
  • 网络put into operation;commission
  1. 陡河发电厂的机组在经过DCS改造以后,新装的纯电调系统在投入运行后出现了一些典型的故障。

    In the DCS system of Douhe Power Plant through transformation , some typical faults of DEH system occurred frequently since commissioning .

  2. 文中从改造初期策划、设备及功能配置、改造施工、调试到投入运行,介绍原给煤机控制系统采用STOCK公司196NT控制系统和变频调速改造的情况。

    This paper presents the process of the upgrading of the feeder control system and frequency control system by using the STOCK Company 196 NT microprocessor from the initial planning , equipment and function allocation , retrofitting and construction , debugging to commissioning , etc.

  3. GPS技术在航空航天,军事制导领域的应用日渐成熟,同时国产北斗卫星导航系统即将投入运行。

    The GPS application to aerospace and military guidance is maturing day after day , and domestic BD satellite navigation system is being put into operation .

  4. horizon曾期望到2020年时,首座新建核电站能够投入运行,现在看来该时间表可能延迟。

    Horizon had hoped to get its first new nuclear station operational by 2020 , a timetable which may now slip .

  5. 在机器上线之前,这些早期用户在BlueWaters团队的帮助下做了充分的准备,他们的项目随时可以投入运行。

    These early users have the advantage of intense preparation with help from the Blue Waters team before the machine goes online , so they can hit the ground running .

  6. 如果流程定义在投入运行之后被发现有错,则修复错误的代价相当高,另外Web服务组合可能存在不必要的流程设计而影响执行效率。

    If the flow definition was discovered mistake after it was used , then the price of repairing will be quite high . Another , maybe the nonessential flow design of the Web service composition will reduce the low efficiency .

  7. 如果正在运行一个Windows服务的用户的密码更改,那么让服务重新投入运行的惟一途径是更新服务并重复所有步骤。

    When the password changes for a user that is running a Windows service , the only way to get the service to work again is to update the service and repeat all the steps .

  8. 另外,本文的基于云计算的WEB管理平台已经投入运行,主要的功能模块是后台管理模块、短信告警模块、测径模块、和压力监控模块。

    In addition , in this paper , the WEB management platform based on cloud computing has been put into operation , the main function modules are background management module , SMS alarm module , measuring module , and pressure monitoring module .

  9. 目前P&G济南分销商web报表生成系统已经正式完成并交付用户使用,已经投入运行,承担起自动生成公司每日报表以及各种重要数据实时观看的工作。

    P & G Jinan distributors web report generation system has been officially completed and delivered to users , has been put into operation , to assume automatically generate daily reports and real-time viewing of the work of a variety of important data .

  10. 标志内浮顶油罐设计水平的技术经济指标主要包括两项内容,一项是在基建阶段每立方米容积的耗钢量A,另一项是在投入运行后的有效系数B。

    There are two main technol-economical indices for the design of inner floating roof tank : value A , the steel consumption ( volume ) per cubic meter in the construction stage ; value B , the effective coefficient after the tank is put into service .

  11. 应用CL/HPM建立程序开关控制器,使复杂控制回路在系统故障恢复后及时投入运行,以达到无扰动操作的目的;

    A program switch controller is built by using CL / HPM to let a complex control loop into operation immediately after the trouble is removed and to accomplish undisturbed operation .

  12. CBERS-1卫星01星发射升空投入运行以来,已在中巴两国国民经济建设众多领域中发挥出重要作用。

    Since the first satellite of CBERS-1 has been launched successfully , it made an important role in the economic development of China and Brazil .

  13. 系统已于2004年7月投入运行,实际运行情况表明,分解率合格率达到98%,槽样硅合格率达到95.2%,对提高Al(OH)3产品的质量和产量作出了贡献。

    The system has been in operation in July , 2004 . The practical running results indicate that not only the qualified rate of the resolution ratio reaches 98 % , and the qualified rate of Silicon reaches 95.2 % , but also the product quality and quantity are improved .

  14. 简述了HC轧机钢卷轧制规程设定系统的改造,介绍了FIX编程软件在建立操作站方面的应用,投入运行后,效果较好。

    The revamp on the coil rolling program definition system in HC Mill is briefly described and application of the FIX programming software in the establishment of the operation stations introduced . Results are proved to be successful since being put into operation .

  15. 在九五油井管攻关项目的基础上,成功地将一套基于FoxPro单机的油井管生产、性能的数据库移植到现在的WINDOWSnt平台上,建立了支持InternetWeb方式的新数据库并投入运行。

    Basing on the oil well steel tube project , the oil well steel tube production and properties database was transplanted from the FoxPro system to Microsoft Windows NT network system successfully . And a new Internet Web oil well steel tube database was developed and came into use .

