
  • 网络socioeconomics;Social Economics;Economic sociology
  1. Jaynes提出的最大熵原理作为一种普遍的推理方法,受到各个学科越来越多的关注,已被广泛应用于物理学、生态学、通信科学、社会经济学,及其它相关学科。

    The principle of maximum entropy proposed by Jaynes as a general reasoning methods , attracting more and more attention , have been widely applied to physics , ecology , and communication science , social economics , and other related disciplines .

  2. 个人的真正自由何以实现?马克思自由思想的哲学社会经济学文本探源

    How Can True Individual Freedom Be Achieved ? & A Source Study of Marxist Liberal Thinking and Social Economics

  3. 多簇理论由社会经济学的角度,重新审视了多代理系统(MAS)的结构和模型,从组织优化和功能提取方面探讨了资源重用的方式。

    Multi-Cluster theory reconsiders the structures and models of Multi-Agent System ( MAS ) from the novel view of social economic organizations , and studies the intelligent negotiation methods on sharing operating resources .

  4. 采用描述性分析、单因素统计推断(卡方检验)以及Logistic回归模型等方法对样本地区不同人口学、社会经济学特征农村居民的整体健康、体力与社交状况进行分析,探索健康的社会经济影响因素。

    Conducting descriptive statistics , univariate statistical inference ( x2test ) and Logistic regression etc. , we analyzed overall health status , physical strength and social communication of rural residents with different demographic characteristics and socioeconomic status , in order to explore socioeconomic factors related to health .

  5. 在所有适于刊登在家庭小报上的特殊社会经济学称谓当中,有一个曾风靡于二十世纪八九十年代的词在进入了二十一世纪之后逐渐没落了,那就是“雅皮士”(yuppie)。

    Of all the family-newspaper-appropriate socioeconomic slurs , one that was ubiquitous in the 1980s and " 90s is slowly on its way out in this millennium : yuppie .

  6. 然后,从新社会经济学的嵌入性视角分析了我国背景下partnering模式中的各个信任前因变量,探讨了目前我国建筑企业间低信任水平的现实社会原因。

    Then , the trust antecedent variables of construction enterprises were analyzed in order to obtain the practical social causes of present low trust level in construction market in China , from the perspective of " embeddedness " in New Social Economics .

  7. 我们使用来自PSID和ECHP的数据以评估人们选择配偶时在上述指标中所做的权衡,发现了人体测量特征和社会经济学特征可以互相替代的证据。

    We estimate the trade-offs among these characteristics using data from the PSID and the ECHP , finding evidence of compensation between anthropometric and socioeconomic characteristics .

  8. 新疆草地退化的生态社会经济学透析

    Ecological , Social and Economical Perspectives on Grassland Degradation in Xinjiang

  9. 当代中国城市居住空间研究的社会经济学视野

    Analysis of Contemporary Urban Dwelling Space in China Basing on Socioeconomics

  10. 生态经济区划原则是地带性原则、非地带性原则和社会经济学原则。

    The principles of eco-economic zoning are zonality , non-zonality and socioeconomic .

  11. 大多数儿童都有社会经济学条件很好的家庭背景。

    Most of the children came from good socioeconomic backgrounds .

  12. 描述性研究统计研究对象的社会经济学、人口学以及卫生服务利用情况。

    Descriptive statistical study of the socio-economic , demographic and health service utilization .

  13. 从信息社会经济学的新思维看人的能力与经济发展

    Human Capacity and Economy Development from the New View of Economics of Information Society

  14. 本文简述了有关航天产业社会经济学研究中的几个基本问题。

    This article briefly discusses some basic problems in the re-search of space technology socioeconomics .

  15. 人们不再认为,具备某些社会经济学背景的个体更适合创业。

    There is no longer a bias towards individuals from certain socioeconomic backgrounds launching start-ups .

  16. 肺结核病人的社会经济学调查

    Socio-economic study on pulmonary tuberculosis patients

  17. 同时从社会经济学的角度来讲,当前的网络架构对于信息服务的提供者来说,利润是比较低的。

    In the socioeconomic perspective , the current network structure makes low profits transmitting so mush content .

  18. 而根据新社会经济学的理论,任何经济行为都是嵌入在社会网络中的。

    According to the new social and economic theories , any economic behavior is embedded in the social network .

  19. 调查内容包括人口社会经济学特征、成年人饮食行为评价量表、食物频率调查表。

    The characteristics of social economy , adult eating behavior evaluation questionnaire , Short Food Frequency Questionnaire were surveyed .

  20. 贫困人群有其自身的人口学和社会经济学特征,在面对健康风险时,具有较大的脆弱性。

    Because of the demographic and social economic characteristics of poverty-stricken population , they are vulnerable by disease risk .

  21. 社会经济学代表了经济学与社会学在研究主题和方法上从分离走向对话的趋势,这有助于两个学科的发展。

    Social economics represents the trends of dialogue from departure between economics and sociology , which is helpful for both disciplines .

  22. 社会经济学里出现了一个让人难过的事实:有钱人和穷人相比,其生活往往更健康,寿命也更长。

    It is a sad fact of socioeconomics that the wealthy tend to lead healthier , longer lives than do the poor .

  23. 本文以实验室社会经济学的博弈实验为研究对象,对最大熵原理首次进行了检验。

    In this paper , in the lab experiments of social economics games , the maximum entropy principle was tested for the first time .

  24. 人口社会经济学变量对农村居民的健康知识水平、获取意愿和行为水平有显著性影响。

    Socio-economic factors had statistically significant influence on the level of health knowledge , willingness of learning and behavioral risk factors of rural chronic patients .

  25. 社区性产业集群与合作性激励的生成&对温州民间商会生发机制的社会经济学考察

    Industrial Clusters of Community and the Forming of Cooperative Inspirit & On the Perspective of Social Economics of the Forming Mechanism of Wenzhou Chamber of Commerce

  26. 珀奇克:是的,那是重要元素!至少,我个人喜欢这种社会经济学关系。

    Perchik : Yes , that is an important element ! At any rate , I * I personally am in favour of such a socioeconomic relationship .

  27. 马克思主义者,马克思主义追随者研究、推广马克思主义或在政治经济学、历史或文艺批评等领域利用马克思的哲学或社会经济学概念进行分析或阐释的人。

    One that studies , advocates , or makes use of Karl marx 's philosophical or socioeconomic concepts as a method of analysis and interpretation , as in political economy or historical or literary criticism .

  28. 单因素分析结果表明,次均住院费用、住院天数与日均住院费用都与病人的社会经济学特征有一定的联系,也与医疗机构、病种及住院科室有一定的关系。

    The results of single factor analysis showed that there were relations between average inpatient fees , stay length and patient 's social and economic characteristics , the types of diseases , hospitals and departments .

  29. 方法:采用两阶段最小二乘法估计利用与需要、供给和社会经济学因素的关系模型,找到了合理的需要变量&标化两周患病率。

    Methodology : The utilization model is a function of the supply , need and socioeconomic variables by two stage least square regression , which can provide legitimate need variables , standardized two week prevalence rate .

  30. 目的了解我国肺结核病人的社会经济学现状,为今后制定有关结核病控制政策和策略,改善结核病控制服务等提供科学依据。

    Objective To realize the socio-economic situation of pulmonary tuberculosis patients and provide the scientific data for the revision of tuberculosis control strategies and policy of the national tuberculosis control progarm as well as to improve tuberculosis control services .