
chánɡ lǜ shù
  • evergreen tree/bush;evergreen
  1. 群落的碳素现存量为66.113t/hm2,主要集中在乔木层或常绿树种内;群落的碳素存留量为5.691t/m2·a;

    The standing crop of carbon is 66.11t / hm2 , and it focuses on the tree layer or evergreen species .

  2. 常绿树,类似金色的栗树;分布在加州的高山中。

    Evergreen shrub similar to golden chinkapin ; mountains of California .

  3. 松树,杉树以及冬青是常绿树。

    Pines , firs , and hollies are evergreen trees .

  4. 紫薇属灌木状常绿树种。

    Any evergreen shrub or tree of the genus myrtus .

  5. 园林绿化中几种主要常绿树病虫害的防治

    Discussion on the Pest Control of Several Main Evergreen Trees in Gardens Greening

  6. 常绿树在东北城市绿化中的应用及景观评价

    The Application and Landscape Evaluation of Evergreen Tree Species in Northeast Urban Greening

  7. 工厂大气混合污染对常绿树叶片组织的影响

    The effects of mixed air pollution from factories on structures of evergreen tree leaves

  8. 那有一点雪和常绿树。

    There are little snow and evergreen trees .

  9. 澳大利亚的一种常绿树,树皮银色或白色,叶子幼嫩,花黄色。

    Evergreen Australasian tree having white or silvery bark and young leaves and yellow flowers .

  10. 结类似钮扣的果实的常绿树或灌木,出产沉实、质地坚硬、紧密的木材。

    Evergreen tree or shrub with fruit resembling buttons and yielding heavy hard compact wood .

  11. 就植物而言,落叶树比常绿树的耐污性要强;

    As to plants , there is greater endurance in the hardwood than in the evergreen .

  12. 几种木兰科常绿树种在南京郊区引种育苗试验

    Experiment by Introduction and Seedling Growth Research for Four Evergreen Trees of Magnoliaceae in Nanjing Suburb

  13. 冷杉是一种针叶常绿树,尤在寒冷地区生长。

    A fir is an evergreen tree with needlelike leaves that grows especially in cold area .

  14. 多香果粉是一种小型常绿树-多香果辣椒-上的浆果干碾磨而成。

    Allspice is the dried , unripened fruit of a small evergreen tree , the Pimenta Dioica .

  15. 那里有很多常绿树,因此它是“常绿州”也就不足为奇了。

    It also has lots of evergreen trees so , not surprisingly , it is " The Evergreen State . "

  16. 在冬季,则向河里扔一个常青树的花环。松树,杉树以及冬青是常绿树。

    Throwing a holly wreath into the current in the winter . Pines , firs , and hollies are evergreen trees .

  17. 它源于阿开木树,一种超过40英尺高的热带常绿树。

    It 's derived from the ackee tree , a huge tropical evergreen that grows to over 40 feet in height .

  18. 生产绿地中常绿树与落叶树数量比为1:23.7,即常绿树占落叶树的4.2%;

    In production greenbelt , the ratio of evergreens to hardwoods is 1:23.7 , which is corresponding to evergreens is 4.2 % hardwoods .

  19. 位于国家东北部的缅因州是“松树州”,因为它被常绿树覆盖。

    Maine , in the nation 's northeast , is " The Pine Tree State " because it is covered in evergreen woods .

  20. 四个常绿树种在不同季节的耗水规律及抗旱性研究水运工程设计节能规范

    A Study on Water Consumption and Drought Resistance of Four Evergreen Tree Species in Different Seasons ; Code for energy-conservation in water transport engineering design

  21. 在德国,常绿树用于礼拜和庆祝圣诞节之神,也是在纪念复活的太阳神。

    In Germany , the evergreen tree was used in worship and celebration of the Yule god , also in observance of the resurrected sun god .

  22. 东南石栎等常绿树种日均净光合速率比大血藤等层间植物和七子花等落叶植物高。

    Average daily Pn of the three evergreen broad-leaved species were higher than layer species such as Sargentodoxa cuneata and deciduous species such as Heptacodium miconioides .

  23. 柏树一种柏木属的常绿树和灌木,原产于欧亚大陆和北美洲,而且长有成鳞片状的对生叶和木质的球果。

    Any of various evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Cupressus , native to Eurasia and North America and having opposite , scalelike leaves and globose , woody cones .

  24. 目前,桂花、紫楠等常绿树种已与枫香、栓皮栎、马尾松、白栎等共同成为灵谷寺森林群落的优势种。

    At present , Osmanthus fragrans , Phoebe sheareri , Liquidambar formosana , Quercus variabilis , Quercus fabri have been the commonly dominant species in the forest of Spirit Valley , Nanjing .

  25. 原产于北美东部至墨西哥东海岸的中型常绿树;其树冠伸展,常作为遮荫树而种植;其木材坚硬,有耐性,曾用于造船。

    Medium-sized evergreen native to eastern North America to the east coast of mexico ; often cultivated as shade tree for it wide-spreading crown ; extremely hard tough durable wood once used in shipbuilding .

  26. 野草莓树一种浆果莓属的宽叶常绿树或灌木,包括浆果莓及草莓树,大多生长于美洲和欧洲的温暖地带。

    Any of various broad-leaved evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus arbutus , including the madro ? And strawberry tree , that are native chiefly to warm regions in the Americas and europe .

  27. 不同树种种群的大小结构类型明显不同,常绿树种种群属增长型和稳定型,而落叶树种种群属于始衰型和中衰型;

    The size and structures of different tree populations are very different . The evergreen tree populations are belong to growing type and stational type , but the deciduous tree populations are belong to initial senescent type and middle senescent type .

  28. 乔木层以落叶树种为主,灌木层以常绿树种为主。(3)在物种多样性分析中,主要从群落结构和公园类型两个角度进行比较分析。

    The tree layer dominated by deciduous trees tree species , shrub layer is in the ascendant with evergreen tree species . ( 3 ) Comparatively analysising the diversity of species from the angle of the community structure and park types .

  29. 通过对吉林市区内各类型绿地中典型绿地的调查,分析得出了绿地树种构成,其中非生产绿地树种组成结构为:常绿树与落叶树的数量比为1:50,即常绿树占落叶树的2%;

    In this thesis , we analyses the composing of greenbelt plant species through researching on all kinds of greenbelts in JiLin City . The ratio of evergreens quantities to hardwoods quantities is 1:50 , namely , the amount of evergreens account for 2 % hardwoods .

  30. 这次搬来住的房子虽说也是公司住宅,却是座蛮大的洋房,四周围着相当气派的齐腰高的石墙,石墙上连着常绿树篱,透过点点处处的间隙可以窥见院里的草坪。

    She lived in company housing , but the house was larger than normal , a Western-style house with a low solid stone wall surrounding it . Above the wall was an evergreen hedge , and through gaps in the hedge you could catch a glimpse of a garden with a lawn .