
dé hēi lán
  • Tehran;Teheran;THR;Iran-Tehran
  1. 伊朗德黑兰地铁1&2号线列车自动防护(ATP)系统

    ATP System of Tehran Metro Line 1 & 2

  2. 亚航X飞往包括伦敦、台北、德黑兰、巴黎、汉城、东京以及中国和印度多个城市在内的多个航点。

    AirAsia X flies to several destinations including London , Taipei , Tehran , Paris , Seoul , Tokyo and a number of cities in China and India .

  3. 地震带来的冲击波在德黑兰也能感觉到。

    The shock waves of the earthquake were felt in Teheran

  4. 美国在哈瓦那驻有使团,美国的摔跤手也曾到德黑兰去参加波斯湾杯(persiangulfcup)的比赛。

    The US has a mission in Havana and American wrestlers have travelled to Tehran to compete in the Persian Gulf Cup .

  5. 他的许多影片被世界各地的观众所熟知,得到外国影评人的赞美:在《十段生命的律动》(Ten)中,他的镜头跟随女出租车司机穿过德黑兰大街小巷;

    Many of his films were well known by international audiences and acclaimed by foreign critics : " Ten , " where he follows a female taxi driver through the streets of Tehran ;

  6. 德黑兰地铁1、2号线工程车&地通信TWC系统

    TWC system of Teheran Metro Line 1 & 2 Project

  7. 在德黑兰大学,政府正在美国的帮助下建造一座核研究堆,这是艾森豪威尔(Eisenhower)总统原子能为和平服务(AtomsforPeace)计划的一部分。

    At the University of Tehran , the government was building a nuclear research reactor with US assistance through Eisenhower 's Atoms for Peace programme .

  8. 加博目前还参演了奥斯卡提名电影《逃离德黑兰》,NBC系列,《致命陷阱》。

    Garber currently stars in the Oscar-nominated film , Argo , and the new NBC series , Deception .

  9. 除了来自德黑兰的挑衅,平壤此举是对《不扩散核武器条约》(NuclearNon-ProliferationTreaty,NPT)自1968年签署以来的最大威胁。

    The actions of Pyongyang , on top of defiance from Tehran , pose the greatest threat to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT ) since it was signed in1968 .

  10. 此报告由siemens公司于1992年编制,重点介绍公司有关德黑兰-库姆-伊斯法罕铁路的车辆、信号、通信和电气化的技术方案。

    In this report which was prepared in1992by Siemens co. , technical proposal of this company regarding rolling stock , signaling and communication and electrification of tehran-qom-esfehan railway line were recommended .

  11. 但伊朗最高宗教领袖阿亚图拉·艾哈迈德·贾纳提(AyatollahAhmadJannati)在德黑兰大学一次祈祷活动上对祷告者表示,处死这两人并无必要。

    But a top Iranian religious leader told a prayer service at Tehran University that execution was needless .

  12. 达瓦党是自萨达姆侯赛因(SaddamHussein)的逊尼少数派政权倒台以来在伊拉克占据主导地位的伊斯兰什叶派系,获得了华盛顿和德黑兰不同程度的支持。

    the Shia Islamist party that has dominated Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein 's minority Sunni regime - with varying degrees of support from Washington and Tehran .

  13. 无论是过去还是现在,世界上都存在很多这样的政权,在夺去了人的希望之后又植入绝望:1950年代的斯大林(Stalin)政权,2013年的德黑兰毛拉政权。

    Lots of regimes around the world , past and present , take away hope and institutionalize despair : Stalin in the 1950s , the mullahs in Tehran in 2013 .

  14. 又或者,本•阿弗莱克的《逃离德黑兰》(Argo),关于营救在伊朗的美国使馆工作人员影片,冥冥之中将掀起好莱坞讽刺剧扣人心弦的逃生热潮。

    Or that Ben Affleck 's Argo , about rescuing American embassy workers in Iran , would somehow nail the Hollywood satire nail-biting escape genre .

