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  • Voting rate;percentage of voter turnout
  1. 1988年的投票率为50%。

    In 1988 the turnout was 50 %

  2. 意料之外的高投票率表明,民众希望找到一个可靠人选,替代中右翼总统尼古拉萨科齐(nicolassarkozy)的情绪高涨。

    The unexpectedly high turnout points to a popular groundswell in favour of a credible alternative to the centre-right President Nicolas Sarkozy .

  3. 在的黎波里东南部的阿布萨利姆区(abusalim,卡扎菲在位时曾力挺他),投票率也比较高。

    And in the south-eastern Tripoli District of Abu Salim , known as a stronghold of support for Gaddafi during his reign , voters turned out in relatively high numbers .

  4. 100%的投票率会是何种景象。100%全体动员,一夜之间,我们就会爆发革命。

    Mobilize 100 percent , and overnight , we get revolution .

  5. 低投票率被归咎于竞选活动的乏味无趣。

    Low voter turnout was chalked up to a dull campaign .

  6. 选举的有效性取决于是否达到足够的投票率。

    The legitimacy of the election depends on a sufficient turnout .

  7. 他说,选民投票率超过了70%。

    The election chief says voter turnout was nearly 70 percent .

  8. 我们预计地方选举的投票率很低。

    We 're expecting quite a low turnout for the local elections .

  9. 此次选民的投票率创下了历史新高,带来了历史性的胜利。

    The voters turned out in record numbers and delivered anhistoric victory .

  10. 伊朗人高调宣扬其高投票率。

    The Iranians trumpet the size of the turnout in their poll .

  11. 津巴布韦国家媒体报导说投票率很高。

    The state media reported a very high voter turnout .

  12. 在许多地区选民投票率很低。

    The turnout of voters was low in many localities .

  13. 而马里的选民投票率一直处于历史最低—不到40%。

    Voter turnout in Mali has been historically low-less than 40 percent .

  14. 12区北部的投票率极低。

    Voter turnout was extremely low in 12 districts upstate .

  15. 宣传广告的目的似乎是为了增加投票率。

    The advertising seems aimed at increasing voter turnout .

  16. 投票率相当好[不太好]。

    There was quite a good [ poor ] turnout at the polls .

  17. 所以这是一个既能赢得选票,又能提高投票率的策略。

    So it is a device both to win votes and raise turnout .

  18. 一些选民和候选人说,布什的话是选民投票率高的部分原因。

    Bush 's remarks contributed to the higher turnout .

  19. 按她的计算,整个库尔德地区的投票率达到78.5%。

    Across all of Kurdistan , she calculates , voter turnout was78.5 percent .

  20. 这次选举的选民投票率很低。

    Voter turnout was low for the election .

  21. 这是一个伟大的延伸的投票率。

    This is a great stretch for turn-out .

  22. 选民星期天的投票率很高。加纳选民将选举一位新总统和新一届议会。

    Voter turnout was high Sunday as Ghanaians chose a new president and parliament .

  23. 地方选举的平均投票率只有20%左右。

    And in your average local election , turnout hovers somewhere around 20 percent .

  24. 据估计,本次投票率达到85%是四十年内最高的一次。

    Voter turnout was projected at85 percent , a level not seen in40 years .

  25. 投票率远远低比2004年首次总统选举。

    Voter turnout reportedly was much lower than the first presidential elections held in2004 .

  26. 在美国,女性投票率高于男性。

    Women vote in higher numbers than men .

  27. 在民众投票率处于发达民主政体中最低水平时,

    When voting rates in America are some of the lowest among advanced democracies ,

  28. 投票率远比预期为佳,也远比一九九五年选举的投票率为高。

    The turnout was well above expectation and well above the turnout of the1995 election .

  29. 投票率之低创了纪录。

    Turnout was at a record low .

  30. 投票率低意味着前往投票的民众太少。

    A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls .