
  • 网络Suqian College
  1. 宿迁学院教育技术学专业考研学生团队学习的绩效分析

    The Performance Analysis to Team Learning of Educational Technology Specialized Exams for Postgraduate Schools Student in Suqian College

  2. 地方公办民营高校人才引进的问题与对策&以新建地方高校宿迁学院为例

    The problems and countermeasures of talent introduction in local government-owned and civilian-run colleges & Taking Suqian College as an example

  3. 新建本科院校图书馆信息服务中存在的问题及其优化&江苏省宿迁学院图书馆的实践

    The Problem And Optimization Of Construction Of Information Services In Newly-founded Four-year Institutions & Practice Of The Library Of Suqian College