
kē lún pō
  • Colombo
科伦坡 [kē lún pō]
  • [Colombo] 斯里兰卡首都。人口60万

科伦坡[kē lún pō]
  1. 英国外交大臣DavidMiliband在科伦坡对记者说,这是国际社会对停火要求的失误。

    Speaking to reporters in Colombo , British Foreign Affairs Secretary David Miliband calls that a mischaracterization of the international calls for a cease-fire .

  2. 目前科伦坡证券交易所(CSE)正经营着242家公司的股份和15家公司的债券业务。

    At present Colombo Stock Exchange ( CSE ) is dealing with shares of 242 companies and debentures of 15 companies .

  3. 商业首都是科伦坡(Colombo),但是管理和立法首都位于邻近的SriJayewardanapura(Kotte)

    The commercial capital is Colombo , but the administrative and legislative capital is located in nearby Sri Jayewardanapura ( Kotte ) .

  4. 他们还号召建立一个南亚气候变化基金,在今年7月于斯里兰卡的科伦坡举行的下届SAARC峰会上预定将进行进一步的讨论。

    They also called for a South Asia fund on climate change , with further discussions scheduled for the next SAARC summit in Colombo , Sri Lanka , in July .

  5. 周末,哥哥很自豪地招待着我的大侄子Kanishka和他在科伦坡大学法律系的几位同学。

    My brother was proudly playing host to my elder nephew Kanishka and his batchmates from the Colombo University Law faculty over the weekend .

  6. 培训还将涉及成员国的风险评估案例研究,这包括来自北京、加德满都、菲律宾Pampanga河流域、科伦坡与河内的案例。

    The training will also cover risk assessment case studies in the participants'countries : Beijing , Kathmandu , Pampanga River Basin in the Philippines , Colombo and Hanoi .

  7. 因此弱式效率不能反驳科伦坡的证券交易理论。

    Thus the weak-form efficiency cannot be rejected for Colombo Stock Exchange .

  8. 他们在离开科伦坡前参观了一座佛寺。

    Before departing colombo , they visited a Buddhist temple .

  9. 科伦坡亚非拉电影节

    Asian ; African and Latin American Film Festival in Colombo

  10. 纳纳亚卡拉说,至少有一架泰米尔猛虎游击队的飞机攻击了科伦坡。

    Nanayakkara said at least one suspected Tamil Tiger aircraft attacked Colombo .

  11. 科伦坡大学:知识永放光芒。

    University of Colombo : Wisdom Shines Forth Everywhere .

  12. 很显然有一个箱子在科伦坡港错卸了。

    Obviously there was one van mislanded at Colombo .

  13. 亚洲及太平洋合作经济及社会发展科伦坡计划

    Colombo Plan for Cooperative Economic and Social Development in Asia and the Pacific

  14. 科伦坡计划及其对战后东南亚的经济发展援助

    The Colombo Plan and the Economic Developmental Cooperation in Post - Cold War Southeast Asia

  15. 我在哪里可以看科伦坡:在等待电影在线免费全速夫人?

    Where can I watch Columbo : Lady in Waiting movie online free full stream ?

  16. 科伦坡人口和发展宣言

    Colombo Declaration on Population and Development

  17. 那艘船在科伦坡装贮食物。

    The ship victualed at Colombo .

  18. 儿童问题科伦坡决议

    Colombo Resolution on Children

  19. 爱因斯坦夫妇的出国之行是从对科伦坡、新加坡、香港和上海的短暂的访问开始的。

    The Einsteins'foreign tour began with short visits to Colombo , Singapore , Hong Kong , and Shanghai .

  20. 在科伦坡可以买到包装精美的锡兰红茶,价格也不贵。

    May buy the beautifully packaged in Colombo the Sri Lankan black tea , the price is inexpensive .

  21. 在首都科伦坡的街道上,一些人高举着斯里兰卡国旗,燃放鞭炮,以示庆祝。

    On the streets of Colombo , some people hoisted the Sri Lankan flag and set off firecrackers in celebration .

  22. 一名美联社摄影记者在斯里兰卡首都科伦坡附近的一段4英里的路程上,就看到了24具尸体。

    An Associated Press photographer near Colombo , Sri Lanka , counted 24 bodies in a stretch of four miles .

  23. 本周早些时候,包括两名未成年少女在内的9名女子从首都科伦坡一家妓院被解救。

    Earlier this week , nine women including two underage girls were rescued from a brothel in the capital Colombo .

  24. 从佛教城市科伦坡飞往印度教圣地贾夫纳(斯里兰卡北部港口)的飞机里,也挂了一些金箔和银箔的圣诞装饰品。

    Tinsel has even been put up inside commercial aircraft that fly from mainly Buddhist Colombo to predominantly Hindu Jaffna .

  25. 1984年,科伦坡经纪人协会建立了公共交易大厅,并通过公开喊价系统进行交易。

    In 1984 Colombo Brokers association established a public trading floor and commenced trading on " open outcry system " .

  26. 从中国装运到斯里兰卡科伦坡不得迟于2004年5月6日。

    Shipment to be effected from China for transportation to Colombo , Sri Lanka not later than May . 06,2004 .

  27. 科伦坡(译注:斯里兰卡首都)市政府提议下次委员会上授予您以市民待遇。

    His motion states that you should be accorded a civic reception by the Municipal Council of the city of Colombo .

  28. 斯里兰卡军方说,泰米尔猛虎反政府组织星期五晚些时候在首都科伦坡展开了空中轰炸。

    Sri Lankan military officials say Tamil rebels carried out an aerial bombing raid in the capital of Colombo late Friday .

  29. 然后,他把侦探克里斯科伦坡跑在党,他感觉可能会有更多的东西在这里发生。

    Then , he ran in the party detective Chris Colombo , he felt there might be something more happened here .

  30. 今日随着政府军对抗泰米尔猛虎组织的战斗已接近尾声这一消息的传播,科伦坡瞬间涌现了众多庆祝活动。

    Celebrations irrupted in Colombo today as words spread that the war against the Tamil Tigers is almost at an end .