
  • 网络Language development;The Development of Language
  1. 来自华盛顿大学(UniversityofWashington)的研究人员向父母询问他们婴儿的观看习惯,然后询问它们所理解的单词,以衡量婴儿语言发展的水平。

    The researchers , from the University of Washington , asked parents about their infants ' viewing habits and then about the words they understood , in order to gauge the infants ' level of language development .

  2. boppypillows,toy目标:有支撑的坐,语言发展。目前状况:语柔4个月大了,需要为她将来的坐做好准备了。语言的发展也要促进一下了。

    Goal : sitting with support and promote Ella 's language development Precondition : Ella is close to4 month old and need to be prepared to have some self-supporting skills such as supported sitting .

  3. 利用Java语言发展少数民族地区双语多媒体教学

    Making Use of Java Language to Develop the Bilingual Multi-media Teaching in National Minority Region

  4. 就「句法特徵」而言,我们使用「语句平均句长」(MLU)来呈现儿童语言发展的程度。

    With regard to syntactic features , we use the Mean Length Utterance ( MLU ) to measure the child 's language ability .

  5. 各民族的文化决定各民族的语言发展变化。

    Each people 's culture dominates the evolution of the language .

  6. 本国语言发展的方向是什么?

    The direction of the our country language development is what ?

  7. 社会变化是语言发展的直接因素。

    Social transformations serve as the direct cause of linguistic variations .

  8. 本文着重介绍了语言发展的系统性、习惯性、规律性、相似性和省略性等规律。

    Language development has the law of system , regularity , similarity etc.

  9. 词汇知识的深度对语言发展的质量至关重要;

    The depth of knowledge is a key to quality language development ;

  10. 由语言发展的动因与模式看英语的现状与未来

    The Motive and Approach of Language Development : English Today and Tomorrow

  11. 课堂互动在学习者语言发展中的作用

    The Role of Classroom Interaction in Learner Language Development

  12. 语言发展理论和汉语儿童语言

    Theoretical Issues in Language Development and Chinese Child Language

  13. 中国法律语言发展和演变述论

    On Development and Evolution in China 's Legal Language

  14. 这符合语言发展的规律。

    It follows the law of language development .

  15. 从学生语言发展的层面审视语文读写资源的开发

    Reflect on exploiting the resources of reading and writing from students ' language development

  16. 默会知识论与儿童语言发展和教育

    On the Implications of Tacit Knowledge Theory for Children 's Language Development and Education

  17. 外来语的涌现,是语言发展的一个必然现象和结果。

    The inflow of foreign words is the natural phenomenon and outcome of language development .

  18. 也从一个独特的角度丰富了语言发展理论和实践。

    It also extends the theory and practice of language development from a particular angle .

  19. 地理信息查询语言发展趋势

    Development Trend of Geo-Information Query Language

  20. 当然,我相信演进式设计是最适合领域特定语言发展的。

    I certainly expect that an evolutionary design is the best way to work with DSLs .

  21. 假设在他语言发展期间,完整名词片语和代名词主词的比例维持不变。

    Let 's assume that proportions of full NP to pronominal subjects stays constant throughout development .

  22. 儿童早期语言发展中动词和动词结构的运用与句子的建构&对个案的分析研究

    The usage of Chinese verbs in children 's early language and sentence constrcution & a case study

  23. 综观其发展过程,自始至终贯穿着语言发展的这些普遍规律。1.渐变性规律。

    The general rules of language development run through the whole process : 1.The rule of gradualness .

  24. 宗教对俄罗斯的文化发展和语言发展影响深远。

    Religion has a deep influence on the development of culture , especially on the development of language .

  25. 语素意识的习得对语言发展,特别是词汇的积累和阅读理解能力的提高至关重要。

    Morphological awareness is crucial to development of language , especially to the vocabulary learning and reading ability .

  26. 在漫长的语言发展演变的过程中,由最初的基本义,发展演化出了多个义项。

    In the long process of evolution language , by the original basic righteousness , evolution out several meanings .

  27. 人们认为,学生在课堂上所受的有限制的话语影响他们语言发展的速度。

    The restricted kind of discourse students encounter in classrooms is thought to influence their rate of language development .

  28. 在运用基本汉语语法的能力方面,个案语言发展水平大致相当于正常儿童3~6岁水平。

    The case achieved the level of language ability of 3 ~ 6 years old normal child in using grammar .

  29. 这既说明了趋向动词内部的不同成分的发展速度是不相同的,也说明了语言发展中语法的发展是相对缓慢的。

    It is showed here that different constituents hold different changing speed and that development of grammar is relatively slow .

  30. 口语中的诸多表现手段缺少不了省略词的使用,而省略词的使用恰恰迎合了现代各种语言发展、变化的一个共同趋势,即简化趋势。

    Moreover , the utilization of elliptical words conforms to the trend of language changing which is known as language simplification .