
chánɡ lǜ ɡuǒ shù
  • evergreen fruit tree;evergreen cutting
  1. 维生素B对若干常绿果树生长和光合作用的影响

    Effects of Vitamin B on Growth and Photosynthesis of Several Evergreen Fruit Trees

  2. 环境因子对常绿果树光合作用的影响

    Environmental Factors Effects on Photosynthesis of Evergreen Fruit Trees

  3. 常绿果树整形修剪效应及机理研究(续)

    Studies on Effect and Mechanism of Training and Pruning on Evergreen Fruit Trees ( Extend );

  4. 柑橘是世界上最重要的常绿果树之一,其种植面积和总产量均居水果之首。

    Citrus is one of the most important ever green fruit crops in the world , which ranks the first in both acreage and yield .

  5. 柚子,又名文旦,为芸香科植物常绿果树-柚树的成熟果实,在我国资源丰富,广泛分布于福建、广东、广西、江西等地。

    Grapefruit , also named as Wendan , is a mature fruit of pomelo trees which is an evergreen fruit tree of rutaceae plant , it is rich in many places in our country , such as Fujian , Guangdong , Guangxi and Jiangxi .

  6. 大多数木本常绿热带果树在闽东南适应性良好,有较高的经济开发价值和园林应用前景。

    The majority of tropical evergreen fruit trees have great adaptability in southeast Fujian with flourishing economy and wide application in landscape .