
  • 【地名】【中国】Suxian County
  1. 本文对宿县地区1980&1998年肾综合征出血热(HFRS)监测结果进行分析。

    This article analyzed and discussed HFRS epidemiological surveillance data from 1980 to 1998 in Suxian prefecture .

  2. 本文报道了在安徽省宿县地区发现的一个Schmid型干骺端软骨发育不良症家族。

    This paper reports a kindred of metaphyseal chondrodysplasia , Schmid type , which has ' been found in an area of north Anhui .

  3. 探讨宿县地区夏玉米高产途径

    Measure of High Yield on Summer-Corn in Suzhou Prefecture

  4. 宿县地区大中专学校食堂卫生调查分析

    Hygienic Assessment of Advanced and Secondary Specialized School Dinning Halls in Suxian District

  5. 安徽最先组织党部的是芜湖和宿县。

    Anhui was the first Organization headquarters is in Wuhu and the Su County .

  6. 当人们抵达大泽乡时(在今天的安徽省宿县县西南),天降大雨,他们注定要迟到了。

    When people arrived in Dazexiang ( southwest in today 's Suxian County in Anhui Province ) , it began to rain cats and dogs ; and they were bound to be late .

  7. 从影响煤层气的主要地质因素出发,讨论了它们对淮北宿县矿区煤层气的影响,从而进行地质评价,得出结论:该区为煤层气富集的高产矿区。

    The main geological factors affecting coalbed gas in Suxian , Huaibei coal mining area are discussed , and the geological evaluation is conducted . The conclusion drew from above is that coalbed gas is enriched and yielded highly in this area .