
yǔ yán de qǐ yuán
  • origin of language;origin of speech
  1. 人类进化中的缺失环节和语言的起源

    The Missing Links in Human Evolution and the Origin of Language

  2. 语言的起源也很模糊。

    The origin of language is also obscure .

  3. 以Lakoff和Johnson为代表的语言学家从认知科学的角度研究隐喻,揭示语言的起源、发展和使用乃至人类认知思维和智能发展的奥秘。

    Linguists , such as Lakoff and Johnson , from the cognitive perspective , study metaphor to explore the origin , development and usage of languages as well as the cognitive mystery of human minds .

  4. 这里指的是意识,和语言的起源及功能。

    This refers to the genesis and function of consciousness and language .

  5. 她就语言的起源做了博大精深的演讲。

    She gave a very erudite speech on the origins of language .

  6. 浅议语言的起源

    The Analysis of language origin

  7. 语言的起源和发展是人类进化史上的闪光点。

    The origin and development of language is an important landmark in the history of human evolution .

  8. 前者涉及到语言的起源,目前尚无定论。

    The former refers to the origin of language on which no final conclusion has yet been reached .

  9. 人们最初是如何发明单词的不得而知,换句话说,语言的起源是个秘密。

    How men first learnt to invent words is unknown ; in other words , the origin of language is a mystery .

  10. 它将集中讨论语言的起源、语法中的差异、每种语言的学习曲线、每种语言的数据库连接以及每种语言的其他用法。

    It focuses on the origins of the languages , differences in syntax , learning curves of each language , database connections for each , and other uses for each language .

  11. 关于语言的起源存在着众多的假说,进化心理学认为,语言的出现是人类长期进化与自然选择的必然结果。

    The origin of language has several hypotheses , however , in evolutionary psychology the occurrence of language is the inevitable result of the long-term evolution of mankind and natural selection .

  12. 本文的第一部分通过对英汉幽默尤其是语言幽默的起源和历史的探究来分析幽默定义和概念的异同。

    The first part of the study analyzes the different definition and concepts of humor in both English and Chinese by probing the origin and history of humor , especially the verbal humor in both languages .

  13. 语言哲学质询语言的本质,起源和用法。

    Philosophy of language is inquiry into the nature , origins , and usage of language .

  14. 本文较详细地介绍了瑞士语言的特点及其几种语言的起源、分布等。

    This article given a minute descrption of the Languages in Switzerland and the origin , distrbution of these languages .

  15. 在语言理论方面,中西方显示出对语言和文字的起源、语言的演变、语音规律的探讨等的共同兴趣。

    In language theory , the Chinese and Westerners show the same interest on the origin of language and character , the evolution of language , the discussions of phonetics laws .

  16. 第二章对什么是模糊语言进行总的阐述,包括对模糊语言的不同理解及定义以及模糊语言研究的起源。

    Chapter two gives a generalized exposition of what vague language is , including different understandings of vague language , various definitions , and the origin of the study of vague language .

  17. 作为制度,语言不仅对交易成本产生影响,还影响着其他制度安排的效率。第六章:语言的起源与变迁:制度的视角。

    As a kind of institution , language not only influence transaction cost , but also influence the efficiency of other institutions . Chapter ⅵ: The Origin and the Change of Language : An Institutional Perspective .