
  • 网络Similar Figures
  1. 实验结果表明对几何图形非本质因素的摆脱、对变式图形的确认、对非同类相似图形的鉴别是儿童初级几何认知发展的重要标志;

    Our research results indicated that the important criteria of children is elementary geometric cognitive development is casting off the nonessential feathers , confirming the varied figures and distinguishing the outer-category similar figures .

  2. 基于VISUALLISP的分形自相似图形造型算法与实现

    Algorithm and Implementation of Self-similar Modeling in Fractal Geometry Based on Visual LISP

  3. 电化学交流阻抗复数平面图和电容复数平面图上相似图形的等效电路变换规则(Ⅱ)&含有Warburg阻抗的等效电路的变换

    Transfer Rule of Equivalent Circuits of Similar Plots on the Impedance Complex Plane and on the Capacitance Complex Plane for an AC Impedance Measurement (ⅱ) Transferring of the Equivalent Circuits Containing the Warburg Impedance

  4. 如果温度仅仅由两个座标决定,就可以采用相似图形。

    If the temperature depends only upon two coordinates the conform figure can be applied .

  5. 分形几何学是目前研究的一个热点,其中的自相似图形可以模拟自然界中的一些现象。

    In fractal geometry , as a hot research area , self-similar graphs can simulate some of natural phenomena .

  6. 交流阻抗复数平面图和电容复数平面图上相似图形的等效电路变换规则

    Transfer Rule of Equivalent Circuits Between Similar Plots on AC Impedance Complex Plane and on the Capacitance Complex Plane

  7. 流速-容积曲线形态分析可为鉴别表现为相似图形的非特异性通气功能障碍和限制性肺通气功能障碍提供有价值的信息。

    Shape analysis of flow-volume curve can provide valuable information on the differential of the non-specific ventilatory dysfunction and restrictive ventilatory dysfunction whose expression pattern is similar . 3 .

  8. 追求独特的视觉效果,包括对相似图形元素的组合、创新,追求图形元素的拟人化,对图形元素的创意置换和变形等五个方面。

    The pursuit of unique visual effects , including graphic elements similar to a combination of innovation , the pursuit of the anthropomorphic graphic elements , graphic elements of the creative aspects of displacement and deformation . 3 .

  9. 以折线为母线的自相似分形图形的程序实现

    Programmatic Realization of Self-similar Fractal with Generation Lines Replaced by Polygonal Ones

  10. 对于形状相似的图形块采取连续插入的方式能提高参数化绘图的效率。

    For the similar graph block , inserting it continually can improve the efficiency of parameter design greatly .

  11. 讨论了一类具有自相似分形图形生成的数学方法&迭代函数系统,并举例说明图形的生成。

    The paper discusses a series of mathematical methods to generate free similar fractal graphics and illustrates them with examples .

  12. 一项研究显示,我们多数人都会使用相似的图形来解锁手机。这就意味着,解锁图形很容易地就会被犯罪分子猜到。

    A study shows that most of us use similar patterns to unlock our handsets , meaning they could be easily guessed by criminals .

  13. 我们不但画不出这个地球上最著名的标识之一,而且当这个标识和一系列相似的图形混在一起时,大多数人甚至认不出正确的那个。

    Not only are we unable to sketch one of the most famous logos on earth , most of us cannot even pick out the real thing when we see it in an identity parade of lookalikes .

  14. 软面板可以在计算机屏幕上生成与传统仪器面板相似的图形界面,用于实现测量结果显示、波形采集等控制功能。

    It is a graphic interface similar to the panel of a traditional instrument , which is mainly used for the control of the instruments ' functions such as the displaying test results and the data acquisition process , etc.

  15. 在形状检索方面一个比较常用的方法就是提取对象的骨架,通过对象的骨架匹配程度来检索与图形库中相似的图形。

    A commonly used method in the shape retrieval is to extract the skeleton of the object , and then retrieve the similar graphics from the graphics library by considered the match degree of the skeleton of the object .

  16. 这个工具提供一个“与HMC相似的”图形操作界面,管理员可以通过它在Blade和VIOS上配置LPAR、虚拟网络和虚拟存储。

    This interface provides a " HMC-like " GUI that allows an administrator to configure LPARs , virtual network , and virtual storage on the Blade and VIOS .

  17. 分形几何是描述具有自相似性结构图形的有力工具。

    The fractal geometry is a powerful tool for describing the figures with the self-similarity structure .

  18. 论相似性法则在图形创意中的意义

    The Meaning of Similarity Principles in Graph Creation