
  • 网络Social movement;campaign;social activities
  1. 他毫不气馁,认为应该有些足够吃苦耐劳的人准备要加入他的远东一顷地社会运动(FarEasternHectareSocialMovement)组织;这个在圣彼得堡创立的私人团体是为了提高众人对免费屯垦地计划的兴趣,并帮助组织移民定居。

    Undaunted , he said he thought there were enough hardy souls ready to join his organization , the Far Eastern Hectare Social Movement , a private outfit set up in St. Petersburg to drum up interest in the free land program and to organize new settlements .

  2. 现在,他住在旧金山,正在筹建一家科技初创企业,并在推动一项名为“uncollege”的社会运动,该运动试图改变大学是唯一成功之路的观念。

    He now lives in San Francisco , is working on a technology start-up and is promoting the social movement " uncollege " , which is trying to change the notion that college is the only way to prosper .

  3. 他从事的社会运动已经因缺乏经费而难以为继了。

    His campaign is already hurting for money .

  4. 奇卡诺文学勃兴于20世纪60年代社会运动的高潮中

    Chicano literature boomed in the social movements of the 1960s .

  5. 工作生活质量(qualityofworklife)这个概念最早于20世纪60年代产生于工会组织,很快便被西方工业国家广泛接受,并发展成为一场普遍的社会运动。

    The concept of quality of work life emerged in the trade union in 60 ages , quickly , it was accepted by western society broadly , and became a kind of universal movement .

  6. 给美国的新移民增加教育设施比任何社会运动都更多的激发了ElizabethWilliams的热情。

    No social crusade aroused Elizabeth Williams enthusiasm more than the expansion of educational facilities for immigrants to the United States .

  7. 社会运动组织globalwitness今年早些时候获得的一份利比亚投资局的内部管理报告显示,该局的数十亿投资中有许多交易蒙受了巨额亏损。

    An internal LIA management report , obtained by global witness , the campaign group , earlier this year , indicated many of the billions the LIA had invested had suffered heavy losses .

  8. 作为环境保护的新倡导者的一些社会运动在此次会议兴起,它们正在期待着将在墨西哥Cancún举行的第16届气候变化峰会。

    Social movements emerged as the new advocates for environmental protection at the summit , and were looking towards the16th Climate Change Conference in Canc ú n , Mexico .

  9. JEANNECYRIAQUE:“这项社会运动的核心是社区、富有同情心的白人以及慈善组织的融合。他们融合到一起从事我们今天所说的伙伴关系。”

    JEANNE CYRIAQUE : " At the very core of that movement was the involvement of the community , sympathetic whites and , merging together to do what today we 'd call partnerships . "

  10. 民粹主义最初得名于俄国,它既指一种政治思潮、政治策略,又指一种社会运动;

    It means a kind of politics trend or politics tactic .

  11. 新社会运动的形态特征及其治理效能

    The Characteristics of New Social Movement and Its effect in Governance

  12. 经济全球化及其对西方社会运动的冲击和影响

    Economic Globalization and the Influence on the Western Social Movement

  13. 拉丁美洲各国首都公民参与和社会运动讲习班

    Workshop on Citizen Participation and Social Movements in Latin American Capital Cities

  14. 如何在社会运动中创造和保持统一性?

    How do you create and maintain unity in a social movement ?

  15. 论美国施政方针与60年代社会运动的互动关系

    Interaction Between the US Administrative Policy and Social Movement in the 1960s

  16. 维护世界和平的国际社会运动。

    And safeguarding world peace movement of the international community .

  17. 推动了美国社区发展,为美国后来的各种社会运动提供了理论武器。

    His theory and action has promoted American community development and social movement .

  18. 有一个社会运动,出现很多嬉皮士。

    There was a kind of social revolution . There were many hippies .

  19. 作为一个学者,我对所谓社会运动完全没兴趣。

    As an academician , I am not interested in the'social movement ' .

  20. 政府和社会运动人士希望实行更严格的公司注册审查制度,其他人反对。

    Governments and campaigners want tighter scrutiny of company registration , Others don 't.

  21. 马来西亚华裔的社会运动(1957&2007)

    Social Movements of Malaysian Chinese Community ( 1957-2007 )

  22. 数百名社会运动分子集结在赌城大道对性暴力提出抗议。

    Hundreds of activists have gathered on the strip to protest sexual violence .

  23. 女性解放一直是当代社会运动的重大问题之一。

    Women 's liberation is one of important issue in contemporary social movement .

  24. 此外,社会运动也正开始重塑以色列和印度的政治格局。

    Social movements are also beginning to reshape politics in Israel and India .

  25. 社会运动是多元化政治体系的民众利益表达方式之一。

    In a multi-entity political system social movement is an _expression of mass interest .

  26. 资本主义的历史是一部波澜起伏、不断发展变化的社会运动史。

    The history of capitalism is a social movement history of changes and development .

  27. 当代艺术与社会运动&一种批判与建构的艺术精神

    The Contemporary Arts and Social Movement - An Artistic Spirit of Criticism and Construction

  28. 我国转型期和谐阶层关系的建构:一个社会运动的分析视角

    On Building of Harmonious Class Relations in Transition Period : From View of Social Movement

  29. 前言:生态社会主义是当代西方“新社会运动”的主要组成部分。

    The eco-socialism is an important component of new society campaign in contemporary western countries .

  30. 正如我前面提到的,我们必须开展一场终结贫困的社会运动。

    As I mentioned earlier , we must build a social movement to end poverty .