
ān gē lā
  • Angola
安哥拉[ān gē lā]
  1. 他说,外来者统治安哥拉的时间已长达4个世纪。

    For four centuries , he says , foreigners have ruled Angola

  2. 他继续在安哥拉总统大选中占据领先地位。

    He continued to hold a lead in Angola 's presidential race

  3. 安哥拉是一个自然资源丰富的国家。

    Angola was a country rich in natural resources

  4. 来自几内亚和安哥拉的黑奴要求得到良好的待遇,他们会以拒绝生孩子为由来威胁雇主。

    The black slaves from Guinea and Angola have demanded to be well treated , threatening to refuse to have children .

  5. 2013年,英国宣布安哥拉为其高度繁荣伙伴(HighLevelProsperityPartner)。

    In 2013 , the UK declared Angola a High Level Prosperity Partner .

  6. BP安哥拉公司经过为期一年的精细评估,授予了横河这份重要合约。

    The award of this important contract to Yokogawa follows an intensive year-long evaluation by BP Angola .

  7. BP安哥拉公司目前正在考虑另外开发多达四个的海上油田。

    BP Angola is currently considering the development of up to four ( 4 ) additional offshore oil fields .

  8. 作为全面撤出与英国石油(BP)合作关系的一部分,埃克森一直急于将所持的安哥拉项目股权出手。

    Exxon has been anxious to sell its stake as part of its more general withdrawal from partnerships with BP .

  9. 它们获得了安哥拉一个油田的一部分股份(该油田的作业方是英国石油(BP)),在津巴布韦拥有钻石权益,在从曼哈顿到新加坡的多个地方拥有房地产。

    They have secured a stake in an Angolan oilfield , operated by BP , diamond interests in Zimbabwe and real estate from Manhattan to Singapore .

  10. 只有两个西方行业几乎不在安哥拉出现:媒体和非政府组织(NGOs)。

    Only two western sectors are barely present in Angola : the media and NGOs .

  11. 干旱生态经济条件下,安哥拉山羊、中卫山羊及F1代羊羊毛纤维中硫元素含量研究

    Study on the Amounts of Sulphur in Fibres of Angora Goats , Zhongwei Goats and F1

  12. 不过,GE去年在科威特、安哥拉、阿尔及利亚和尼日利亚创下了逾1亿美元的营收。

    Nonetheless , last year GE did business in excess of $ 100m in revenues in Kuwait , Angola , Algeria and Nigeria .

  13. 研究了安哥拉山羊与陕北土种山羊杂交一代(F1)周岁母羊的产绒特性。

    Down producing characteristics of F 1 ( Angora × local goat ) yearling does were studied in this paper .

  14. 群体内DNA指纹平均相似系数安哥拉山羊F2、F3分别为0.4539,0.4077和0.6111;

    The mean band similarity coefficient is 0.4539 in Angora goats , 0.4077 in F 2 , and 0.6111 in F 3 ;

  15. F2和F3血清LDHH、红细胞ESD1基因频率已趋近安哥拉山羊公羊,与各酶带Rf值、毛质变异规律相同。

    This tendency are alike with the law of Rf value of every zone of enzyme and variation of fleece quality .

  16. 群体内相似系数安哥拉山羊为0.4539,F2为0.4077,F3为0.6111;

    The similar coeffcients in population of Angora goat , F 2 . F 3 are 0.4539,0.4077, 0.6111 respectively ;

  17. 刚刚连任德国总理的安哥拉默克尔(angelamerkel)表示,奥巴马使国际外交的基调向着对话的方向迅速改变。

    Angela Merkel , the newly re-elected German Chancellor , said Mr Obama had rapidly changed the tone of international diplomacy towards dialogue .

  18. 环境、野生生物与旅游部的高级野生生物官员IsaAlidi说他们怀疑这种疾病起源于安哥拉和纳米比亚的上游。

    Said they suspected that the disease originated upstream in Angola and Namibia .

  19. 实际上,安哥拉和乍得等国就选择了附带条件更弱的中国贷款,而没有选择IMF或世行的贷款。

    There have been examples of countries such as Angola and Chad opting for Chinese loans , with weaker conditions than the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank apply .

  20. 该公司的网站上展示了一系列安哥拉工程,包括重修本格拉铁路(benguelarailway)工程完工后,将打开通往南部非洲的门户。

    Its website includes a range of Angolan projects , including rebuilding the Benguela railway , which when completed will open up Southern Africa .

  21. 同样,中国的经济规模尚不及美国的三分之一,人均GDP仅与安哥拉大致相当,任何认为中国能够以某种方式拯救世界的看法都是荒唐的。

    Equally , any idea that China , with an economy less than a third the size of the US and a GDP per capita roughly the same as Angola 's , can somehow save the world is ludicrous .

  22. 这些兔子为圣何塞州立大学的名誉退休教授BettyChu所有,作为北加州安哥拉协会的一部分,这些兔子巡游整个州,出现在各式各样的节目中。

    Bred and coiffed by Betty Chu , professoremeritus at San Jose State University , the rabbits tour across the state fordisplay in shows as part of the Northern California Angora Guild .

  23. 艾达在主人圣何塞州立大学退休教授BettyChu的照料下,作为北加利福利亚安哥拉协会的一员参加了在该州的巡回展览演出。

    Bred and coiffed by Betty Chu , professor emeritus at San Jose State University , the rabbits tour across the state for display in shows as part of the Northern California Angora Guild .

  24. 安哥拉AgostinhoNeto大学规划设计

    Planning of Agostinho Neto University , Angola

  25. 倡导团体腐败观察(CorruptionWatch)发布的一份报告显示,还有一部分流向了众多安哥拉官员,包括获得了3600万美元的安哥拉总统若泽·爱德华多·多斯桑托斯(JoséEduardoDosSantos)。

    A portion also went to various Angolan officials , including President Jos é Eduardo dos Santos , who received $ 36 million , according to a report by the advocacy group Corruption Watch .

  26. 十年前,Vicente禁止外国石油加工企业进入安哥拉。他甚至公开一些常规数据,以揭示被安哥拉政府驱逐出境的潜在经营风险。

    A decade ago Mr Vicente forbade foreign oil companies in Angola to publish even routine data , on threat of ejection .

  27. 此时,第三位贸易商,一位法裔阿尔及利亚人PierreFalcone加入进来。PierreFalcone长期与安哥拉的精英阶层,特别是总统JoséEduardodosSantos保持着良好的关系。

    They were joined by a third trader , Pierre Falcone , a French Algerian who has long enjoyed close links with the Angolan elite and particularly the president .

  28. IEA的新预测,可能会给下个月在安哥拉首都罗安达召开的石油输出国组织(Opec,简称欧佩克)会议增添忧虑。届时该石油卡特尔组织将在北半球冬季到来之前,对生产政策进行评估。

    The new forecast is likely to weigh on Opec 's meeting next month in Luanda , Angola , where the oil cartel will review its production policy ahead of the northern hemisphere winter .

  29. 地理位置临近沙特阿拉伯的安哥拉,是中国最大的石油供给方。这种现状使Vicente先生成为北京非常重要的客人。

    Angola along with Saudi Arabia is China 's largest oil supplier and that alone makes Mr Vicente an important man in Beijing .

  30. 安哥拉卫生部长JoséVieiraDiasVan-Dúnem博士再次确认了安哥拉到2010年年底遏制脊髓灰质炎传播的坚定承诺。

    Angolan Minister of Health Dr Jos é Vieira Dias Van-D ú nem re-affirmed Angola 's strong commitment to stop polio transmission by end-2010 .