  16. 目前,该项目已投入运行,DCS系统运行正常,基本实现了焚烧过程自动化,但是存在炉膛温度波动,高温腐蚀和结焦等问题。

    Currently , the project has been put into operation , and the DCS system is operating normally , the automation of burning process has been basically achieved . But there are problems of fluctuations in the furnace temperature , high temperature corrosion and coking .

  17. 本文结合高校教师和学生实际需求,从快捷方便解答用户入手,通过校园网络,利用SqlServer2000和ASP开发工具开发出数字参考咨询系统,投入运行半年来,运行效果良好。

    This paper begins with the requirement of quick answer , we uses SQL Server 2000 and ASP developing tool to develop digital reference services system in campus network . The system is running in library for half a year , which can well meet our requirements .

  18. 近年来,随着中国移动TD-SCDMA网络大规模的建设与投入运行,网络质量的好坏已成为中国移动和其它两家网络运营商竞争占领移动通信市场、把握成败的一个关键因素。

    In recent years , with a large-scale construction of TD-SCDMA network and put TD-SCDMA network into operation in CMCC , the network quality has become a key factor in the competing to occupied mobile communications market with other two network operators .

  19. 自某电站投入运行以来,当使用PO管从换料水池向BA管传水时,D2泵下游出口管线振动和噪声相当高,导致该泵和相关管线损坏。

    Since some power station has been putting into operation , so high the pipeline vibration and noise of the pump backward position exist when the spreading water from the changing pond to BA with PO , then this pump and relevant pipeline are damaged .

  20. 基于Profibus总线的原料加工控制系统投入运行后,有效地解决了薄板坯连铸用耐火材料生产线的连续化、一致化、智能调节等问题,极大地提高了生产效率,保证了混料的稳定性。

    The application of Profibus based control system of raw material processing proved highly effective in respect of the continuity , conformity and intellectual control of the production line , resulted in significant improvement of the production efficiency and stability of blending materials .

  21. 目前,发电企业信息化加速发展,SIS系统在新建大型火电工程中正在普遍推广应用,同时,一些已经投入运行的大型火电厂,也纷纷增建SIS系统。

    Currently , Generating enterprises to accelerate the development of information technology , SIS in the new large thermal power projects are generally applied , at the same time , Some have been put into operation a large fire power plants , have an SIS .

  22. 在做HT-7实验时需要一个中央定时系统,为整个实验系统发送统一的时间信号,从而协调其它各子系统,使它们能够按照主控机给定的实验运行模式投入运行。

    A central timing system is needed to generate uniform time signal for the HT-7 experiment system to coordinate all other sub-systems . Therefore the sub-systems can run under the run mode which is controlled by main control computer .

  23. 受Knight算法交易影响的148只股票中,至少有40只股票的股价波动幅度超过了10%,因断路开关机制在开盘15分钟后才投入运行,而且该机制反映的是股价波动性,而非指令流量。

    In total at least 40 of the 148 stocks affected by the Knight trading algo experienced a change of more than 10 per cent , as circuit breakers do not start operating until 15 minutes into the trading day and reflect volatility , not order flow .

  24. 该装置已于1992年研究成功,并顺利地在鞍山公园变电站投入运行,作为该站双回66kV进线的全套保护。

    The device has been installed and successfully operating in Gongyuan substation in Anshan city since 1992 . It has been working out all kinds of necessary protection for the 66 kV parallel double lines in that substation .

  25. 程序安装到国家电力调度通信中心的CC-2000系统上,于2004年1月投入运行,经过这半年的运行证明程序在收敛性和估计精度方面都满足了实时应用的要求。

    The program had been installed on CC-2000 systems in National Power Dispatching and Communication Centre . The program came into use in Jan , 2004 . It has operated for a half year very well . It is concluded that program can do well with realtime data .

  26. 反洗完毕后,活性炭过滤器投入运行。

    After finishing backwashing , active carbon filter goes into operation .

  27. 现已完成工程设计并竣工投入运行。

    Now the project design was finished and construction starts .

  28. 工作在微波频率的传感器也可能很快地投入运行。

    Sensors working at microwave frequencies may soon be operational .

  29. 投入运行后,主汽温度和汽包水位稳定,效果良好。

    In operation , both main steam temperature and drum are stable .

  30. 该系统已在大连海事法院正式投入运行。

    The system has been put into operation in Dalian Marine Court .