
kē xué ɡé mìnɡ
  • scientific revolution
  1. 在17、18世纪的科学革命中,医学开始从植物学转而研究其他方向。

    Medicine began to turn away from botany in the scientific revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries .

  2. 这并激起了欧洲的科学革命,而不是在中国。

    This fuelled a scientific revolution in Europe , not China .

  3. 托马斯•库恩(ThomasKuhn)的《科学革命的结构》(TheStructureofScientificRevolutions)。

    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by Thomas Kuhn .

  4. X射线的发现与现代科学革命&纪念发现X射线100周年

    The Discovery of X-rays and the Revolution of Modern Science-In Memory of the Centenary anniversary of Both Great Scientific Events

  5. 朱莉娅:我听说他开创了四大科学革命。

    Julia : I heard that he started four scientific revolutions .

  6. 科学革命的重要特征是信仰上的改变。

    The important characteristic of scientific revolutions is conversion of belief .

  7. 论近代科学革命的社会经济起源

    On the Social and Economic Origin of the Modern Science Revolution

  8. 他是科学革命的创始人之一。

    He is one of the starters of the scientific revolution .

  9. 弦理论探索与新世纪科学革命

    The Searching of String Theory and the Science Revolution in New Century

  10. 系统科学革命:物质观变革的基础

    Systems Science Revolution : A Base for the Transformation of Material Concept

  11. 第三次科学革命被认为是一次知识的大爆炸。

    The third scientific revolution is considered as an explosion of knowledge .

  12. 然而巴恩斯对此提出了不同的意见,他认为科学革命没有存在的必要。

    But Barnes argued that scientific revolutions did not exist .

  13. 近代科学革命对基督教神学的冲击

    The impact of the Modem Revolution of Science on Christology

  14. 现代科学革命发生的人文境域分析

    An Analysis of the Humane Circumstances about Modern Scientific Revolution

  15. 同时,英国大工业的发展在一定程度上推动了近代早期的科学革命和技术革新。

    Thirdly , it promotes the modern scientific revolution and technical renovation .

  16. 对近代科学革命以前的科技关系的考察

    A Study on the Relations Between Science and Technology Before Modern Time

  17. 库恩、萨伽德科学革命理论比较研究

    Comparative Study of Kuhn 's and Thagard 's Theories of Scientific Revolution

  18. 评《科学革命的结构》新译本

    On the New Translation of Kuhn 's The Structure of Scientific Revolution

  19. 人本主义范式的兴起:论传播学的科学革命(上)

    Rise of a Humanistic Paradigm : Scientific Revolution of Mass Communication (ⅰ);

  20. 科学革命发生的语境解释及其现实意义

    Contextual Explanation on the Occurrence of Scientific Revolution and Its Realistic Significance

  21. 在科学革命大潮中,一个诺贝尔奖获得者落伍。

    Nobel Laureate was bound to fall behind the tidy of scientific revolution .

  22. 论宁静的科学革命

    A Study on the " Quiet " Scientific Revolution

  23. 绝对主义的政权为科学革命提供了有利的创新环境和制度保障;

    The absolute government provides innovative environment and system guarantee for science revolution ;

  24. 对近代科学革命和科学创新的思考

    Reflection on Scientific Revolution and Creation of Modern Times

  25. 从科学革命到现代科技革命

    From Scientific Revolution to Modern Scie Technical Revolution

  26. 科学革命以及随后出现的启蒙运动标志着一次根本性的转变。

    The scientific revolution , followed by the Enlightenment , marked a fundamental shift .

  27. 试论科学革命与科学思维方式变革的一致性

    On the Coincidence between Scientific Revolution and the Development of Scientific Modes of Thinking

  28. 而这些事件的结果却很难,或根本不能,与科学革命同日而语

    And that rarely , if ever , caused anything like the Scientific Revolution .

  29. 21世纪新科学革命展望

    On the new scientific revolution in 21st century

  30. 我们认为,库恩和科恩的科学革命观都是有待商榷的。

    The view of scientific revolution of Kuhn and Cohen need to be discussed .