
  • 网络goal oriented;goal-oriented;goal orientation;object-oriented;objective oriented
  1. 该课程将通过目标导向设计语言来介绍计算机编程。

    An introduction to computer programming using an object-oriented programming language .

  2. 很多系统仅提供一个目标导向途径。

    Many systems only offer an object-oriented approach .

  3. 绿色GDP核算的研究和进展,倾应了当今以宴现可持续发展为目标导向的经济社会和人的全面发展的科学观。

    Research of the green GDP accounting and progress of its practice have adapted to sustainable development view .

  4. 统一的建模语言(UML)实际上是一种目标导向的建模语言的工业标准。

    The Unified Modeling Language ( UML ) is the de facto industrial standard of an object-oriented modeling language .

  5. 首先MPA教学资源整合必须遵循一定的原则:以人为本、目标导向、质量控制和可行性原则。

    Firstly , MPA teaching resources integration must follow certain principles : people-oriented , goal-oriented , quality control , and feasibility principles .

  6. 为什么不以更直接的目标导向方式组织呢?

    Why not organize the facilities in a more goal-directed way ?

  7. 基于生成性目标导向的网络课程的设计研究

    The Design Research of Network Course Based on Evolving Purpose Driven

  8. 中国会计制度的选择&目标导向型

    The Choice of Chinese Accounting System Aim - based Accounting Standards

  9. 用来管理目标导向数据库的数据库管理系统。

    A database management system designed to manage an object-oriented database .

  10. 顾客满意度:企业经营的目标导向

    The Target-Guidance for Enterprises ′ Management & Satisfaction Extent from Clients

  11. 结果发现,差错是一种目标导向的行为;

    The results showed that error was a goal directed behavior ;

  12. 我们的定义产品需求的目标导向设计过程如下。

    Our Goal-Directed process for defining product requirements is described below .

  13. 目标导向合成及差异导向合成在药物合成中的应用

    Applications of Target-oriented Synthesis and Diversity-oriented Synthesis in Pharmaceutical Synthesis

  14. 目标导向的IT项目开发风险影响图模型

    Goal-oriented modeling of IT project risk structure using influence diagram

  15. 并以1997级学生作为对照组,对照组在护理技能教学中不采取目标导向教学法教学。

    Grade 1997 students were used as the control group .

  16. 目标导向也必须是营销理念的一个组成部分。

    Goal-oriented must also be an integral part of the marketing concept .

  17. 求职者可能不知道具有目标导向意识究竟意味着什么。

    Job seekers may have no idea about what being result-oriented means .

  18. 高校校园文化建设的目标导向与特色培育

    On the Goal Orientation and Character Cultivation in College Campus Culture Construction

  19. 早期目标导向治疗在感染性休克中应用的临床探讨

    Clinical evaluation of execution of early goal directed therapy in septic shock

  20. 营销理念的基础就是消费者导向和目标导向。

    Marketing concept is based on a consumer-oriented and goal-oriented .

  21. 运动兴趣再认识与学校体育教育目标导向

    Re-recognition of Sports Interest and the Orientation of P.E Target

  22. 旅游规划:问题导向与目标导向及其选择

    Tourism Planning : Problem-Orientation and Goal-Orientation and Its Choice

  23. 目标导向情境学习的教学设计应用研究

    Application Study of Instructional System Design Based on GBS

  24. 以目标导向,坚韧顽强,能承受较大的工作压力;

    Target oriented , self-motivated , could work under strong pressure ; 8 .

  25. 论市场契约对公允价值目标导向的影响

    The Influence of Market Contract on Fair Value Orientation

  26. 中国财政支出结构优化的制度性约束与目标导向

    The Institutional Restraint and Goal Guidance on Optimization of Our Country Expenditure Structure

  27. 目标导向式大学英语教学模式探索

    Probe into the Methodology of Objective-Oriented College English Teaching

  28. 你会触发你的目标导向系统。

    You 'll have triggered your reticular activating system .

  29. 目标导向的上海奉贤区生态居住区评价

    Target-oriented Eco-habitat Assessment of Fengxian , Shanghai , China

  30. 方法将2000级中专护理专业学生作为实验组在5项基础护理技能教学中采取目标导向教学法教学;

    Methods Goal-oriented teaching method was applied in nursing teaching for Grade 2000 students .