
jìn huà shēnɡ tài xué
  • evolutionary ecology
  1. 生活史研究为进化生态学研究的核心内容之一。

    Life history research lies at the heart of evolutionary ecology .

  2. 此外,文中提到了进化生态学研究中存在的目的论倾向以及平衡理论中存在的问题。

    Additionally , teleological problems and equilibrium theory in evolutionary ecology are briefly discussed .

  3. 种子大小变异的进化生态学研究现状与展望

    The present situation and prospect of studies on evolutionary ecology of seed size variation

  4. 动态,功能关系和调节机制是进化生态学中三个关键字眼。

    Dynamics , functional relationships , and control mechanisms are key words in an evolutionary ecology .

  5. 进化生态学的若干重要问题

    Some important problems in evolutionary ecology

  6. 转基因与进化生态学研究

    Transgene and Evolutionary Ecology

  7. 产卵选择与后代发育适合度之间的相关性是进化生态学的主要科学问题之一。

    The relationship between oviposition preference and progeny performance is one of the central themes in evolutionary ecology .

  8. 当前,进化生态学是国际理论生态学与进化生物学相结合的重要前沿与热点之一。

    Evolutionary ecology is one of the important frontiers and hotspots in recent international research of theoretical ecology and evolutionary biology .

  9. 作者还强调了进化生态学在生命科学和生态学中的地位以及它与生态遗传学的关系。

    And also , its position in life sciences and ecology and its relation to ecological genetiCs are also emphasised in this paper .

  10. 研究组以进化生态学为主要研究方向,从生态学的各个方面去阐明生物间协同进化的现象与机理。

    As a research team engaged mainly in evolutionary ecology , Coevolution Research Group ( CRG ) aims at the mechanism elucidation of coevolutionary phenomena amid organisms .

  11. 在热带森林生态学方面,姜科和榕属植物传粉的进化生态学研究取得了积极的进展。

    In tropical forest ecology , highly successful projects are now in progress on the evolutionary ecology of pollination and dispersal of gingers and figs a well as ecosystem function .

  12. 过寄生不仅给进化生态学提出关于其适应意义的理论问题,而且也是利用天敌昆虫开展生物防治实践面临的重要问题。

    Superparasitism was not only a focus of theoretical study in evolutionary ecology to understand its adaptation , but also an issue in the practice of biological control using parasitoids to control pests in agriculture .

  13. 目前,开花物候仍然是植物繁殖生态学研究的热点,植物的表型选择机制也成为进化生态学研究的一个热点,通过对它们的研究可以为植物的繁殖成功提供重要的理论依据。

    Currently , flowering phenology is still a hot point in plant reproductive ecology . The plant phenotypic selection mechanism also has become a hot spot in evolutionary ecology . It can provide important theoretical basis for plant reproductive success through their study .

  14. 而基于非线性关系的许多模型和算法也显示出在生物进化和生态学研究方面的巨大潜力。

    The models and algorithms based on the non-linear dynamics have been shown the potential in understanding of biological evolution and ecology .

  15. ISSR标记呈孟德尔式遗传,在多数物种中是显性的,目前已广泛用于植物品种鉴定、遗传作图、基因定位、遗传多样性、进化及分子生态学研究中。

    ISSR markers are inherited in Men-delin mode and segregated as dominant markers . This technique has been widely used in the studies of cultivar identification , genetic mapping , gene tagging , genetic diversity , evolution and molecular ecology .

  16. 试论达尔文进化论在生态学发展中的地位

    On Development of Ecology and Darwin Evolutionism

  17. 通过系统发育数据的广泛应用,这个新兴的快速发展的领域促进了进化历史与生态学的融合。

    This new and fast-growing field is promoting the incorporation of evolution and historical contingencies into the ecological research agenda through the widespread use of phylogenetic data .

  18. 协同进化理论是生态学与复杂性科学的交融,应用这一理论来研究品牌生态系统协同进化的现象、特征、本质及规律,将会给品牌管理者带来更多有益启示。

    The synergetic evolution theory , mingled by ecology and complex system science , is applied to study the phenomena , characteristics , nature and rules of the synergetic evolution of brand ecological system , which will bring more illumination on the manager of the brands .

  19. 达尔文进化学说占据着生态学成长过程中的关键位置,为生态学发展提供了重要舞台。

    Darwin ′ s evolution theory stands a key position in the development of ecology in that it serves an important base for the development of ecology .

  20. 然而自1869年珙桐被发现以来,未见关于珙桐苞片在该物种进化生物学、生殖生态学及其生活史中的作用和地位的报道。

    Nonetheless nothing has been done on its role and function in the evolutionary and reproductive biology and in the life cycle of this species , saying nothing of its developmental mechanism , since the species was found from West China in 1869 .

  21. 企业进化理论是在生物进化学说、组织生态学和演化经济学等理论的基础上所逐渐形成的一种新型企业理论。

    Evolutionary theory of enterprises is a new kind of theory based on biological evolutionary theory , organizational ecology and evolutionary theory of economics , etc.

  22. MHC的变异反映种群内、种群间与进化相关的适应性过程,非常适合于研究进化生态学和保护学方面的一些问题。

    MHC variability reflects evolutionary relevant and adaptive processes within and between populations and is very suitable to investigate a wide range of open questions in evolutionary ecology and conservation .