
shēng wù fēn lèi
  • Taxonomy;biological classification
生物分类[shēng wù fēn lèi]
  1. rRNA基因与生物分类

    Application of rRNA Gene Analysis in Biological Classification

  2. 化石DNA的研究将在修正进化率、认识成种作用、独立检验生物分类以及各种进化理论方面具有重大意义。

    The study of fossil DNA contributes significant ideas in evolutionary rate and provides independent testing on many evolutionary theories .

  3. 分支分类学算法研究及其在生物分类中的应用

    Algorithmic Research of Branch Taxonomy and Its Application in Cladistic Classification

  4. 如何使用古生物分类群的拉丁名称和英文名称

    How to use Latin names of taxa and their English equivalents

  5. 污泥膨胀状态下原生动物群落结构分析衰落中的生物分类群

    Study on protozoan community structures during activated sludge bulking decreasing taxa

  6. 种群思想及其认识论意义&从名实之争对生物分类的影响说起

    Population Thought and Its Epistemology Meaning & Debate between Realism and Nominalism

  7. 在认识上生物分类和植物群落分类是平行的。

    The parallelism in the classification of organisms and phytocoenoses is relised .

  8. 因此我们所坚持的一些结构上的生物分类

    So we have these anatomical categories that persist

  9. 唯实论与唯名论以不同方式影响传统的生物分类原则。

    The realism and nominalism of middle ages affected the traditional taxonomy with different modes .

  10. 一组从同一祖先继承特征的生物分类群或种群。

    A group of biological taxa or species that share features inherited from a common ancestor .

  11. 五种生物分类之一;无核原生物界、原生生物界、植物界、真菌界、动物界。

    One of five biological categories : monera or Protista or Plantae or fungi or animalia .

  12. 同系同群种是由近亲繁育占优势,但雌雄异株的个体组成的同群种。一组从同一祖先继承特征的生物分类群或种群。

    Endodeme is a deme composed of predominantly closely inbreeding but dioecious individuals . a group of biological taxa or species that share features inherited from a common ancestor .

  13. 而如果科学家费尽了艰辛才给我们自己定了一个准确无误的名字,可想而知,一般的生物分类很可能只是些靠不住的提议。

    And if scientists have a tough time coming up with an accurate name for ourselves , it 's no surprise that classification of organisms in general can be a dicey proposition .

  14. 鸟类增加,兽群返栖,鱼儿洄游衰落中的生物分类群

    The population of birds has increased , groups of animals have returned to their habitats , and there is migration of some species of fish that had disappeared for many years decreasing taxa

  15. 前药研究是提高生物药剂学分类系统中第III和IV类药物口服吸收的有效途径之一。

    Prodrug is an effective way to improve the oral absorption of the drugs which belong to Biopharmaceuticals Classification System ( BCS ) class III and IV.

  16. 针对海量数据的复杂生物数据分类预测,本论文提出了一个新型的基于粒计算的支持向量机预测模型(SVMGC)。

    A novel data prediction model , Support Vector Machine with Granular Computation ( SVM_GC ), is proposed for processing the complex prediction problems with mass biological data .

  17. 这个序列是储存在核糖体数据库中,通过生物类群分类微生物。

    The sequences , stored in the Ribosomal Database Project , were compared to classify the microbes by biologic taxa .

  18. 从界至亚种之间被用以作为生物科学分类之单位。

    Any unit used in the science of biological classification or taxonomy , which arranged in a hierarchy from kingdom to subspecies .

  19. 本课程之目的,在使学生了解森林土壤生物的分类、形态,及其在土壤生态上之功能。

    The objective of this course is to introduce the taxonomy and biology of soil biota and their function in soil ecology .

  20. 分子系统学利用分子生物学方法探究生物的分类、系统发育、进化规律,是现代生物多样性、系统进化和物种形成机制研究的重要依据。

    The result of a molecular phylogenetic analysis is expressed in a phylogenetic tree , which is the base of revealing the mechanism of speciation .

  21. 首先,通过将已知的转录因子与他们所调控的基因之间二元调控关系和已有的生物分子分类体系相结合,得到调控网络的集合。

    First , we combine the known binary relationships between the transcriptional factors and their regulated genes and the biological classification scheme to get reference regulatory networks .

  22. 生物燃料关税分类在WTO体制中的困境与选择:以可持续发展为视角

    Dilemma and Choice of Tariff Classification of Biofuel in the WTO Regime : from the Sustainable Development Perspective

  23. Miller表示,一个统一的植物条形码可以有多种用途,包括为生物多样性分类,保护生物多样性及追踪非法砍伐等。

    Miller says a universal plant barcode will have many uses & from cataloguing and preserving biodiversity to tracking illegal logging .

  24. 川东北地区长兴期生物礁结构分类及分布

    Structure Classification and Distribution of Reefs of Changxing Group in Northeast Sichuan

  25. 生物教学情境分类及其应用

    Classification and the use of biology teaching situation manifestation

  26. 辽宁农作物的生物地球化学分类

    Biogeochemical classification of the crops in Liaoning Provence

  27. 生物信息资源分类与编码标准化研究

    Research on Bioinformation Classification and Coding Standardization

  28. 生物礁岩分类方案

    Classification of reef rocks

  29. 1998年春季珠江口海域大规模赤潮原因生物的形态分类和生物学特征Ⅲ

    Taxonomic and biological studies on organisms causing a large scale red tide in Zhujiang River Estuary in spring , 1998 ⅲ

  30. 根据农作物的生物地球化学分类,人们可以科学地调整农业种植结构,可以均衡人体营养结构。

    The biogeochemical classification of crops contributes to macroscopic and scientific adjusting the planting structure of agriculture and nutrient structure of human body .