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  • teleology;finalism
目的论[mù dì lùn]
  1. 康德深以这一观点为是,但他最终相信目的论。

    Kant identifies with this view deeply , but he believes teleology finally .

  2. 当我们思考伦理、正义和道德时,一般很难不用到目的论。

    In general it 's hard to do without teleology when we 're thinking about ethics , justice , and moral argument .

  3. Vermeer在他和Reiss合著的《普通翻译理论》(1978)&书中详细阐述了目的论的基本原则。

    In the book Framework for a General Theory of Translation ( 1978 ) collaborated by Katharina Reiss , Vermeer gave a detailed explanation about the basic concepts and rules of Skopos Theory .

  4. 非法证据排除规则目的论评介;

    That is : brief introduction to purpose of exclusionary rule ;

  5. 目的论在中医术语英译中的应用

    The Application of Skopos Theory in the Translation of TCM Terms

  6. 从目的论看戏剧翻译的评价标准

    Evaluation Criterion for Drama Translation from the Perspective of Skopos Theory

  7. 功能主义翻译目的论在翻译教学方面多有建树。

    Functionalist skopos theory has contributed a lot to translation teaching .

  8. 以目的论为视角分析电影字幕的英译汉策略

    A Tentative Analysis of E-C Translating Strategies in the Film Subtitle

  9. 三是因道德救国论与国家目的论的影响下导致道德的工具理性压倒价值理性。

    And a crisis of value rationality overwhelmed by instrumental rationality .

  10. 本论文试图把目的论引入幽默语言的翻译之中。

    This paper applies this theory into translating of humorous language .

  11. 目的论视域下的康德历史哲学

    On Kant 's Philosophy of History from the Perspective of Teleology

  12. 目的论是西方翻译理论的一个重要内容。

    The Skopostheorie is one of the important western translation theories .

  13. 对我国体育教学目的论的梳理与评判&自组织体育教学目的论的构建

    Analysis and Evaluation on Teleology of Our Physical Education Teaching

  14. 刑罚的报应理论在与预防目的论的竞争中逐渐处于下风,即便在一体论的框架中也处于次要地位。

    The penalty retribution theory is inferior to the prevention aim theory .

  15. 目的论的发展与马克思主义关于目的的学说

    The Development of Teleology and Marxism 's Theory of End

  16. 略论功能主义翻译目的论与变译理论的异同

    On Similarity and Difference between Functionalist Skopos Theory and Translation Variation Theory

  17. 目的论给我们提供了研究翻译的新的视角。

    The Skopos theory lends a fresh perspective to the translation study .

  18. 目的论视角下看《赤壁》的字幕翻译策略

    Strategies for Translating Subtitles of Red Cliff under Skopos Theory

  19. 教育目的论:从冲突走向整合

    " Educational Target " Theory : From Conflict to Conformity

  20. 翻译目的论认为翻译是有明确目的性的跨文化的人类交际活动,是多种因素交互作用的译文文本的生产活动。

    Skopos theorists hold that translating is a purposeful communicative human activity .

  21. 目的论认为,翻译由其目的决定。

    It says that translating is determined by its Skopos .

  22. 目的论多用于非文学类文本的翻译。

    Skopos Theory is often used in the translation of non-literary texts .

  23. 从目的论看文化因素的翻译

    The translation of culture from the point of skopos theory

  24. 目的论可以用来指导字幕翻译。

    Skopos Theory could be used to instruct subtitle translation .

  25. 达尔文学说中的目的论

    On the viewpoint of finalism in darwin 's theory

  26. 反倾销公共利益审查目的论

    The Purposes of the Public Interest Review of Antidumping

  27. 第二部分,非法证据排除规则目的论评介。

    Part II is the introduction and analysis of purpose of exclusionary rule .

  28. 目的论是当今翻译研究中比较盛行的一种理论。

    Skopos theory is the popular one in translation studies in these days .

  29. 本文试图从目的论的角度探讨跨文化翻译的忠实度的问题。

    The thesis will discuss faithfulness in cross-cultural in light of skopos theory .

  30. 所谓目的论,就是指自然界本身具有目的性。

    By teleology it intended the purposefulness of nature .