
  • 网络Suqian City
  1. 宿迁市位于淮河下游,水环境安全形势比较严峻。

    The safety situation of water environment in Suqian city is stern .

  2. 因此,研究宿迁市产业集群问题,具有重要的理论意义。

    So , the industrial clusters study on Suqian city is crucial important .

  3. 宿迁市的奖励制度提供了一种有效机制,以保证保安志愿者自己也可以为他们做得好事中受益。

    The reward system in Suqian offers an effective mechanism to ensure security volunteers themselves can also benefit from their good deeds .

  4. 这些指控涉及中国东部宿迁市一家工厂的工人。这家工厂的所有者是台湾可成科技公司(CatcherTechnology),主要为苹果iPad以及其他消费电子企业生产金属外壳。

    The allegations involve employees at a factory in the eastern China city of Suqian that is owned by Catcher Technology , a Taiwan company , and that makes metal casings for Apple iPads and for other consumer electronics companies .

  5. 宿迁市供电公司服务营销与流程再造

    Services Marketing and Process Reengineering in Su Qian Power Supply Company

  6. 宿迁市文体馆预应力网壳结构设计施工

    Design and Construction of the Prestressed Reticulated Shell in Suqian Gymnasium

  7. 宿迁市文体综合馆基础隔震设计

    Design of base isolated structure of Suqian City Gymnasium

  8. 宿迁市城市社区体育的现状分析与研究

    Analyzing to the Existing State and Investigating of the Community Sport in Suqian

  9. 宿迁市旅游形象设计

    Study on the Design of Tourist Image of Suqian

  10. 债市变局后的思考宿迁市财政风险研究

    Thinking the Change of Bonds Market Analysis to the Financial Risk of Suqian

  11. 宿迁市艾滋病检测网络实验室建设及质量控制现状

    Construction of AIDS Testing Network Laboratory and Its Quality Control in Suqian City

  12. 宿迁市宿豫区民营医院药品不良反应监测存在的问题及对策

    The Problems and Countermeasures of Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring in Private Hospitals in Suyu

  13. 宿迁市文体馆基础隔震非线性时程分析研究

    Nonlinear time-history analysis of base-isolated Suqian City Gymnasium

  14. 宿迁市财政风险研究

    Analysis to the Financial Risk of Suqian

  15. 浅谈宿迁市小城镇建设

    On small towns construction in Suqian

  16. 宿迁市1999年小麦纹枯病重发因素浅析及防治对策探讨

    Analysises on serious occurrence and control measures of wheat sheath disease in 1999 in Suqian City

  17. 2000年和2005年宿迁市均出现了生态赤字,且呈增长趋势。

    Both of 2000 and 2005 , there were Suqian ecological deficit , and the increasing trend .

  18. 图式记忆和人文关注&宿迁市休闲文化公园规划和建筑方案简评

    Pictorialization for Memory and Attention to Humanism-Briefly Analysis on the Design of the Cultural Park for Amusement in Suqian

  19. 宿迁市中学生余暇体育活动现状调查与分析

    An Investigation and Analysis of the Contemporary Situation of Spare-time Sports Activates of the Middle-School Students of Suqian Municipality

  20. 区域含水层系统结构的体视化表达及地下水位预测&以江苏省宿迁市为例

    Visualization of Regional Aquifer System and Prediction of Groundwater Level : A Case Study in Suqian City of Jiangsu Province

  21. 运用循环经济发展理念对宿迁市老工业区的改造方案进行了初步探讨。

    The project of reconstruction with the idea of circular economic in Suqian old industrial park is discussed in this paper .

  22. 目的:调查宿迁市农村急救网络运行状况,分析其影响制约因素,并探讨解决办法。

    Objective : To investigate the operational status of rural emergency network in Suqian and to analyze the constraints and solutions .

  23. 本研究从宿迁市市情出发,客观分析了宿迁市发展生态农业的有利条件和存在问题。

    This paper analyzes the advantage and the disadvantage of the ecological agriculture development based on the situation in Suqian City objectively .

  24. 滨水地区的营建与城市发展&宿迁市古黄河与京杭大运河风光带概念性城市设计

    The Construction of Water front Area and Urban Development & Conceptual City Design for Suqian Scenery Zone of Ancient Yellow River and Beijing-Hangzhou Canal

  25. 希望通过研究能为制定国家十二五电网规划、推动宿迁市经济发展提供有益的参考。

    Hope the research can provide a useful reference for the national twelfth five-year electric grid planning and the development of economy in Suqian .

  26. 中小城市肥料市场存在问题探析&以江苏省宿迁市肥料市场为例

    Explore and Analysis on the Problems in Fertilizer Market in Medium or Small Urban & A Case of Fertilizer Market in Suqian , Jiangsu Province

  27. 宿迁市文体综合馆位于地震高烈度区,钢筋混凝土空间框架结构、钢网壳屋盖。

    Suqian City Gymnasium is a reinforced concrete spatial frame structure with a steel spatial grid roof located in a region of high earthquake intensity .

  28. 宿迁市作为农业大市,现代高效农业也是其经济社会发展腾飞的最优途径。

    The Suqian city as a big agricultural city , the modern high-efficiency agriculture is the best ways to take off economic and social development .

  29. 乡村建设中的村民认知与意愿表达分析&以江苏省宿迁市康居示范村建设为例

    Study on Willingness Expression and Recognition of Peasants in New Countryside Construction : A Case Study of Livable Model Village construction in Suqian of Jiangsu Province

  30. 并进一步找出宿迁市在承接产业转移过程中存在的问题,并提出相应的政策措施。

    And further to find out in the process of industrial transfer process of Suqian problems in it , and put forward the corresponding policy measures .