
  • 网络grammatical information;Syntactic Information
  1. 特征结构是HPSG描述语法信息的主要手段,词汇类体系结构和词汇规则构成了HPSG的词汇体系;

    Feature structure is the main method to describe syntactic information . Type hierarchy and lexical rules constitute HPSG 's lexical system .

  2. 基于韵律特征和语法信息的韵律边界检测模型

    Detection Model of Prosodic Boundary Based on Prosodic Features and Syntactic Information

  3. 除了全面详细的语法信息之外,还有示例部分,其中包含许多有用的Java方法。

    In addition to all the detailed syntax information , it contains a samples section , which includes a number of useful Java methods .

  4. 例如,您要开发一个表,包含VXM的全部语法信息,然后将这些语法载入您所输出的每个VXML文件中。

    For example , you could develop a table that contained all the grammar information for your VXM , and then load that grammar into each VXML file you output .

  5. 英汉学习型词典例证中动词语法信息的研究

    Exemplifications of Verbs ' Grammatical Information in English-Chinese Learner 's Dictionaries

  6. 《蒙古语语法信息词典》动词语法属性字段设置

    Verb Grammatical Attribute Field in " Mongolian Grammar Information Dictionary "

  7. 《汉语高频词语法信息词典》的研制

    Development of the Grammatical Knowledge-base of Chinese High Frequency Words

  8. 《现代汉语语法信息词典》的新进展

    New Progress of the Grammatical Knowledge base of Contemporary Chinese

  9. 增加汉字书写系统的语法信息

    How to Increase the Grammatical Information in Chinese Writing

  10. 每页底下都有语法信息的板块。

    At the bottom of each page is a panel with grammatical information .

  11. 《蒙古语语法信息词典量词分库》的建设

    Building of quantifiers branch of Mongolian Grammatical Information Dictionary

  12. 《蒙古语语法信息词典》管理平台的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of " Mongolian Grammatical Information Dictionary " Management Platform

  13. 但是,从用户角度对语法信息进行的研究却很少。

    However , little research on grammatical information from user perspective has been done .

  14. 而语料文本的处理与加工以语法信息词典作基础。

    However , the linguistic material text processing is based on grammar information dictionary .

  15. 这一术语指的是谓词有关语法信息的词汇表达法。

    This term refers to the lexical representation of grammatical information about a predicate .

  16. 基于语法信息的汉语韵律结构预测

    Prediction of Prosodic Organization Based on Grammatical Information

  17. 改进英汉词典中的语法信息

    On grammatical information in English Chinese dictionaries

  18. 在基于模式的方法中,基于范例推理的思想,研究了语法信息和语义信息相结合的相似度计算方法。

    In the pattern-based method , a new algorithm of calculating sentence similarity is presented .

  19. 对这六个部分附加了语法信息、语义信息、语用信息。

    And add the grammar information , semantic information and pragmatic information to the six parts .

  20. 语法信息的统一测度

    A Unified Measure of Syntactic Information

  21. 《蒙古语语法信息词典构形附加成分分库》的设计与实现

    The Designing and the Realizing of " Morphological Forms ' Bank of Mongolian Grammatical Information Dictionary "

  22. 《现代汉语语法信息词典》是面向汉语信息处理的基本语言知识库。

    The Grammatical Knowledge base of Contemporary Chinese serves as a basic linguistic knowledge base for Chinese Information Processing .

  23. 从《现代汉语语法信息词典》的属性字段设置看汉蒙两种语言动词属性差异

    Viewing the differences of the verb attribute between Chinese and Mongolian from the attribute field in Contemporary Chinese Grammatical Knowledge Base

  24. 《蒙古语语法信息词典》是为蒙古语语句的自动分析与自动生成而研制的一部电子词典。

    " Mongolian Grammatical Information Dictionary " is an electronic dictionary developed for automatic analysis and automatic generation of Mongolian sentences .

  25. 英汉学习型词典内语法信息的重要性长期以来都受到众多词典学家的关注。

    The importance of grammatical information in English-Chinese Learners ' dictionaries has been recognized by lexicographers since a long time ago .

  26. 蒙古文字符编码标准制定中的有关问题《蒙古语语法信息词典字符分库》的建立及意义

    Problems for Preparing Character Code Standard of Mongol Development and Meaning of " Character Bank of the Mongolian Grammatical Information Dictionary "

  27. 从广义信息论角度,消费者决策过程中涉及到的信息分为三种:语法信息、语义信息和语用信息。

    From the general information vision there are three respects lied in information process : syntactic information , semantic information and pragmatic information .

  28. 本文提出了一种加入语法信息的方法,来增强句子中重要语法成分的词的重要性,从而增强短文本中包含的信息。

    This paper proposes a method incorporating grammatical information to increase the importance of the words which have stronger relationship with other words .

  29. 但是,验证器的确需要向这个语法信息添加一些额外的元数据并对其结构实施一些限制。

    However , the validator does require some additional metadata to be added to the syntax information and imposes some restrictions in its structure .

  30. 经论证,本文指出框架原则及其描述方法能够被用于以一种信息密集化的方式呈现动词语法信息,即语境,搭配,句法结构等语法信息都能够通过框架描述一并表现出来。

    Through the argumentation , this thesis concludes that frame principles and descriptions can be used to represent grammatical information of verbs through a highly-centralized management .