
  • 网络Susong;susong county
  1. 基于项目评估的开展,对于宿松县项目运作和管理的基本经验和存在的不足也进行了总结和归纳。

    Project evaluation based on the basic experience of Susong County , the project operation and management and existing problems are summarized and summed up .

  2. 对长江冲积土壤硫进行了分析,结果表明:1.从无为县开始沿江而上至宿松县,长江冲积土壤有效S有减少的趋势。

    The result of analysing 67 samples of alluvial deposit Soil from Yangtze river showed : 1.Available sulfur content of soil was getting lower and lower from Wuwei county to Susong county .