在实施效果不理想的问题,主要原因是村庄规划缺少地域性、科学性、协调性。

    There is presently the ubiquity of poor effect of implementation of village planning which is mainly caused by the lack of territoriality , scientific content and coordination .

  15. 同时,挂钩工作应在严谨科学的工作程序和具有高标准的村庄规划方案的前提下有效开展。

    At the same time ," link " work should be in the rigorous science working procedures and has high standards of village plan of effective development premise .

  16. 村干部任期过短容易产生以下几个方面的问题:首先不利于村庄规划落实,尤其是对于村庄的长期规划。

    Too short tenure will easily causes some problems . First of all , it is not good for the implementation of village planning , especially the long-term ones .

  17. 长城戍边聚落保护与新农村规划建设&以昌平长峪城村庄规划为例

    Protection of the Community at the Great Wall and the Planning and Building of New Countryside & with the planning of Changyu City Village at Changping as an example

  18. 村庄规划理论体系与技术方法的严重断层和缺失,使得目前的乡村建设实践缺乏指引,而走入误区。

    Currently practice of country construction goes into wrong direction without much theoretical guidance , due to severe lack of connection between theoretical system and technological method in country planning .

  19. 这给笔者提供了一个很好的平台与机会,让笔者可以将现有村庄规划公众参与制度体系及其实践过程作为研究对象,探讨制度体系在实践应用中的表现。

    This provides a good platform and opportunity for the author to study the existing institutional system of public participation and the practice , also to explore the performance in the practical application .

  20. 在此基础上,本文对沙湾镇村庄规划的内容体系、指标体系、村庄改造、村庄经营、村庄产业发展以及村庄三旧改造等内容进行研究。

    On this basis , this paper take a detailed study about the content system , target system , transform model , " three old " transformation and industry model of the village planning .

  21. 目前,村庄规划在全国大多数地区已经普遍做过一轮,其中关于村庄规划的编制内容与方法普遍处于探讨之中。

    At present , the village planning has been generally done in most parts of the country , in which the working out of the content and methods on the village planning are generally explored .

  22. 基于GIS采矿塌陷区村庄搬迁规划研究

    Study on Villages Moving Planning in Mining Subsidence Area Based on GIS

  23. 农村村庄整治规划中非物质性因素的思考

    The Ponder of Non-materiality Factor in Village Improvement Plan

  24. 县(市)域村庄布点规划初探

    Discussion on Site Layout Planning for Villages in County ( or City ) Region

  25. 谈村庄建设规划的两条重要原则&节约土地与提高整体环境质量

    Two important principles for village building planning & savingland and Improving total environmental quality

  26. 区(镇)域村庄布点规划与迁村并点建设初探

    Preliminary Study of Location Planning and Relocation and Combination of Regional ( or Township ) Villages

  27. 土地流转背景下快速城市化地区的村庄发展规划分析&以珠三角为例

    Village Development and Planning Analysis under Land Transfer Background : A Case Study of Pearl River Delta

  28. 北京市村庄体系规划

    Village system plan for Beijing

  29. 城乡统筹下的村庄布点规划方法探索&以济南市为例

    Exploration of village layout planning method under the background of urban-rural integration : a case study of ji ' nan

  30. 统筹城乡发展的实践:村庄布局规划统筹城乡规划建设促进城乡和谐发展

    RESEARCH OF VILLAGE DISTRIBUTION PLAN ; On planning urban and rural construction and enhancing harmonious development between urban and rural