  15. 德黑兰地铁环境控制软件EnCs的研究与改进

    Study and Improvement of Tehran Metro Environment Control Software EnCs

  16. 有人将伊朗的声明描述为对国际原子能机构(IAEA)两天前投票谴责德黑兰做出的情绪化回应。国际原子能机构是联合国的核监督机构。

    Some described the Iranian announcement as an emotional response to a vote to censure Tehran , taken two days before at the International Atomic Energy Agency , the United Nations nuclear watchdog .

  17. 本文对德黑兰地铁1、2号线TWC系统的主要设备构成、系统功能、系统接口和可靠性及可用性进行了简要介绍。

    The paper gives a brief introduction on structures of the main equipment , system functions , system interface , reliability and availability of TWC system of Teheran Metro Line 1 & 2 .

  18. 两大教派的高级宗教领袖德黑兰、库姆和纳杰夫的什叶派领袖、以及利雅得和开罗的逊尼派领袖都号召各自的信徒们拿起武器抗击ISIS。

    The grand clerics of both schools – the Shia from Tehran , Qom and Najaf , and the Sunni from Riyadh and Cairo – have called upon their followers to take up arms against Isis .

  19. 反对派总统候选人米尔-侯赛因穆萨维(mir-hosseinmoussavi)在德黑兰西部加入了其支持者的行列,这是自伊朗政府上周五晚间宣布大选结果后,穆萨维首次公开露面。

    Mir-Hossein Moussavi , the Iranian presidential challenger , joined his supporters in Western Tehran in his first public appearance since the government announced the results on Friday night .

  20. 他满怀同情地审视了哲学家米歇尔•福柯(MichelFoucault)对伊朗伊斯兰革命的论断——福柯因为认为一种全新的政治与宗教的融合正在德黑兰街头兴起,被当时一些法国同胞谴责为神权政治的辩护者。

    And he examines sympathetically the account of the Iranian revolution offered by the philosopher Michel Foucault , who was denounced by some compatriots as an apologist for theocracy for suggesting that an entirely novel fusion of politics and religion was fomenting on the streets of Tehran .

  21. 德黑兰方面除了播放上等水兵费伊特尼(fayeturney)的讲话外,还公布了她的一封信,其中她对一行人员“显然”闯入伊朗水域表示道歉。

    In addition to broadcasting comments from leading seaman Faye Turney , the only woman in the party , Tehran released a letter from her in which she apologised for the party " apparently " going into Iranian waters .

  22. 从德黑兰起飞的那架空客a321(airbusa321)中,商务舱里的气氛在8小时的航程中却远不似这么低沉,那里传来了开启香槟的声音和“喧闹的大笑”。

    The mood was less sombre in the business class section of the Airbus A321 during the eight-hour flight from Tehran , from where there came the sounds of popping champagne corks and " raucous laughter " .

  23. 周一下午,主要由学生组成的抗议者身穿绿衣,在几乎完全的沉默中沿着革命街走过德黑兰大学,只是不时呼喊“真主至大”(allahuakbar)。

    The protesters , mainly students , wearing green , walked along revolution Street past Tehran University on Monday afternoon in almost complete silence , chanting only " Allahu Akbar " ( God is great ) intermittently .

  24. 尽管一再遭到威胁,但据3名目击者称,昨日下午仍有约1000名反对派成员聚集在德黑兰市中心的haft-etir广场,与更大规模的安全部队对峙,一架直升机在上空盘旋。

    But in spite of repeated threats , about 1000 opposition members gathered at haft-e TIR square in central Tehran yesterday afternoon , facing an even larger security force and a helicopter hovering above , according to three witnesses .

  25. 伊朗德黑兰地铁轨道施工方法

    Research and Application of Rail Construction Method for Iron Teheran Subway

  26. 这有可能迫使德黑兰在企图干涉伊拉克时三思而行。

    That would make Tehran think twice about meddling in Iraq .

  27. 你可以看到,昨天德黑兰街头人山人海。

    As you can see , a huge crowd in Teheran yesterday .

  28. 强硬派占领德黑兰的美国使馆。

    Back in tehran , the hard-liners seized the embassy .

  29. 最佳影片,我倾向于《逃离德黑兰》,鲍威尔说。

    Best Picture , I 'm leaning towards Argo , Powell says .

  30. 在泰国曼谷、伊朗德黑兰等地设有办事机构;

    We have established representative offices in Bangkok , Tehran .