
xiāng gān
  • coherent;be concerned with;have to do with
相干 [xiāng gān]
  • [be concerned with;have to do with] 相互间有联系,有关系、有牵涉,多用于否定句或疑问句

  • 与我不相干

相干[xiāng gān]
  1. 她跟这有什么相干?

    What 's she have to do with anything ?

  2. 那些过去帝王时代中国的陈旧概念跟我们有甚麽相干呢?

    What do these old precepts from the bygone days of Imperial China have to do with us ?

  3. 那与我们所讨论的问题毫不相干。

    That has nothing to do with what we 're discussing .

  4. 这个意见与我们所谈论的话题毫不相干。

    This comment bore no relationship to the subject of our conversation .

  5. 我的秘书很会替我推掉不相干的电话。

    My secretary is very good at filtering my calls .

  6. 许多人认为政治与他们的生活不相干。

    Many people consider politics irrelevant to their lives .

  7. 我的辞职与最近的事件毫不相干。

    My resignation was totally unconnected with recent events .

  8. 这些数字似乎毫不相干。

    The figures do not seem to correlate .

  9. 对于毫不相干的事情进行大量吹毛求疵的批评。

    A lot of nit-picking was going on about irrelevant things

  10. 据悉,她有过一些与婚姻不相干的个人问题。

    She was known to have had personal problems unconnected with her marriage

  11. 玛格达莱娜把过去看作毫不相干的累赘。

    Magdalena considered the past an irrelevant encumbrance .

  12. 他发现很难专注于谈话,因为谈话内容和自己目前的当务之急毫不相干。

    He found it hard to concentrate on conversation so far removed from his present preoccupations

  13. 房价很容易受到与房产毫不相干的因素的干扰。

    House prices are easily upset by factors which have nothing to do with property .

  14. 那些人本来和这场冲突不相干,他们只是被牵涉进去的。

    The people themselves weren 't part of the conflict ; they were just caught up in it

  15. 这件事由我负责,跟旁人不相干。

    I am responsible for the matter . None of other 's business .

  16. 这与你不相干。

    This has nothing to do with you .

  17. 这件事与你有何相干?

    What has this to do with you ?

  18. 那与她不相干。

    That does not concern her .

  19. 这件事跟旁人不相干。

    This has nothing to do with anyone else .

  20. 这种波被称为非相干波。

    Such waves are said to be noncoherent .

  21. 他是他,我是我,我们毫不相干。

    He is he , I am I ; we have nothing to do with each other .

  22. 明天,”随即她又毫不相干地说:“你应当看看宝宝。

    To-morrow ! \\ " Then she added irrelevantly : \\ " You ought to see the baby . \\ "

  23. 他回答说:“让它痛到邻居家里去吧!这样,再痛跟我也不相干!”

    He replied : " Let the pain go to my neighbour . In this way , no matter how painful it is , it doesn 't concern me any more ! "

  24. 高压氢的CARS信号线宽测量相干反斯托克斯喇曼光谱测量技术

    Measurement of Coherent Anti-stokes Raman Spectroscopy Linewidth in High Pressure H_2

  25. 线性调频CO2相干激光雷达的一种脉冲压缩方法

    A Method of Chirp Signal Processing for CO_2 Coherent Radar

  26. 抑制SAR图像相干斑噪声方法研究

    The Method and Study of Reducing Speckle Noise in SAR Image

  27. 光自差CO2相干激光雷达光学头设计与测试

    Design and testing of optical head for coherent CO_2 laser radar of autodyne detection

  28. 一种改进的SAR图像相干斑抑制方法

    An improved speckle reduction algorithm of SAR images

  29. 分析了合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像中相干斑(Speckle)的统计特性。

    This paper analyzes the statistics of speckle .

  30. 目的对高度近视眼黄斑部进行光学相干断层扫描(OpticalCoherencetomography,OCT)检查评估。

    Objective The evaluation and examination of optical coherence tomography ( OCT ) in high myopia .