
  • 网络Connectivity;relations;relational;Linkage
  1. 接着点明油画民族化和笔法的之间的联系性,并逐步展开讨论。

    Oil Painting and calligraphy and then highlighted the linkage between the nature of , and gradually expand the discussion .

  2. 通过所有这些,呈现给我们的就是一个内容更为丰富,联系性更好的Internet,个人可以通过其比之前的任何媒体更为方便地接触和就共同感兴趣的问题进行沟通。

    All of this has resulted in a richer , better-connected Internet in which individuals can meet and communicate with each other on topics of common interest more easily than through any previous medium .

  3. 立体几何解题中知识联系性的相关研究

    A Research on the Knowledge Connectedness in Solid Geometry Problem Solving

  4. 它具有差别性、联系性、相对性和变动性。

    It has difference , connection , relativity and change .

  5. 可见,道教音乐和宫廷音乐的思想形态存在一定的联系性。

    Visible , Taoist music and court music thought-form exists certain relation .

  6. 训诂的联系性原则

    On the Connection Principle of the Critical Interpretation of an Ancient Text

  7. 我们还必须建立必要的相互联系性,以保证连贯性。

    We also have to establish the necessary interlinkages to create coherence .

  8. 先对二恶英的概念和性质及其危害性有详细了解,后采取相应的有效防治措施,二者具有紧密联系性。

    After that , corresponding effective preventing and controlling measures were introduced .

  9. 更多联系性的方面可以让学术界更加高效。

    More connective tissue may make academia more efficient .

  10. 论汉族古代的经济联系性

    On an Ancient Economic Ties of Chinese Han Nationality

  11. 中国荷斯坦牛不同群体间遗传联系性研究

    Measures of Genetic Connectedness among Herds in Chinese Holstein

  12. 含有类别属性数据库中联系性规则的挖掘

    Mining Association Rules from Databases with Categorical Attributes

  13. 系统观主要包括:整体性观点、联系性观点、动态观点和最佳观点。

    It mainly includes : global view , correlative view , dynamic view and optimization view .

  14. 通过具体实例,论述了数学系统性和联系性在高校数学教学中的重要性;

    This paper discusses the important of mathematics system and relationship on college teaching through examples ;

  15. 研究一个实用结构,实现视觉神经网的不变性和联系性。

    Now the practical structure is studied for realization of invariance and connection about the neural network .

  16. 体育和健康又是联系性极强的一对名词,体育可以在一定程度上促进人体的健康。

    Sports and health are linked closely , to some extent , sports can improve human health .

  17. 牧草产量的高低与冷季降水及土壤水分条件有一定的联系性。

    There is a positive relationship between cold season precipitation , soil moisture condition and herbage production .

  18. 渔业资源具有枯竭性、联系性和不可排他性,必然产生“公地悲剧”问题。

    The fishery resources have depleting quality , relation quality , no-exclusive quality which lead to public tragedy problem .

  19. 新课程下的课堂生活具有发展性、建构性和创新性、联系性特征。

    The classroom life under the new curriculum has its characteristics of development , construction , creativity and relevance .

  20. 然而由于泛思潮的共性等原因,两者间的联系性也是十分紧密的。

    Out of some reasons such as the shared traits of Pan-Ideology , however , they are also closely connected .

  21. 因此,向学生展现词汇的联系性、系统性是英语词汇教学的关键之一。

    Hence , the key to English vocabulary teaching is to demonstrate to students the connection and system among words .

  22. 江汉-洞庭湖区新石器遗址分布与河湖演变的联系性

    Analysis on relationships between the distributions of Neolithic cultural sites and the changes of rivers and lakes in JIANGHAN-DONGTING area

  23. 最迟到《春秋》问世时,人们已经认识到了单个历史事件或人物之间的联系性,因而将它们发放到一个大的历史长河中去认识。

    Until Chun-qiu was published , our ancestors had understood the relationship of single historical event and the relationship of peoples .

  24. 处理不好社会行刑与监狱行刑的联系性与合作性,重返社会的罪犯将成为社会沉重的负担。

    Handling bad execution and prison execution of social connectivity and cooperative , reintegration of offenders will become a heavy burden .

  25. 热点教育的联系性不够,没有把热点正面价值与社会主义市场经济发展有机联系在一起,因而,存在就事论事的现象,缺乏深入性。

    Loose connection with education on hot issues and no linkage between the positive value and the development of socialist market economy ;

  26. 变换分析法是一种动态的观察句子结构的方法,它注重的是句式之间、句子成分之间的联系性。

    Transformational analysis is a dynamic way of dealing with sentence structure , which prefers to the relationships among sentences or sentence elements .

  27. 其次,介绍了需要的五大特点:客观联系性、对象性、社会性、复杂层次性和制约性。

    Second , it introduces the need of five characteristics : objective , contact , object , social , complexity level and conditionality .

  28. 分析其家庭、婚姻、亲属称谓制度和家族的内在联系性和典型性特征。

    Chapter five : family and clanAn Analysis of family , marriage , kinship Terminology and the relative and typical characteristic in the clan ;

  29. 随着联系性水平不断降低,内控取向与信任抑制的正向关系逐渐减弱。

    With the level of thinking style of association decreasing , the positive relationship between internal control orientation and inhibition of trust gradually weakened .

  30. 此设计注重适用与居民需求相结合,同时照顾到相互的联系性以及自然环境。

    The design objective balanced pragmatic and civil requirements of the project while retaining a strong connection to the landforms and the natural environment .