
  • 网络Life Movement;life activity
  1. 得出交互是通过人体的运动来实现的,人体运动的本质是能量的交换,所以交互的本质就是能量的运动的结论。即每一生命运动都是某种类型能量活动的外在形式。

    It will conclude that interaction is realized through human activity , whose essence is energy exchange , therefore , essence of interaction is energy activity , which means , each life activity is an external form of energy activity of a certain type .

  2. 另外,近年来的研究发现DNA分子的电子结构及电荷输运对认识生命运动的规律、基因的损伤与治疗、信息的传递等许多方面都具有重要的意义。

    In addition , it is important to study the structure of electrons in DNA molecule and the transfer of electric charge through its structure , for discover the regularity of vital movement , the damnification and treatment of gene , the transfer of information and so on .

  3. 山水和人一样具有内在的生命运动和精神力量。

    Landscape and human life as inherently movement and spiritual strength .

  4. 寡糖是生命运动中的活性物质。

    Oligosaccharide is the activated substance in the life movement .

  5. 前言:“神”反映了生命运动本身所固有的客观规律。

    " Shen " reflects the inherent external rule of life motion itself .

  6. 生命运动不息,正如河水奔流不止。

    Like flowing water , life is perpetual movement .

  7. 生物资产的价值随着生物的生命运动轨迹不断变化。

    The values of biological asset change all the time as the changes of biological life trajectories .

  8. 人体是矛盾运动着的心身自动调控系统;人体是各种自然运动形式的统一体(人的生命运动和思维运动的关系);

    Human body is a contradictory , moving and auto - adjusting system of mind and body .

  9. 这些思想认识是来源于其对古代生命运动和社会生活的观察和体验。

    These thoughts derive from the cognition and feeling about life motion in old days and social life .

  10. 20世纪50年代以来,多门学科从不同角度诠释了生命运动的本质,并推动了生物学突飞猛进的发展。

    Since 1950s , several subjects have interpreted the essence of motion of life from different perspective of viewpoints .

  11. 蛋白质是生物体中最重要的一类物质,在生物体的各种生命运动当中起着重要的作用。

    As the most important thing of biological organisms , protein plays an important role in the movement of all kinds ' life .

  12. 论述了从宇宙基本规律与生命运动规律的统一去建立大统一论。

    The establishment of large unity theory was described basing upon the unity of universal basic law and the law of life motion .

  13. 社会有机体的生命运动,是各种社会因子按一定逻辑架构交互作用形成的合力。

    The life movements of the social organism are the join forces produced by various of social factors with interaction in a logical structure .

  14. 汉字的生命运动信息凝固于媒介形态之中,只有通过书写过程来表现生命的运动。

    Freezing life image of Chinese characters in the paper media form information only use the writing process to show the image of life .

  15. 孤独已不是生命运动中需要逃避的一种情绪感觉,恰是艺术家从生命底蕴处获取创作的一种力量。

    Loneliness is not the feeling that should be evaded in our life , but a force from which an artist can get his inspiration in creation .

  16. 生命运动是自然界中最普遍的一种运动方式,然而生命许多运动形式都是通过一种我们所熟悉的一种很神奇的蛋白质机器来完成的,它就是分子马达。

    Life movement is the most pervasive form of the Natural world , but most biological movements are accomplished by ingenious protein machines , it is molecular motors .

  17. 从脏腑的结构学基础,洞悉阴阳交感,会发现阴阳蕴含着深刻的生命运动规律,并具有重大的临床指导价值。

    Discern the interaction of Ying-Yang from basic structure of Zang-Fu organs , you can find life law of movement contained in Ying-Yang and has important clinic guidance meaning .

  18. 而多糖则是一类高分子化合物,广泛存在于动、植物以及微生物中,是生物生命运动不可缺少的一类重要的基本物质。

    On the other hand , the Polysaccharide was widely present in fauna , flora and each microorganisms organization , which was a kind of very necessary basic material of life activities .

  19. 社会是一个复杂的有机体,社会有机体的生命运动是一个按照社会发展规律行进的自然历史过程。

    Society is a complicated organic system , and the life movement of social organic system is a natural historical process , which is in progress according to the rules of social development .

  20. 节奏以最简捷的方式与人的生理和心理发生着关系,同时也体现着一种对宇宙和生命运动的抽象。

    Rhythm has the relations with human being 's physiology ac psychology by the simplest way , and meanwhile it reflects a sort of abstract to the universe and the movement of life .

  21. 但是由于人体是一台复杂的机器,骨骼是一种特殊的材料,再加上复杂的生命运动形式使得实验研究受到很大限制。

    The human bone is a complicated machine . Further more , bone is a kind of special material . Life movement form is very complex . Therefore , the experimental method is limited .

  22. 中国古典美学里的静照是容纳了生命运动内容的美学范畴,不像西方静观理论那样绝对强调与世隔绝。

    " quiet attention " in the Chinese ancient esthetics is an esthetics category that contains active life spirit , not as absolutely as the west " quiet view " emphasizes to isolate with the world .

  23. 古希腊强调的是:选择灵魂(理性)的需要而不是躯体(感觉)的需要,按照人的理性需要去影响生命运动;

    The view of the ancient Greece emphasized as follows : choose soul ( rational ) rather than the needs of the body ( feeling ), and in accordance with the rational needs which influence life movements .

  24. 中医学不是对人体生命运动、疾病过程及治疗疾病等经验事实的描述和记录,而是把观察到的医学现象归结为普遍定律、普遍原理,对经验事实做出的理论解释;

    Traditional Chinese medicine is not much of a experience fact delineation and record on human body vital movement , disease process and disease therapeutics , but a theory explanation on experience fact though making observed medical phenomenon come down to general law and principle ;

  25. 这是爱的生命自身运动的结果。

    This results from the self-movement of the life of love .

  26. 生命在于运动,健康是人生第一财富!

    Life is exercise , the first wealth is life !

  27. 把所有这些都看做是生命的运动

    But to see all this as a movement of life

  28. 生命在于运动的理性思考

    The reasonable consider of life consist in g in sport

  29. 生命在于运动压力和怒火能促使体内肾上腺素含量上升。

    Step 1 : Exercise Pressure and anger releases adrenaline into the body .

  30. 在具体行动上。生命在于运动

    In concrete motion . Life Lies in Motion