
  • 网络Whitehall;White Hall
  1. 怀特霍尔街上流传着谣言。

    Rumours are circulating in whitehall .

  2. 司机们鸣着喇叭,涌至国会广场表示抗议,在伦敦中心区造成了极为严重的全面交通堵塞,并且迅速蔓延至米尔班克和怀特霍尔。

    Blaring their horns , the cabbies took their case to Parliament Square , creating gridlock in the heart of the capital with the jam swiftly spreading to Millbank and Whitehall .

  3. 不过他又补充,途径怀特霍尔街时,我被士兵拦下了。

    But he added : I was stopped going down Whitehall by a soldier .

  4. 不过他又补充,“途径怀特霍尔街时,我被士兵拦下了。我没有带证件。”

    But he added : " I was stopped going down Whitehall by a soldier . I didn 't have my papers . "