
sù shè
  • dormitory;dorm;hostel;hotel;living quarters;diggings
宿舍 [sù shè]
  • (1) [hotel]∶旅舍

  • 使人微随张仪,与同宿舍。--《史记.张仪传》

  • (2) [domitory;hostel]∶学校、机关等供学生、工作人员及其家属住的房屋

  • 学生宿舍

宿舍[sù shè]
  1. AmyKincaid,当前队伍的一名成员,说,申请者需要“能适应现实。”她把这个宿舍叫做“亮眼的保温箱,”,又说“这个局限于岛屿边缘,仅有足球场大小的居住区并不会让所有人满意。”

    Amy Kincaid , a member of the current team , said applicants need to be " realistic . " She called the living quarters ( pictured ) " surprisingly cozy , " though added that " being confined to an island the size of a football pitch isn 't for everyone . "

  2. 我们为大部分女孩准备了宿舍。

    We have living quarters for most of the girls .

  3. 现在许多大学的学生宿舍已经联网。

    Many colleges now have wired dormitories .

  4. 她住在学生宿舍。

    She 's living in hall .

  5. 所有单身的全日制学生都必须住大学宿舍。

    All single full-time students must reside in university residence halls .

  6. 学生抗议大学宿舍过于拥挤。

    Students were protesting at overcrowding in the university hostels .

  7. 校园里的闲置宿舍住着一些度假的家庭。

    Vacant rooms on the campus were being used by holidaying families .

  8. 在我们走访的学生宿舍里,大多明令禁止胡作非为。

    In most of the residence halls we visited , rules prohibit disorderly conduct

  9. 学生们把自己关在了宿舍楼里。

    The students have barricaded themselves into their dormitory building

  10. 她决定回宿舍再找找布兰奇。

    She decided to head for the dormitory to take another crack at locating Blanche .

  11. 她住在大学宿舍里。

    She lived in a college dormitory .

  12. 我们像学生一样住在宿舍里。

    We were housed student-wise in dormitory rooms

  13. 考虑到学生的需要,加的夫大学投入了巨资兴建和改善学生宿舍。

    Mindful of the needs of its students , Cardiff has invested heavily in providing new and improved residences .

  14. 你可以把剩下的西瓜带回宿舍。

    You can bring the rest of this watermelon to your dormitory .

  15. 宿舍前是绿茵茵的草坪。

    There is a verdant lawn in front of the dormitory .

  16. 这一带的工人宿舍都很整齐。

    The workers ' houses in the area are all kept in good repair .

  17. 什么时间盖好新宿舍,还没有准稿子呢。

    Nobody knows when the new dormitory building will be completed .

  18. 从你的宿舍到教室有多远?

    How far is it from your dormitory to the classroom ?

  19. 这所学院的多数学生住集体宿舍。

    Most of the students of this college live in dormitories .

  20. 他对宿舍里那两个人蔼然望着。

    He looked kindly at the two in the bunk house .

  21. 该篮球队在南方有冬季宿舍。

    The basketball team has winter quarters in the south .

  22. 银行旁边有一座九层高的宿舍大楼。

    There 's a nine story apartment building next to the bank .

  23. 宿舍里面儿清洁豁亮。

    It 's clean and bright inside the dormitory .

  24. 学生宿舍不准留宿外人。

    It 's forbidden to put up outsiders for the night in the dormitory .

  25. 窃贼踩道儿后偷偷溜出了宿舍。

    The thief sneaked out of the dormitory after he had reconnoitred the place .

  26. 大学把研究数据发布到因特网上,学生不用离开宿舍就能找到有价值的信息。

    Universities posted research data on the Internet , so students could find valuable information without leaving their dormitories .

  27. 剩下的22%住在另一个家庭成员的家中(如祖父母、公婆/岳父母或兄弟姐妹)、没有血缘关系的朋友家或者团体宿舍(如大学宿舍)。

    The remaining 22 % lived in the home of another family member ( such as a grandparent , in-law or sibling ) , a non-relative , or in group quarters like college dormitories .

  28. 对于年轻男性来说,他们(占比25%)则比年轻女性(占比19%)更倾向于住在其他家庭成员的家里、没有血缘关系的朋友家或某些集体宿舍中。

    For their part , young men ( 25 % ) are more likely than young women ( 19 % ) to be living in the home of another family member , a non-relative or in some type of group quarters .

  29. 如果红灯不闪烁,请立即联系宿舍工作人员。

    If the red light is not blinking , contact residence hall staff immediately .

  30. 请注意,宿舍生活办公室将没收一切违禁物品。

    Please note that any prohibited items will be taken away by the Office of Residence Life .