
shè huì xìnɡ
  • sociality;social nature;social character
  1. 在对人性的两重构成因素&兽性与神性的体察中,孙犁重新整合了他的人性观:既肯定了人的社会性,又逐渐重视起人的自然性及其存在价值。

    In his observation of the two factors-barbarity and rational sense consisting of humanity , Sun Li adjusted his viewpoint of humanity once again : he confirmed human 's social nature , and in the meantime he began to emphasize on human 's natural characteristics and his value of existence .

  2. 因此,从他们的作品中能够感受到很强的社会性、时代性。

    Therefore , their work can feel a strong social nature of the times .

  3. 知识的获取是一种社会性的活动。

    The acquisition of knowledge is a social process .

  4. 破除妨碍劳动力、人才社会性流动的体制机制弊端,使人人都有通过辛勤劳动实现自身发展的机会。

    We must remove institutional barriers that block the social mobility of labor and talent and ensure that everyone of our people has the chance to pursue career through hard work .

  5. AC雄性棕色田鼠的探究性降低,其优势地位和社会性却有所升高,BP组雄性田鼠的探究性和社会性也明显升高。

    AC male mandarin vole had less exploratory behavior , but had more dominance and sociability . BP male voles also significantly increase their exploratory and sociability .

  6. SNS(SocialNetworkingService)网站指社会性网络服务网站或者社交性网络服务网站,是一种帮助人们建立与维持社会关系,并综合了多种网络服务和功能的综合性社交服务平台。

    SNS ( Social Networking Service ) website refers to the social network service website or social network services site , which is a Internet service to help people establish and maintain social relationship through the network platform .

  7. 粘细菌(myxobacteria)是一类具有社会性行为的高等原核生物,具有复杂的多细胞行为和形态发生,在细胞分化、发育和生物进化研究中占有重要地位。

    Myxobacteria is a kind of higher prokaryote with social behavior . They have complicated cooperative motility behavior and appearance formation , so they are important to the research of cell differentiation , development and evolution .

  8. 因此,聋人的社会性发展实际上都离不开耳聋这一事实。

    The psychosocial development of deaf people is encircled with the deafness .

  9. 教育是一种社会性的活动,文学也是如此。

    Education is a social action , so is literature .

  10. 在中澳两个样本中,女孩的社会性发展量表得分均高于男孩。

    Sex differences in total scores were found only in the Australian sample .

  11. 历史交往作为一个历史哲学概念,指的是贯穿于人类历史各领域、全过程,并产生了各种各样后果的人类社会性行为。

    Historical interaction is a concept of historical philosophy .

  12. 地图之喻与科学之真&析约翰·齐曼的科学社会性思想

    The Metaphor as Map and The Reality of Science

  13. 无论如何,我们被诊断为社会性昏迷,政治性昏迷,历史性昏迷。

    Anyway we are condemned to social coma , political coma , historical coma .

  14. 在大多数文化当中,睡眠都带有社会性。

    For most cultures , sleep is social .

  15. 加强现代经济性、社会性旅游资源开发;

    Developing modern economical and social tourist resources ;

  16. 技术创新扩散是社会性过程。

    Technology innovation diffusion is a social process .

  17. 商品的二因素各自存在,并对应着其所分别具有的社会性。

    The two factors of commodities are independent , each with its own sociality .

  18. 创新能力是创新个性因素和创新社会性因素的内在整合。

    Innovative ability result , from the inner integration of the social and personal factors .

  19. 自尊分为物质性自尊、社会性自尊和精神性自尊;

    Self-respect can be classified as the material self-respect , social self-respect and spiritual self-respect .

  20. 社会性规制是以保护国民健康和安全为目的的规制。

    The aim of social regulation is to protect the security and health of national people .

  21. 重新认识美的客观社会性

    Understanding the objectivity of beauty again

  22. 幼儿社会性发展以遵循幼儿身心的发展规律为前提。

    And the precondition of infant social development is following the mental and physical development disciplinarian .

  23. 主要研究学习的社会性、学习的主动性和学习的情境性。

    This theory chiefly studies the sociality , the initiative , and the situation on learning .

  24. 论艺术教育的社会性功能

    Expound Social Function Of Art Education

  25. 学校体育的文化性与社会性初探

    School Sports , Culture and Sociality

  26. 存在是社会性的,而意识是社会自身生产的结果。

    Being is something social , but consciousness the result of the production of society itself .

  27. 东方意象/西方意象;社会性意象/人化自然的意象。

    The Eastern images / the Western images , and social images / personified natural images .

  28. 文学作品的外形式所具有的特征是:客观性与社会性;

    The major characters of the outside form are : objectivity and sociality ; particularity and standardize .

  29. 社会性、互动与权力&诠释课堂生活的社会学视角

    Social Attributes , Symbolic Interaction and Power & A Interpretation of Classroom Life from a Sociological Perspective

  30. 其次,女性的社会性劳动对于中世纪经济发展也具有积极的不可替代的作用。

    Secondly , women 's social work had an irreplaceable effect on the development of Medieval economy .