
  • 网络Invoicing management system;JXC
  1. 基于ASP的企业进销存管理系统的技术开发

    The Technology Development Purchase Shipments and Stock Management System Based on ASP

  2. 敏捷(Agile)软件开发方法在电子商务进销存管理系统中的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of Agile Software Method in the Shop or Retail Management System

  3. Delphi开发通用商业进销存管理系统

    Using Delphi to Develop General Manage System of Merchandise Stock and Distribution

  4. 企业ERP进销存管理系统

    Enterprise ERP Management Systems

  5. 最后,结合J2EE平台开发了一套适合同类企业的进销存管理系统。

    Finally , combined with J2EE platform , an Invoicing management system suitable for similar companies is developed .

  6. 基于INTERNET的进销存管理系统,采用Multi-Tier结构与虚拟专用网相结合模式,通过互联网实现分布式进销存信息管理。

    A distributed stocking-selling-storing information management is realized based on internet-based selling-storing management system and using the mode of combination of Multi-Tier structure and virtually special net .

  7. 首先,比较了几种信息系统架构模式及开发技术的优缺点,分析出进销存管理系统采用的B/S三层架构及SqlServer数据库管理系统不仅成本低,而且便于维护。

    First , advantages and disadvantages of some structures of management information system and developing technologies for them are analyzed and Browser / Server structure and SQL Server is adopted , which is lower-cost and convenient to maintain .

  8. 阐述了林业企业采用进销存管理系统的意义,提出基于J2EE的技术开发面向林业企业的进销存管理系统的业务架构设计、技术架构设计以及技术实现部署。

    This text discuss the meaning of forestry 's enterprises adopted Stocking Selling and Storing system , proposes the business structure designing , the technology structure designing and technology disposing of this system . And this system is based on J2EE .

  9. 本文讨论利用Delphi来开发通用商业进销存管理系统,对进销存管理系统进行了系统分析,给出数据结构、数据流图及关键技术。

    In this paper , discuss to make use of the Delphi to develop the in general use merchandise stock and distribution manage system , and proceeds the system analyze , to the data construction , data flow chart and key technique .

  10. 某化工厂进销存管理系统设计与开发

    Design and Development of Buying-Stock-Selling Menagement System for One Chemical Corporate

  11. 进销存管理系统、进货、销售、库存。

    Invoicing management systems , purchasing , sales , inventory .

  12. 华兴公司进销存管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of PSI Management System of Hua Xing

  13. 三层分布式服务器进销存管理系统的设计

    Design of Three Layer Distributed Server Purchase , Sales and Inventory Management System

  14. 本文是关于医药进销存管理系统开发的毕业论文。

    This article is a graduation thesis about the development of medicine invoicing management system .

  15. 商品进销存管理系统的研制

    Study on stocking selling and storing system

  16. 基于多层模式结构的进销存管理系统

    Purchase-sell-stock Management System based on Multi-layer Structure

  17. 进销存管理系统作为先进的企业管理软件,将有助于上述问题的解决。

    As one advanced enterprise management software , the Purchase-Sales-Inventory system can solve all these problems well .

  18. 超市进销存管理系统是集进货、销售、库存多个环节于一体的信息管理系统。

    Supermarket inventory management system is a purchase , sales , inventory number of links in one information management system .

  19. 进销存管理系统采用先进的计算机技术而开发的,集进货、销售、存储多个环节于一体的信息系统。

    Inventory management system uses advanced computer technology developed , set the purchase , sale , storage , multiple links in one information system .

  20. 该系统将突破传统进销存管理系统的瓶颈,提供方便灵活的管理机制,有效整合企业分散的进销存信息。

    The system will break the bottleneck of traditional inventory management systems , providing convenient and flexible management mechanism , effectively integrate distributed Invoicing information .

  21. 与此同时,传统的医院药品进销存管理系统已不能满足目前药品进、销、存流程高效管理的需求。

    At the same time , traditional inventory management system cannot meet the current needs of efficiency management of medicine purchase , sales and storage .

  22. 然后,由系统的功能及使用特点,选择了开发平台及数据库软件,对手机进销存管理系统进行了编码实现。

    Then , by the system functions and feature , select the development platform and database software for mobile phones Invoicing management system encoded to achieve .

  23. 该系统为全面开发基于客户机/服务器(C/S)模式的进销存管理系统提供了一种可行途径和技术参考。

    The system provides a feasible approach and technical reference for the comprehensive development of the Purchase , sales and inventory management system in C / S mode .

  24. 同时本文按照软件工程的软件开发思想,对宏达小家电的进销存管理系统完成了从分析、设计到实现的全过程。

    The paper also elaborated the whole process of analyses , design , and practice of Macro electric appliance according to the software development ideas of software engineering .

  25. 进销存管理系统是一个典型的管理信息系统,它可以为企业形成一个准确反映企业状况的规范的管理体系。

    Receiving a pin storing management system is that a representative Management Information System , it can be that enterprise formation one is accurate reflect standard enterprise situation administrative system .

  26. 随着医疗技术的不断发展,医院规模的不断扩大,药品进货量销售量的急剧增加,药品进销存管理系统在药品的进货、销售和库存管理中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    With the development of medicine technology and the extension of the hospital , pharmaceutical purchase and sales increase dramatically , the medicine inventory management system plays an increasingly important role .

  27. 进销存管理系统是企业管理中非常重要的一个软件,它集多种管理为一体,对企业的进、销、存实行一条龙管理。

    Enters sells saves the management system is a very important in enterprise management software , it sets a variety of management as a whole , sales and stock of enterprise management .

  28. 本文从节约与实用的角度考虑,对陶瓷企业进销存管理系统进行设计,为中小陶瓷企业走上信息化发展道路提供相关帮助与指导。

    This paper considers from the economical and practical points , design the purchase-sell-stock management system for the ceramic enterprises , help and instruct the ceramic enterprises step onto the information development path .

  29. 进销存管理系统融合了先进的管理理念、规范的业务流程和高级数据库技术对企业的核心业务中所涉及到的物料流、信息流和资金流进行管理和控制。

    Embedded with advanced management concept , standard business flow and database technology , the purchase-sale-stock management system holds a full management and control over the material , information and finance flow through the core business .

  30. 本文将结合使用数据库事务日志和消息队列技术,维护分布式进销存管理系统的数据一致性。首先,使用合并复制技术对数据进行分片和分配。

    This thesis will use the database transaction logs and message queue technology , to maintain data consistency in Distributed Procurement , Sales and Inventory management system . First , use merge replication to partition and allocate data .