
ān màn
  • Amman
安曼[ān màn]
  1. 安曼广播电台播放的一则声明提到了野蛮的侵略和骇人的大屠杀。

    A statement on Amman Radio spoke of bestial aggression and a horrible massacre .

  2. CFO的人选是通用汽车(GM)的丹•安曼。

    The CFO is Dan Amman of GM ( GM ) .

  3. NPR新闻,达尔·加夫莱克安曼报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Dale Gavlek in Amman .

  4. 格尔还在参与约旦首都安曼的改造工作,该市有一个非常积极的理想主义市长奥马尔•马阿尼(OmarAlMa'ani)。

    Gehl is also working in the Jordanian capital of Amman , which has a very active and idealistic mayor in Omar Al Ma'ani .

  5. 上周,ScottChristianson和其他官员和约旦的安曼举行会晤。

    Scott Christianson and other officials met in Amman , Jordan last week .

  6. 瑞士总统约翰施耐德-安曼(JohannSchneider-Ammann)称,中国化工的报价是“一笔划算的交易”。

    Johann Schneider-Ammann , the Swiss president , pronounced ChemChina 's offer " a good deal . "

  7. 长期以来,安曼一直是非政府组织(ngo)驻中东工作人员的首选之地,(相对)安全而且由一个稳定的王室政权统治。

    Amman has long been the preferred location of NGO workers in the Middle East , being safe ( relatively ) and overseen by a stable Royal regime .

  8. 因此,2004年3月的一个黎明,我与丈夫和大女儿美莎(maysa)飞抵安曼。

    So in March 2004 , I landed in Amman at dawn with my husband and eldest daughter , Maysa .

  9. 在安曼计划生育诊所就诊的AlejaGhanem是一位有三个孩子的约旦母亲,她作了最好的总结。

    Jordanian mother of three , Aleja Ghanem , who visited the Amman family planning clinic , sums it up best .

  10. 扮成女神安曼(Amman)的耶哈达·古鲁(JehadaGuru)属于村里最穷的人之一:他在打散工,是两个孩子的父亲,跟一个在烘焙店打工的女人结了婚。

    Jehada Guru , shown here as the goddess Amman , is one of the poorest people in his village : a day laborer and father of two , married to a woman who works in a bakery .

  11. 据设在安曼的世卫组织驻伊拉克代表处医学官员FaezaMajeed介绍,对私人和公共计划生育诊所而言,实现避孕器具的稳定供应是个问题。

    According to Faeza Majeed , a medical officer for the WHO Iraq Country Office based in Amman , obtaining reliable supplies of contraceptives is a problem for private and public family planning clinics .

  12. 约旦打算使用核能淡化来自亚喀巴湾的海水并输送到南方,然后输送到安曼、伊尔比德以及Zarqa的人口中心。

    Jordan plans to desalinate sea water from the Gulf of Aqaba to the south , then pump it to population centres in Amman , Irbid , and Zarqa , using its nuclear-derived energy .

  13. Cazenove+Loyd旅行社行程(历时八个晚上)的最低报价是5200英镑/人(前提是凑够10人旅游团队),其中在巴厘岛的安曼努沙酒店住一晚,在阿曼瓦那住两晚,在Amandira游艇上住5个晚上。

    An eight-night trip with Cazenove + Loyd , staying one night at the Amanusa in Bali , two at Amanwana and five aboard the Amandira , costs from 5200 per person ( based on a group of 10 people ) .

  14. 在安曼巴拉德社区电台的午间时段。

    Midday at the Balad Community radio station in Amman .

  15. 安曼现代化城区里的古罗马露天剧场。

    The ancient Roman ampthitheatre set in modern central Amman .

  16. 这些极端主义分子在安曼和巴厘岛杀人;

    And these extremists have killed in Amman and Bali ;

  17. 然后赖斯将返回安曼,最后同阿巴斯磋商。

    She then returns to Amman for a final consultation with Mr. Abbas .

  18. 你去约旦(或至少是安曼)是为了人而去的。

    You go to Jordan , or Amman at least , for the people .

  19. 这封信的复印件被送到了在安曼的联合新闻社。

    A copy of the letter was given to The Associated Press in Amman .

  20. 阿拉伯世界人口问题安曼宣言

    Amman Declaration of Population in the Arab World

  21. 从安曼到孟买的直达线路

    the direct route from Amman to Bombay .

  22. 到达首日,我们游览了安曼,约旦热闹的石头都城。

    We spend our first day in Amman , Jordan 's bustling limestone capital .

  23. 不过,这所大学并不是在安曼,而是乌克兰东部的顿涅茨克。

    This is not a university in Amman , this is Donetsk in eastern Ukraine .

  24. 关于旅游促进和平的安曼宣言;

    Amman Declaration on peace through tourism ;

  25. 佛阿德和他的家人抵达安曼国际机场已经过去几天。

    Only days have passed since Fouad and his family arrived at Amman International Airport .

  26. 赖斯和巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席阿巴斯在约旦首都安曼举行的一个新闻发布会上发表了讲话。

    Rice spoke at a news conference in Amman , Jordan with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas .

  27. 她生活在纽约,但我们通过她在安曼的移动电话联系到了她。

    She lives in New York but we reached her on her mobile phone in Amman .

  28. 但她也不会回安曼与孩子们独处。

    But she wasn 't about to sit alone with the kids back in Amman , either .

  29. 实际上,在我看来,无论我走到哪儿,都会发现安曼人在吃东西。

    In fact , it seemed to me that wherever I went in Amman I found people eating .

  30. 以色列医生在约旦安曼医治四十位患有心脏病的伊拉克儿童,建立双方友好关系。

    In Amman Jordan , Israeli doctors forge bonds of goodwill by treating forty Iraqi children with heart conditions .