
xiàng piàn
  • photo;photograph;picture;print;photoprint;pix
相片 [xiàng piān]
  • [photograph] [口]∶像片;照片

相片[xiàng piàn]
  1. 相片上最左边的那个人是谁?

    Who is that on the far left of the photograph ?

  2. 请附寄一张近照,大小同护照用相片。

    Please enclose a recent passport-sized photograph of yourself .

  3. 粗面相片或光面相片均可洗印。

    Prints are available on matt or glossy paper .

  4. 她把相片紧紧地抱在怀里。

    She clasped the photo to her heart .

  5. 他聚精会神地端详着相片。

    He peered closely at the photograph .

  6. 相片给素色的墙面增添了一抹情趣。

    Pictures add interest to plain painted walls .

  7. 这张相片显得人不是十分漂亮。

    It wasn 't a very flattering photograph .

  8. 劳拉正在分发她从家里相册中挑选出的相片。

    Laura was passing around photographs she 'd culled from the albums at home .

  9. 我有几袋相片,哪天抽空把它们放进相册。

    I 've got bags of photographs and one day I 'll get round to putting them in an album .

  10. 他学洗相片。

    He is learning to develop the film negatives .

  11. 相片已经模糊,不能辨认。

    The photo has faded beyond recognition .

  12. 桌上的银框中有一张她儿子的相片。

    In a silver frame on the table there is a photograph of her son .

  13. 2001年的《足球年刊》把他的相片登在上面。

    The football annual for2001 kept his picture in it .

  14. 那些美好的日子被留在了这些相片上。

    Those fine days were captured in these photos .

  15. 你的相片挂在客厅里。

    Your photograph is hanging in the drawing room .

  16. 相片冲洗得不很好。

    The photographs haven 't come out very well .

  17. 旧相片现在看来似乎挺古怪。

    Old photographs seem quaint to us today .

  18. 在桌上银相框里有张他儿子的相片。

    In a silver frame on the table there was a photograph of his son .

  19. 他盯着那些相片。

    His gaze fastened on the pictures .

  20. 玛丽没有把相片挂在墙壁的中央,因为她觉得偏着挂更别致。

    Mary hung the picture off centre , because it was more interesting that way .

  21. 使用好的晒印相片比使用互补色立体投影还好。

    The use of a good contact print is superior to that of an anaglyphic projection .

  22. 摄影师把全家人聚拢在一起,以便把他们摄入同一张相片。

    The photographer grouped the family together so that he could get them all in the same picture .

  23. 我费了好几个小时用胶水把相片粘贴在家庭相册上,弄得手指都粘在一起了。

    I spent hours sticking the photographs into the family book , and my fingers got all gummed up .

  24. 如果没有专用的固定物把相片固定在相册中的话,你就得用胶水粘。

    If you haven 't got the special fasteners to fix your photographs into the book , you 'll have to gum them on .

  25. 这张相片非常讨亨利的欢喜,以致他送出了一些签名照给他的亲友

    The photograph was so flattering that Henry sent out autographed copies to his friends and relatives .

  26. B环视屋子,见墙上挂着一幅黑百相片。

    B looks around the house , sees a black-and-white photograph hanging on the wall .

  27. 相片中有8髋表现为软骨下骨与骨分离,对应MRI中有8髋、X线片为3髋。

    All of the 8 hips that had disconnection in bone in direct-viewing were displayed on MRI , but only 3 hips were displayed on radiography .

  28. 哇!功能突出,明显与其他相片管理软件不一样。有很多酷的强大的特色(例如GPS集成)!

    Wow ! Stands out above all of the other gallery style software out there . Many cool , powerful features ( like its GPS integration ) .

  29. 与OpenGL应用程序编程接口(API)一起使用,ODE就可以生成由真实相片构成的图形,并且具有真实的物理特性。

    Used with the OpenGL application program interface ( API ), the ODE generates photo-realistic graphics with realistic physics , as well .

  30. 结果表明,新方法所制得的黑粉具有明显的2212超导相片层状结构和特征晶型,符合Bi超导材料对前驱体粉末的要求。

    Results indicate that the obtained black powder shows apparent plate-like crystal structure mainly containing 2212 phase , and it satisfies the requirement of the Bi-based superconductor precursor powder .