• eye;item;order;catalogue
  • look;regard
  • 眼睛:~光。醒~。历历在~。~指气使(用眼光和气色示意以役使别人,形容骄横傲慢的神志。亦作“颐指气使”)。

  • 看,视:~语。~论(喻没有自知之明或浅陋狭隘的见解)。

  • 想要达到的地点、境地或想要得到的结果:~的(dì)(亦指箭靶的中心)。

  • 大项中再分的小项:条~。纲举~张。

  • 名称:数~。巧立名~。

  • 标题:~录。

  • 生物学分类系统上所用的等级之一,在“纲”以下,“科”以上:鸟纲中有雁形~和鸡形~。

  • 孔眼:网~。

  • 指为首的人:头~。


(眼睛) eye:

  • 醒目

    catch the eye;

  • 瞩目

    fix one's eyes upon;

  • 双目失明

    be blind in both eyes


(大项中再分的小项) item:

  • 细目

    specific item; detail;

  • 项目



{生} (把同一纲的生物按彼此相似的特征分为几个群) order:

  • 亚目


  • 芽枝霉目



(目录) catalogue; list; number:

  • 类目


  • 价目

    price list;

  • 剧目

    a list of plays or operas


[书] (看) look; regard:

  • 目之

    look at it;

  • 目为奇迹

    regard as a miracle

[mù rún]
  1. 方法选健康白色红目豚鼠40只,随机分为4组:A组为正常对照组,B组为噪声组,C组为噪声+药物组,D组为亚氨乙基赖氨酸组。

    Methods 40 healthy red eye guinea pigs were randomly divided into 4 groups : Group A , normal control group ; Group B , noise group ; Group C , noise and drug group ;

  2. 目不瞬,心不乱。

    What the eye sees not , the heart craves not .

  3. 不值得为这样的小数目斤斤计较。

    It isn 't worth quibbling over such a small amount .

  4. 他们目下正在打折卖啤酒。

    They have an offer on beer at the moment .

  5. 她和迈克尔在一瞬间四目相对。

    Her gaze met Michael 's for a split second

  6. 我的整个报告过程中他都十指交叉闭目而坐。

    During my whole report , he sat with his eyes closed and his fingers interlaced .

  7. 这项建议使乔目瞪口呆。

    This suggestion dumbfounded Joe .

  8. 他凝目眺望大海。

    He was staring out at the sea .

  9. 二人眉来眼去,以目传情。

    They exchanged amorous glances and clearly made known their passions .

  10. 这篇文章请你过目[过一下目]。

    Here 's the essay for you to look over .

  11. 她凝目远望。

    She gazed into the distance .

  12. 这种回答是目无领导的。

    That 's an insubordinate response .

  13. 目下较忙,几日后再登门拜访。

    I 'm busy at the moment but I 'll visit you again in a couple of days .

  14. 1960年,著名数学家诺伯特·维纳,即控制论的创立者,这样说道:“如果我们要用它来达到我们的目的,即一个机械体,但是我们的操作不能有效地干预,那么我们最好确定我们对这个机械的目的是我们真正想要的目的。

    In 1960 a well-known mathematician Norbert Wiener , who founded the field of cybernetics , put it this way : " If we use , to achieve our purposes , a mechanical agency with whose operation we cannot effectively interfere , we had better be quite sure that the purpose put into the machine is the purpose which we really desire . "

  15. 首个MAME4ALLα预览测试版是为了测试的目而放出的

    First MAME4ALL alpha binaries is out for testing purposes .

  16. 偶然的,我们四目相接。

    At one point , we met our eyes .

  17. 灵长目动物是机灵、好奇的动物。

    Primates are alert , inquisitive animals .

  18. 有一天,禅宗高僧怀让踱进佛殿,一眼看到马祖和尚正端坐在蒲团上,静心合掌,闭目禅定。

    One day , the eminent2 Monk3 Huai Rang of the Chan sect4 strolled into the temple hall and saw Monk Ma Zu sitting calm and upright on a rush cushion , with his palms put together and his eyes closed in deep meditation5 .

  19. 隼形目鹰科11种鸟类线粒体DNA分子进化的研究

    Studies on the evolution of mitochondrial DNA in 11 species of Accipitridae

  20. 蜻蜓目昆虫DNA的提取方法研究

    Comparison Research of the Methods of DNA Extraction from Odonata

  21. IP多目广播技术在互连网中的应用

    The Application of IP Multicasting Technology in internet

  22. 在最后一个示例中,测试HOME变量的值,用单目操作符-d检查它是不是目录。

    In the final example , the value of the HOME variable is tested to see if it is a directory using the-d unary operator .

  23. 系统组成一个统一完整的,服务一个共同目ii的一组项目。

    A system is a group of items forming a unified whole , serving a common purpose ii .

  24. 添加物对Bt制剂杀灭鳞翅目害虫的增效作用

    Synergism of additives of Bt preparation against Lepidoptera pests

  25. 从COⅠ和COⅡ基因部分序列研究中国翠凤蝶亚属(鳞翅目:凤蝶科)的分子系统关系(英文)

    Phylogeny of Princeps butterflies from China : evidences from mitochondrial partial CO ⅰ and CO ⅱ gene sequences ( Lepidoptera : Papilionidae )

  26. 开发了基于开目三维CAD的几何模型信息和三维CAD装配仿真模块的装配顺序建模系统;

    An assembly sequence modeling system was developed based on the geometrical information of KAIMU3D-CAD models and transferring the assembly simulation module of the3D-CAD systems .

  27. 碧蝉属HeaDistant研究(同翅目:蝉科)

    A study of the genus hea distant ( homoptera : cicadidae )

  28. 结果表明,β-细辛醚有抑制NF-κB蛋白表达作用,目.随剂量增大抑制作用增强。

    The results show that , β - asarone has inhibition of NF - κ B protein expression function , and the inhibition enhance with the increase of dose . 2 .

  29. 雁形目鸟类12SRRNA基因和细胞色素b基因序列变异及其分子系统学研究

    Sequences Variation of Mitochondrial 12S rRNA Gene and Cytochrome b Gene and Molecular Systematic Studies of Anseriformes

  30. 基于集成FEC的可靠多目广播及性能评价

    Reliable multicast transport using integrated forward error correction and its performance evaluation