
  • 网络combined footing;Basis of Union
  1. 在10kV线路中联合基础与钻孔灌注桩基础比较

    Comparison Between Combined Footing and Bored Pile Foundation for 10 kV Transmission Line

  2. 双柱联合基础的设计方法

    Design method of the doubie - column combined footing

  3. 联合基础在珠江三角洲地区110kV线路中推广应用

    Popularization and Application of Combined Foundation in 110 kV Transmission Lines in Zhujiang River Triangle Region

  4. 针对钢筋混凝土双柱联合基础,介绍了两种可供采用的设计计算方法,即基于我国规范中单独基础的算法和ACl规范算法。

    The paper presents two kinds of design-calculation method on the reinforced concrete double-column combined foundation one is the computation method on isolated foundation based on the state code of China , the other is based on the norm of ACI .

  5. 通过对联合基础与钻孔灌注桩的经济指标、施工等使用比较分析,提出在10kV线路中推广使用的建议,可供配电网建设工作者参考。

    Through the comparison of economical index and construction application between combined footing and bored pile foundation , it was suggested that the combined footing the bored pile foundation should be popularized for 10 kV transmission line .

  6. 双墙联合基础的实用设计计算方法

    Practical design - calculation method of double - wall combined foundation

  7. 部署模式:支持将解决方案部署到联合基础设施中。

    Deployment patterns : Support solution deployment into a federated infrastructure .

  8. 板式联合基础的全过程管理与质量控制

    Whole Process Management & Quality Control of Plate Type Combined Foundation

  9. 软土地基上联合基础的流变效应研究

    Research on Rheological Effect of Combined Foundations on Soft Soil Foundations

  10. 治疗组和对照组均联合基础治疗。

    Both of treatment and control groups received b as is treatment .

  11. 双柱下梯形联合基础的设计与探讨

    Study on designing of trapezoidal shaped combined footings under two - column

  12. 联合基础振动计算模型及数值计算方法的研究

    Study on vibrational model of combined foundations and its numerical computational techniques

  13. 钢筋混凝土双柱联合基础的设计计算方法

    Design-calculation method of the reinforced concrete double-column combined foundation

  14. 联合基础灌注桩在深软地基边坡应急支护中的应用

    Applying Multiple Foundation Pouring pile to Emergency Sustenance of Deeper oozy Foundation Slope

  15. 压缩机联合基础的动力特性

    Dynamic Properties of Combined Foundations under Compression Engines

  16. 高层建筑桩筏联合基础荷载分配测试研究

    The study on load distribution testing in the pile-raft fundation of the high building

  17. 框架式联合基础垂直振动计算

    Vertical Vibration Calculation for Frame - Combined foundation

  18. 挪威、丹麦及瑞典的王朝联合基础并不稳固。

    The dynastic union of norway , Denmark and Sweden was built on shaky foundations .

  19. 年龄联合基础卵泡刺激素对体外受精-胚胎移植患者卵巢储备功能的预测价值

    Female age and basal FSH predict ovarian reserve and pregnancy in women undergoing in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer

  20. 为保证教学的时效性,研究者应该联合基础学习开展智力障碍学生阅读教学的研究。

    To ensure the timeliness of teaching , researchers should carry out researches on reading instruction to students with mental retardation on the base of basic learning .

  21. 本文分别对单台、双台、联合基础与地基土相互作用体系在扰力作用下的振动特性进行了研究。

    In this paper , the researches on the vibration behaviors of the interaction system , which includes single-machine foundation , two-machines foundation , combined foundation and soil , are made .

  22. 桩筏基础由桩和筏组成的一种联合基础,筏将大部分总荷载传递给桩,同时其本身也承担总荷载的一部分。

    The use of the pile - raft foundations , a conbination of raft foundation with piles , to transfer the load of buildings to the supporting soil can be important .

  23. 多柱下联合桩基础的设计探讨

    The design of combined pile-foundation under group column

  24. 在这学期的联合作业基础上,提出一个你自己设计的题目。

    Propose a topic of your own devising , based on our joint work this semester .

  25. 假定已经配备了联合服务器基础设施,则使用最好的联合引擎会相对较为廉价。

    It is relatively cheap if utilizing the best-of-breed federation engines , assuming a federated server infrastructure is in place .

  26. 如果各大厂商联合推进基础设施的准备工作,就可以加快新一代汽车的上市进程。

    Companies can bring a new generation of cars to market more quickly if they collaborate on priming the infrastructure .

  27. 目的:观察以中药复方脉通方联合西药基础治疗方案治疗糖尿病肾病3期的疗效。

    Objective : To observe the effect of Mai Tong Fang ( MTF ) in treating the3rd stage of diabetic nephropathy ( DN ) .

  28. 本文通过工程实例,验证采用联合桩基础设计,可提高基桩的竖向承载力;

    By means of practical project , this paper verify that it can raise the vertical load capacity by using the design of combined pile founding .

  29. 色彩、光影、空间的蒙太奇游戏,是建立在机械、光电和计算机技术的联合驱动基础上的。

    Color , light and space montage of the game are built on the machinery , optical and computer technology on the basis of the joint drive .

  30. 国际金融公司将拿出不超过3亿美元的股本资金和预计将至少达到20亿美元的其它来源资金,联合为基础设施项目融资。

    IFC will contribute up to $ 300 million in equity with other sources expected to bring in at least $ 2 billion more to co-finance infrastructure projects .