
jìn huà lùn
  • theory of evolution;evolutionism;evolution theory;transformism
进化论 [jìn huà lùn]
  • (1) [evolution]∶认为不同种类的动植物都起源于先已存在的其他种类,其可识别的差异是由于逐代发生的演变形成的

  • (2) [evolutionism]∶(如哲学、生物学或社会学中的)关于进化的学说,是由英国学者达尔文在《物种起源》一书中提出的

  1. 基于进化论思想的Web文档聚类分析

    Web Document Clustering Analysis Based on Evolutionism Conception

  2. 遗传算法(GeneticAlgorithm,GA)是把生物进化论和遗传学原理应用于工程优化而创造出来的新的优化算法,在复杂问题的优化方面显示出了优良性能。

    Genetic algorithm ( GA ) is the application of evolutionism and genetics in engineering optimization , which is confirmed efficient especially in complex optimization problems .

  3. 赫胥黎是达尔文进化论的解释者。

    Huxlay was an exponent of darwin 's theory of evolution .

  4. 我们自然而然地把达尔文的名字与进化论联系在一起。

    We naturally associate the name of Darwin with the doctrine of evolution .

  5. 经济行为的另一个具有深厚进化论根基的例子,就是引起金融泡沫的“羊群效应”。

    Another example of economic behaviour that may have deep evolutionary roots is the " herd " mentality that contributes to financial bubbles .

  6. 这些发现与人们期待从进化论中得出的结论相一致。

    These findings are in agreement with what you would expect from the evolutionary theory .

  7. 教进化论的老师已经滔滔不绝地讲了快两个小时,他的话题又来了:“让我向进化论者提个问题——如果我们曾经像狒狒那样长着尾巴,那么现在尾巴到哪里去了?”

    The lecturer on evolution had been going on for nearly two hours , then he started again , and said he : " Let me ask the evolutionist a question -- if we had tails like a baboon , where are they ? "

  8. 遗传算法(GA即GeneticAlgorithm的简称)是一种由达尔文自然生物进化论改良而来的搜索问题的最优解方法。

    Genetic Algorithm ( GA ) is an improvement of search optimal solution method on the Darwinian natural biological evolution .

  9. 基于动物进化论思想,把二人两边非完全信息对策转化为n次重复对策。

    In this paper , based on the animal evolution theory , two people and two sides incomplete information games are changed into n times repeat games .

  10. Phoebe,我整个成年都在研究进化论。

    Ross : Pheebs , I have studied evolution my entire adult life .

  11. 遗传算法的基本思想是基于Darwin进化论和Mendel的遗传学说的。

    Genetic algorithm is based on Darwin evolution theory and Mendel genetics .

  12. 从拉马克进化论、达尔文主义、ID论,到生命信息进化论,是一个不断进化着的关于宇宙中进化现象的理论序列。

    It is a continually evolving theoretical sequence about evolution phenomenon in universe from Lamarck 's evolutionism , Darwinism , ID theory to life information evolutionism .

  13. 行为AI和演化计算则基于达尔文进化论思想,从与环境实时互动联系的角度,实现对传统AI局限的突破。

    Behavior AI and evolution calculation based on the theory of evolution , broke out the limit of tradition AI , by the way of inter connection with environment .

  14. CAS理论中所提出的新进化论观点认为企业主体与环境及其他各个主体间的相互作用是系统进化的基本动因。

    The new view of evolution of CAS theory points out that the interaction between Agent and environment and the interaction between Agents are the basic reason of system evolution .

  15. 进化论领域专家道金斯(R.Dawkins)认为进化稳定性(evolutionarystability)是自达尔文(Darwin)以来最重要的进展之一。

    Smith in his work 《 Evolution and the Theory of Games 》 . The expert R. Dawkins in the field of evolution thought " Evolutionary stability was one of the most important progresses since Darwin " .

  16. 我相信“信息进化论”,但是我们不能指望投资人也像达尔文一样,去预测某家公司的CEO会选在哪一天、选择哪个平台去发布消息。

    I believe in information evolution , but am not so Darwinian as to think that investors should be expected to divine which outlet a company CEO will choose to utilize on a given day .

  17. 瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院的RenatoParo教授认为这与达尔文的进化论并不矛盾。

    ETH professor Renato Paro does not believe that this opposes Darwin 's theory of evolution .

  18. “传递获得的特性,更符合拉马克的进化论。”Paro说。

    " Passing on the gained characteristics fits more to Lamarck 's theory of evolution ", says Paro .

  19. Hameed认为,问题在于进化论经常是高度宗教背景的情形下被教授。

    The problem , says Hameed , is that it is often taught in a highly religious context .

  20. 一个加入叛军的荷兰女人操着结结巴巴的西班牙语,给他们讲授共产主义与FARC的历史,以及达尔文的进化论,这些都是梅里达从没在家乡的村庄里学过的。

    A Dutch woman who had joined the fighters and spoke broken Spanish taught lessons on the history of communism , the FARC and Darwin 's theory of evolution , something Melida had never learned in her indigenous village .

  21. 论当代美国基督教中的反进化论思潮

    On the Anti-Evolutionary Current of Thoughts in the Contemporary American Christianity

  22. 严复进化论伦理思想评述

    Comments on Yan Fu 's Ethics Thought in the Evolution Theory

  23. 这是对进化论的清晰的阐述。

    This is a clear exposition of the theory of evolution .

  24. 这个概念将不包含任何关于种族中心与进化论的假设。

    It is a concept that contains no ethnocentric evolutionary assumptions .

  25. 我相信进化论,在全球变暖的问题上也信任科学家。

    I believe in evolution and trust scientists on global warming .

  26. 理性的谦逊与自负&哈耶克进化论理性主义与建构论理性主义比较

    Modest and Overconfidence & Hayek 's Ecological Rationality and Constructivist Rationality

  27. 你把进化论和生物化学搞混了。

    You are propagandising by attempting to mix evolutionism with biochemistry .

  28. 进化论就是大家公认的一个最简单的实例了。

    The accepted scenario was a simple case of evolutionary selection .

  29. 从进化论、社会-生态学角度谈环境、步行与健康

    Environment , Walking and Health : An Evolutionary , Social-Ecological View

  30. 这也是研究进化论的最根本途径。

    It is also the ultimate tool for learning about evolution .