
shēnɡ wù ɡù dàn
  • biological nitrogen fixation
  1. 而某些微生物却可以直接利用占大气79%的氮气,即生物固氮,生物固氮是某些微生物利用体内的固氮酶将空气中的N2还原为氨的过程,它是自然界氮素循环的重要环节。

    However , some microorganism can use the nitrogen directly which account for 79 % of the atmosphere , called biological nitrogen fixation , which means the deoxidize procession from nitrogen into N2 with the nitrogenase of the microorganism .

  2. 这两个品种在广西的栽培环境条件下仍具有较强的生物固氮能力。

    These two varieties have strong biological nitrogen fixation ability under the environmental conditions in Guangxi .

  3. 生物固氮作为海洋生态系统和生源要素生物地球化学循环的重要环节,对海洋碳、氮循环及海洋净吸收大气CO2的能力具有明显影响。

    As a key process of marine nitrogen cycling , nitrogen fixation play an important role in marine nutrient biogeochemical cycles and the net sequestration of carbon by oceans .

  4. 目前,一系列令人兴奋的实验结果表明:LCOs不仅可促进豆科作物的生物固氮作用,对一些非豆科作物的细胞分裂作用等同样具有刺激作用。

    There are promising results that suggest the application of LCOs in leguminous and non leguminous plants can control cell division .

  5. 自生固氮菌是植物根际促生细菌(PGPR)的重要组成成分,并且可以将大气中的N2通过生物固氮作用供给植物生长,提高植物对氮素的利用。

    Free-living nitrogen fixation bacteria are important plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria ( PGPR ), and they can supply plants with N by bio-nitrogen fixation .

  6. 生物固氮信息分子Naringenin的荧光标记研究

    Studies on Fluorescent Labeling of Naringenin . A Key Message Molecule in Plant Nitrogen Fixation

  7. 利用N-15自然丰度法研究固氮植物生物固氮量

    A Review on quantifying biological nitrogen fixation based on N-15 natural abundance method

  8. 将共生性广谱生物固氮菌剂G肥应用于红黄壤水稻上,对水稻的一些生理活性、水稻的衰老、土壤肥力变化、稻米品质和产量进行了研究。

    The experiments on symbiotic and broad spectrum N fixing bacteria , called G fertilizer ( GF ) applying to rice grown in red yellow soil was conducted to determine some physiological traits , senescence , soil fertility and rice quality as well as rice yield for different treatments .

  9. 研究斯氏假单胞菌A1501基因组“固氮岛”中PST1305基因在A1501生物固氮过程中所起的作用。

    We studied the role of the nitrogen fixation gene PST1305 located within the nitrogen fixation island of Pseudomonas stutzeri A1501 .

  10. dff值表明,在花序、顶心、绿叶生理功能旺盛器官,比茎干和衰老器官低,说明生物固氮或土壤供氮对紫云英功能器官发育的重要性。

    The low dff value in physiologically active organs , such as young leaves , flowers , and stem apices indicated that the nodular nitrogen fixation and the application of nitrogen fertilizer were important for their development .

  11. 植物凝集素及其在生物固氮中的作用

    The Lectins of Plant and Its Role in Biological Nitrogen Fixation

  12. 养虾池水层生物固氮作用的原位测定

    In Situ Determination of Pelagic Nitrogen Fixation in Shrimp Culture Ponds

  13. 草地生物固氮与集约化草地畜牧业

    Grassland bio - nitrogen fixation and intensive grassland animal husbandry

  14. 外源供氮水平对大豆生物固氮效率的影响

    Biological Nitrogen Fixation Efficiency in Soybean under Different Levels of Nitrogen Supply

  15. 生物固氮是自然生态系统中氮的主要来源。

    Biological fixation is a main resource of nitrogen in natural ecosystem .

  16. 生物固氮菌肥在南瓜上的使用效应

    Effect of biological nitrogen fixing bacteria fertilizer on the pumpkin

  17. 我国土壤微生物学和生物固氮研究的回顾与展望

    Retrospect and Prospect of Soil Microbiology and Biological Nitrogen Fixation Researches in China

  18. 甘蔗糖业是广西的重要经济支柱之一,甘蔗生物固氮及其应用的研究对于在甘蔗生产中节约氮肥成本、减少环境污染具有非常重要的意义。

    Sugarcane and sugar product is one of the economic mainstays in Guangxi .

  19. 生物固氮在林业中的应用和研究

    Research and Application of Biological N-Fixation in Forestry

  20. 生物固氮研究中的几个热点问题海洋蓝细菌生物固氮的研究进展

    Some hot questions in nitrogen fixation study OVERVIEW OF NITROGEN FIXATION OF MARINE CYANOBACTERIA

  21. 这些实验结果,对于在理论上进一步研究生物固氮机理和在工业生产上寻找一个适用的固氮催化剂,都是颇有裨益的。

    The results mentioned above are helpful for understanding the mechanism of nitrogen fixation .

  22. 生物固氮在我国农业生产中的研究现状及发展对策

    The Development Device and Present Studies of Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Chinese Agricultural Production

  23. 生物固氮研究中的蛋白质组学离体赤杨型根瘤固氮活力进程的初步研究

    Preliminary Research on the Dynamic Process of Nitrogen Fixation Activities of Detached Nonleguminous Nodules

  24. 异株克生因素对生物固氮的作用

    Effects of antagonism factors on bio-fixation of nitrogen

  25. 生物固氮在集约化草地畜牧业中的作用

    Biological nitrogen fixation and intensive grassland livestock husbandry

  26. 发挥生物固氮作用减少化学氮肥用量

    Exertion of Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Order to Reducing the Consumption of Chemical Nitrogenous Fertilizer

  27. 海洋蓝细菌生物固氮的研究进展

    Overview of nitrogen fixation of marine cyanobacteria

  28. 生物固氮的研究进展

    Research Progress on Biological Nitrogen Fixation

  29. 植物与微生物之间的共生关系,例如生物固氮作用与林木菌根;

    The symbiotic relationship between plants and microsymbionts , such as biological nitrogen fixation and mycorrhizae ;

  30. 豆科植物的根瘤固氮占生物固氮总量的40%。

    Nitrogen fixed by legume root nodules accounts for 40 % of total biological nitrogen fixation .