
  • 网络Antiochus IV Epiphanes
  1. 你不可能独自打败罗马,打败希腊,打败神选者安条克四世,但是上帝能。

    You can 't defeat all of Rome , you can 't defeat all of Greece , you can 't defeat Antiochus IV Epiphanes by yourself , but God can .

  2. 所以这个自称但以理的作者,聪明人,与当时其他犹太智者产生共鸣,说他们将反抗安条克四世,有些人甚至会因此而牺牲。

    So this author writing under the name of Daniel , a wise man , identifies other wise Jews of his own day and he says they 're going to oppose Antiochus IV and some of them will die because of it .