
yǔ yòng xìn xī
  • pragmatic information
语用信息[yǔ yòng xìn xī]
  1. 本文根据含有[+顺序]的NP才具有陈述性,才能独立成句,借助有限语境、语用信息焦点及句子系统本身内在的语义语法关系去定位NP。

    The authors position NP in the light of indication character and independent sentence formation based on NP in + sequence by means of limit context , pragmatic information focus and intrinsic semantic as well as grammatical relationship .

  2. 英语语法规则中蕴含丰富的语用信息。

    Some grammatical rules of English connote much pragmatic information .

  3. 语用信息的类型与词典中的语用信息

    The Type of Pragmatic information and Pragmatic information in Dictionaries

  4. 《朗文当代英语词典》的语用信息处理

    On Pragmatic Information in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

  5. 英语学习词典中的语用信息

    Pragmatic Information in English Learner 's Dictionaries

  6. 对这六个部分附加了语法信息、语义信息、语用信息。

    And add the grammar information , semantic information and pragmatic information to the six parts .

  7. 语用信息与双语词典

    Pragmatic Information and Bilingual Dictionary

  8. 浅谈语用信息在双语词典中的处理

    Pragmatic Usage in Bilingual Dictionary

  9. 重音变化、传递的语用信息答案等也在很大程度上影响疑问代词的功能。

    Accent change and pragmatically informative answers that are transmitted will also influence the function of interrogative pronoun .

  10. 所以,由于文化上的和个体差异可能再次造成语用信息传达的失败。

    So again , a mixture of cultural and individual dynamics could be interplaying to create pragmatic failure .

  11. 语用信息在语言习得中的作用已经受到越来越多的关注。

    The role of the pragmatic information in acquiring a foreign language has received more and more attention .

  12. 英汉学习型词典作为中国的英语学习者必不可少的工具,应当提供模糊限制语相关的语用信息。

    As essential tools for Chinese learners of English , ECLDs are expected to present enough PI concerning hedges .

  13. 从麦克米兰中的语用信息看语料库数据在词典编撰中的显性应用拉米罗·麦克唐纳-布兰科

    The Explicit Presentation of Corpus Data in Dictionary Compilation in the Light of the Pragmatic Information in MacMillan Dictionary MacDONALD-BLANCO , Ramiro

  14. 语用信息包括形式特征,句子的交际目的和随语境变化的观点。

    The pragmatic information includes formal features , communicative purpose of the clause and the point of view which changes with the context .

  15. 从广义信息论角度,消费者决策过程中涉及到的信息分为三种:语法信息、语义信息和语用信息。

    From the general information vision there are three respects lied in information process : syntactic information , semantic information and pragmatic information .

  16. 并以《朗文当代英语词典》(1987)为例介绍常用英语学习词典在提供语用信息方面的一些做法。

    Then an English dictionary that sets a good example in terms of pragmatic information-Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English ( 1987 ) is introduced .

  17. 从功能上分析,连用的语气词脱离句子之后不能负载句子的语用信息;

    Analysis from the function , the modal particles used in succession that breaks away from the sentence can 't load the pragmatic information .

  18. 当今相关研究者对习语的研究在不断的深入,但关于习语语用信息在词典中处理的研究在理论和实践上都很少见。

    Contemporary researchers are deepening their study on idioms , but both theoretical and practical research on the PI of idioms in dictionaries is rarely seen .

  19. 刻意曲解是第二说话人完全知道共知信息,却故意使用虚假语用信息而产生的。

    Whereas , in terms of DMI , the second speaker completely knows the mutually known information , but he deliberately utilizes another false pragmatic information .

  20. 笑话作为幽默表达的主要形式在语言使用中同时传达语义和语用信息,往往借助的就是意义在框架转换中跳跃这一语言现象。

    Jokes as a form of humorous expression convey semantic and pragmatic meaning at the same time in everyday language use with the aid of frame-shifting .

  21. 然而,按照定义,监查不仅仅以信赖为基础。词汇语用信息的语境依赖与词汇释义之缺陷

    However , supervision , by definition , is not built on trust alone . Contextual Independence of Lexical Pragmatic Information and the Inefficiency of Its Interpretation in Dictionaries

  22. 我们研究英汉习语喻体的模糊性的原因就在于习语是一种载体,它承载着丰富的文化和语用信息。

    The reason why we study the fuzziness of vehicles in English and Chinese idioms is that idioms are the carriers loaded with a wealth of cultural and pragmatic information .

  23. 文中归纳了语法信息、语义信息和语用信息的概念及特征,讨论了仙农信息论熵公式的局限性,阐述了广义语法信息函数。

    Concept and feature of syntactic information , semantic information and pragmatic information , at last expounds the limitations on Entropy Equation of Shannon Information and broad sense syntactic information function .

  24. 同时,结合学习者背景问卷分析,本文提出如果阅读和记忆剥离了语用信息后的各种表达式只会加速石化进程。

    Based on the analysis of the learners ' background information , this article proposes that reading and memorizing pragmatic forms irrespective of their pragmatic forces accelerates the pace of fossilization .

  25. 搭配是语法、语义和语用信息的综合,在语言形式上呈现出一定的结构和关系模式。

    Collocation is the integration of grammatical , semantic and pragmatic meanings . It presents certain structural and relational patterns and lives in a dynamic relation with its linguistic context , cognitive context and social-cultural context .

  26. 作为口头语言不可缺少的组成部分,英语语调不仅传达说话者的意图、态度、情感等语用信息,也体现着语法、衔接、逻辑等语义信息;在某些情况下,英语语调甚至是区分意义的唯一手段。

    As an indispensable part of spoken English , the English intonation not only communicates pragmatic information such as intention , attitude and emotion , but also conveys semantic information like grammar , cohesion and logic .

  27. 借鉴语法信息、语义信息和语用信息三种信息分类,地理信息组织和提取可以相应地划分为三个层次:语法层次、语义层次和语用层次。

    In the light of three information classifications : syntax information , pragmatics information and semantics information , correspondingly geographical information organization and extraction can be divided into three levels , namely , syntax-level , pragmatics-level and semantics-level .

  28. 在话语交际中,说话人为了实现交际目的,不仅要传递基本信息,还要用恰当的语言手段和语言成分来传达语用信息,构建语篇语境。

    In discourse communication , to achieve successful communication , the speaker has to construct discourse context by conveying not only basic information but also pragmatic information on the basis of using appropriate language ways and language components .

  29. 同时,也希望它能够对教学词典学以及为将来的英语学习词典编纂做出一定的贡献,为使用者能更快速、便捷、有效的检索到所需要的语用信息服务。

    It is expected that it may contribute to the theoretical pedagogical lexicography and improve the ELDs compilation in the future . At the same time , it can serve the users more conveniently , more rapidly and more effectively .

  30. 这种统计学上的表示方式不能很好表达文本的语义和语用信息,因此存在一定的弊端,如不能解决一词多义,同义词等问题,这也制约着文本聚类的质量。

    This kind of statistical means are not very good expression of semantics and pragmatics text information , and therefore there are certain drawbacks , such as cannot solve the polysemy , synonyms , this also influence such as text clustering restricts the quality .