
  • 网络Inter-organizational Information Systems;ios;IOIS
  1. 跨组织信息系统(IOS)对于供应链至关重要。

    Inter-organizational Information System ( IOS ) is crucial to supply chain .

  2. 跨组织信息系统对合作组织之间关系的影响

    The Influence of Interorganizational System on the Relationship among Cooperating Organizations

  3. 供应商和零售商合作可以有效降低双方的各种成本,而供应商和零售商之间及时有效的信息共享是双方合作的基础,为了实现供应商和零售商之间及时准确的信息共享,出现了跨组织信息系统。

    Integration suppliers and retailers can reduce the various costs . Sharing information in a timely and effective manner is the cooperation foundation . In order to achieve timely and accurate information between supplier and retailers , there has been inter-organizational information system .

  4. 跨组织物流信息生态系统&对上海城市现代物流信息平台建设规划的思考

    Inter-organizational Logistics Information Eco-system & Thoughts on Shanghai Modern Logistics Information Platform Strategic Planning