
  • 网络investment philosophy;Investment concept
  1. 中投的创立似乎也刺激了中国外管局投资理念发生部分转变。最近数月,中国外管局已收购了澳大利亚几家银行及资源型企业的大量股份,以及法国石油企业道达尔(Total)的股份。

    CIC 's founding appears to have also spurred a partial change in the investment philosophy of Safe , which has bought large tranches of shares in Australian banks and resource companies , and Total , the French oil company , in recent months .

  2. 与其保守型投资理念一致的是,troweprice几乎一直是完全靠自身的有机增长来壮大,而它在巴尔的摩的邻居leggmason则主要靠收购来扩张。

    In keeping with its conservative investment philosophy , t Rowe price has grown almost entirely organically , unlike its Baltimore neighbour , Legg Mason , which has grown largely through acquisition .

  3. 作为一位坚定的反向投资者,他将以往的成功,归因于不遵循当时流行的自下而上(bottom-up)的投资理念。

    Ever the contrarian , he attributes his prior success to eschewing the prevailing mantra of bottom-up investing .

  4. 管理层引进QFII时,希望取得吸引更多资金、引导投资理念变革等积极效应。

    Government introduced QFII to absorb more fund , to guide a new investment idea and so on .

  5. 作为一个债务国的财长,汉克保尔森(hankpaulson)决心“忠于”外国投资者,尊重他们的投资理念。

    As Treasury Secretary of a debtor nation , Hank Paulson was determined to keep the faith with foreign investors , honouring the assumptions on which they invested .

  6. 在加入WTO后,以基金、社保、保险、券商为首的机构投资者,坚持行业分析、上市公司业绩研究和预测,这种基本面分析价值投资理念将成为市场主导。

    After entering into WTO , organization investors led by fund , social insurance security , insurance and securities , which are insisted in industry analysis , research and forecast of listed companies ' performance , which has been prominent notion for value investment .

  7. 所以,要想改变目前IPO高抑价的现状,最重要的措施就是遏制二级市场的疯狂炒作,同时还要对投资者进行投资理念和风险教育。

    Therefore , in order to change the current status of IPO underpricing , the most important measures is to limit the crazy speculation in the secondary market , but also enhance the risk education to investors .

  8. QFII作为我国资本市场开放新引进的一类特殊的机构投资者,和国内机构投资者相比,拥有更强大的资金背景和更成熟的投资理念。

    QFII as a special kind of institutional investors introduced to open up capital market , compared with the domestic institutional investors , has greater financial background and more mature investment ideas .

  9. 根据SWOT框架的分析,本土基金具有熟悉国情、政府扶植等多方面的优势,但同时也在运作的规范性、投资理念的科学性等诸多方面具有劣势;

    Based on the frame of SWOT analysis , domestic funds own the advantages of their familiarity with the domestic market and the help of the government , but also have the disadvantages on standard methods on investment and management .

  10. QFII制度将强化资金供给面,优化我国证券市场投资者结构及更新投资者投资理念等,以逐步实现我国资本市场与国际资本市场的接轨。

    QFII will increase the capital supply , improve the investor structure and renew the sense of investment . And that will speed up the democratic capital market integrating with world capital market .

  11. QFII制度将以其成熟的国际资本市场运作方式、先进的管理模式对中国证券市场在投资理念和盈利模式等方面产生积极影响。

    QFII regulation will positively influence the investment perspective and the pattern of making profit in China 's securities market with its mature way of operating and developed managing pattern in international capital markets .

  12. 本文旨在以EVA的业绩评价方法解释恒隆地产采用价值投资理念长期持有投资性物业,为股东等企业利益相关者群体创造价值、获取回报的原因所在。

    In this thesis we aims to use EVA performance evaluation methods to explain the real value of Hang Lung Properties who has a long-term investment philosophy of holding investment property and can always create business value for shareholders and other related groups .

  13. QFII的实质进入,扩大了市场资金供给、转变了市场投资理念、加快了企业现代化进程,促进了我国证券业与国际接轨。

    The essence of QFII is entered , which will expand the supply of funds for market , transform the ideology of market investment modernization , accelerate the progress of enterprises and promote the connection of securities of China with the world .

  14. 开放型基金需要有自身的投资理念与发展策略。

    Opening type fund demands itself investment ideas and development strategy .

  15. 价值投资理念于2001年在中国股市出现,并逐步被投资者重视,逐渐展露锋芒,最终发展为目前市场的热点。

    Value investment ideal appeared in 2001 in Chinese stock market .

  16. 其三是培养正确的投资理念。

    The third is to cultivate the correct investment concept .

  17. 巴菲特投资理念,德隆,中国证券市场。

    Buffett investment philosophy , Delong , Chinese securities market .

  18. 尽管存在这些短期的挑战,但投资理念仍然保持不变。

    Despite these near-term challenges , however the investment thesis remains intact .

  19. 这也是他投资理念的关键所在。

    This is a key part of his investment thesis .

  20. 引入成熟市场的投资理念和方法;

    QFIIs will import the mature and advanced investment methods and reasonability ;

  21. 市场对于价值投资理念的认同,使得投资机会逐渐向以行业变迁为基准的投资形式转型。

    A gradual change in investment opportunity is based on industry analysis .

  22. 6大力发展机构投资者后投资理念创新与投资机遇;

    Investment chances after the development of institutional investors ;

  23. 我们的投资理念是,仅仅用一根火柴点燃地狱般的火海。

    Our investment mantra is to ignite raging infernos with a single match .

  24. 在价值投资理念主导的市场格局下,公司股权价值的确定就成了一个核心问题。

    In this market , valuation of the stock becomes the core problem .

  25. 第四章,阐述了我国商业银行投资理念。

    The last chapter is the statement of the idea of commercial bank investment .

  26. 本文从投资理念更新的角度就这一问题谈点浅显的看法。

    In this paper , opinion to regenerate the idea of investment is disused .

  27. 在投资者层面,应增强投资者的价值投资理念和维权意识。

    Investors should enhance the philosophy of value investment and maintaining rights and interests .

  28. 从股市生态看投资理念演变

    Development of Investment Ideas in Chinese Stock Market

  29. 浅谈企业员工培训的投资理念

    On Investment Concept of Employee Training in Enterprise

  30. 我国股票市场价值投资理念及其运用研究

    Research and Application of Value Invest Idea in the Stock Market of Our Country