
  • 网络Huaining County
  1. 自2007年怀宁县的第一个合作社成立以来,怀宁县的合作社数量不断增多。

    The number of the cooperative community in Huaining county has been increasing since 2007 .

  2. 安徽省种粮大户调查报告&基于怀宁县、枞阳县的调查

    Report on Big Farmers in Anhui Province : Based on Survey of Huaining County and Zongyang County

  3. 通过本文可以对怀宁县的财政发展状况有较为透彻的了解。

    Through this paper you can have a thorough knowledge of financial development status of Huaining country .

  4. 在肯定怀宁县法制宣传教育取得的成绩的同时,也发现了一些阻碍法制宣传效果进一步提高的问题。

    While the achievements of legal publicity education have received recognition , some problems that hinder the further improvement of the legal publicity effect have also been found .

  5. 第五部分为笔者针对前文提出了发展过程中存在的问题,在借鉴其他地区县城建设的的理论基础上,提出了如何促进怀宁县县城建设进而拉动县域经济发展的一些建议。

    The fifth part is I learn from the successful experience of other countries on the basis of some of the recommendations on further economic development promote huaining County .

  6. 为怀宁县县委、县政府引导农村富余劳动力有效转移,制定城乡经济社会协调发展相关政策提供理论依据。

    For the county government guiding rural surplus labor transfer effectively , formulate for urban and rural economic and social coordination stable development provides the theory basis for related policies .

  7. 本文整理了大量数据资料,并从中得出相关的分析结果,能够比较全面的、清晰的反应怀宁县财政和经济发展的基本情况。

    Several results those are relevant for the analysis of full and accurate data , the paper represents a clear and comprehensive basic situation of Huaining county finance and economic society develops .

  8. 第四部分主要以怀宁县为调查对象,从教师的招聘、考核、培训、激励等方面出发,发现其中存在的一些问题并提出改进建议。

    The fourth part , Huaining County survey , in terms of teacher recruitment , assessment , training , motivating and found some of the problems which exist and make recommendations for improvement .

  9. 随后从深层次上分析造成怀宁县财源建设问题的原因,指出怀宁县财源建设所存在的问题不光有财政体制上的原因,还有自身的原因。

    Then analysed the reason of the question of Huaining county financial resources construction from the deep , the question not only had financial institutional reasons , but also had its own reasons .

  10. 希望能为提高怀宁县法制宣传工作能力提供一些参考,并试图以此探寻更为合理的的基层法制宣传之路。

    The final purpose is to improve the ability of the legal propaganda work in Huaining County , and then find a legal publicity road as a reference to the national law popularization in the grassroots .

  11. 怀宁汽车配件产业是怀宁县的支柱产业之一,作为怀宁重要的经济增长点,对怀宁县域经济起到了至关重要的作用。

    The automobile parts industry is one of the pillar industries of Huaining County . as an important economic growth point in Huaining , it is of great importance to Huaining County economy .

  12. 怀宁汽车配件产业集群,起源于本世纪初期,主要规模生产企业集中于怀宁县经济开发区,众多的中小企业则存在于怀宁的各个乡镇。

    The cluster of automobile parts industry in Huaining is traceable in the early part of this century . The main production enterprises concentrate in the development zone of Huaining County and the numerous small and medium-sized enterprises exist in towns of Huaining .