
  • 网络naypyidaw;Nay Pyi Taw;Naypyitaw
  1. 缅甸总统登盛在首都内比都与美国国务卿希拉里会谈时称,美缅关系进入了“新篇章”。

    Burmese President Thein Sein has hailed a " new chapter " in relations with the US during talks with Hillary Clinton in the capital , Nay Pyi Taw .

  2. 内比都:缅甸举行大选,由津巴布韦官方观察员监督。

    Naypyidaw : Burma holds general elections , monitored by official Zimbabwean observers .

  3. 但是他们也呼吁内比都对少数民族的权益能提供更好的保障。

    But they have also called for better guarantees of ethnic rights .

  4. 在新首都内比都,会议表明双方都有合作意愿。

    The meeting , in Naypyidaw , the megalomaniacal new capital , showed willing on both sides .

  5. 我们看到人们作出了困难的抉择从内比都到开罗到阿比让公民被赋予更大的力量。

    We have seen hard choices made from Naypyidaw to Cairo to Abidjan to put more power in the hands of citizens .

  6. 周四,预计前往行政首都内比都,以会见丹瑞大将和其他高级军事将领。

    On Thursday he was expected to go to administrative capital Naypyidaw to meet senior general Than Shwe and other senior military officials .

  7. 双方的关系仍然紧张,虽然内比都的首要任务是今年年底前举行大选。

    Relations between the two are still tense though Naypyitaw 's first priority is to hold the general elections before year 's end .

  8. 他们可能被晋升为各特别行动局的负责人或者是内比都战争署某些职位的负责人,当然也可能被提拔为部长。

    They could be promoted to chiefs of special operation bureaus , chiefs of other posts in the war office in Naypyidaw , or other minister posts .

  9. 在本周于内比都召开的例行会议(每四月举行一次)上,缅甸军政府据传将对其军区指挥官以及其他一些高级军事职位进行人员重组。

    During its four-monthly meeting in Naypyidaw this week , Burma 's military junta reportedly decided to reshuffle its regional military commanders and other senior military posts .

  10. 内比都消息,不管如何,杜雅敏昂中将,顾古中将已经调入三军总司令部等待接管他们的新职位。

    Sources in Naypyidaw said Myint Aung and Ko Ko are attached to the War Office and remain in waiting to take over their new positions , however .

  11. 有关反对内比都的南掸邦军正在与内比都举行闭门会议的传闻流传在各和平组织之间,据来自中缅边境的消息。

    Reports about the anti-Naypyitaw Shan State Army ( SSA ) 'South'holding closed door meetings with Naypyitaw is spreading among ceasefire groups , according to sources from the Sino-Burma border .

  12. 现在,这些选手想要完善自己的技巧可以选择在地面不平整及拥挤的街道上或者旅行5小时到遥远的首都内比都,

    Now , these skaters have a choice of perfecting their skills on poorly paved and crowded streets or making a five hour journey to the remote capital , Naypyitaw ,

  13. 援助项目周四在距离缅甸首都内比都一小时车程的小镇上启动的时候,当地居民跳起了传统舞蹈来欢迎工作组到来。

    When the program was launched on Thursday in a village about an hour 's drive from the capital city Naypyidaw , local residents greeted the working group with a traditional dance .

  14. 内比都希望佤邦联合党向军政府的选举监督机构联邦选举委员会登记参选,但受到佤邦联合党拒绝。

    Naypyidaw wanted the UWSP to register with the junta 's electoral watchdog , the Union Election Commission , and stand in the elections but the party had refused , observers said .

  15. 虽然佤族官员拒绝谈论信件细节,观察家们说,此信件是鲍有祥给内比都当选总统登盛。

    Although Wa officials declined to talk about details of the letter , observers said it was from Bao Youxiang to ex-Gen Thein Sein who is President-in-waiting for the new government in Naypyidaw .

  16. 全国民主联盟一些成员被要求赴缅甸首都内比都。但是他们是否要会见参议员韦布还不清楚。

    A few members of the NLD have been asked to travel to Naypyidaw , the country 's capital , while Webb is there , but it is not clear if they are to meet with the senator .

  17. 缅甸最近才完成把旧首都从衰败的仰光到新城市内比都的大迁移,尼日利亚在19世纪90年代把首都搬到阿布贾,巴西也在50年前在一片荒蛮之地上建起了首都巴西利亚。

    Myanmar has only recently completed its move from crumbling Yangon to the new city of Naypyidaw . Nigeria moved to Abuja in the 1990 's , and Brazil carved its capital Brasilia out of the wilderness over 50 years ago 。

  18. 他在禁区内比任何人都更靠近进球因为他是那么的聪明。

    He was at the edge of anyone else inside that area because he was so clever .

  19. 坝内孔压比都较小,抗液化安全系数较大,但局部液化区的存在,仍可能影响到整个坝体的安全性,应在液化区采取加固措施。

    The lower pore water pressure and the larger safety coefficient against liquefaction in the tailing dam , but there are local liquefied zone in the tailing dam and will influence dam safe . It suggests that reinforcement may need to prevent from tailing dam failure in the liquefied zone .

  20. 人类进入21世纪,全世界范围内比以往任何时候都要关注能源、环境和可持续发展之间的关系。

    Entering 21st century , the mankind pays more close attention to the relationship among energy , environment and sustainable development than ever in the whole world .